Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 418: Suppress

At the next moment, the black and green figure has moved, his body is like a azure black light, his figure flashes, and he has already met the first ice armored bull.

Without staying for half a minute, the black light suddenly flickered illusoryly. The Oscar with the best eyesight only saw Uranium's toe point on the head of the thousand-year ice armor bull. The whole person had already jumped up and jumped over. , The next moment, the body of the ice armored bull solidified abruptly, and the huge body even continued to rush forward under the action of inertia, but its entire bull head had already exploded, turning into a dazzling **** thick fog. .

This is just the beginning. The black and green figure is like the coming of a demon, and the body flashes, and every flash brings a melody of death.

The gazes of Black Mountain, Rockland, and Dakonis couldn't even keep up with his figure. No ice armored bull could stop him for a moment, but in this frozen forest, there were already lights up. Bloody light.

No one could see exactly how Uranium did it, neither did Oscars. They still didn't even see the appearance of the spirit ring on Uranium. It only took a few breaths, and the dozens of ice armored bulls had been counted Shituan also carried corpses that rushed forward.

"Why are you standing still? Don't run fast." They didn't react from the shock until the cold voice rang above everyone's heads.

The demon-like figure did not know when it had arrived above their heads, and the skirt flew like a protective umbrella. Layers of variegated halo continued to bloom from him, and an amazing deterrence was brewing from under his feet. , The spirit power fluctuations that radiated from that circle completely blocked the dust, snow and broken leaves falling above their heads.

"Run!" Oscar yelled, and ran to the other side of the forest first. With such a strong backing, they stayed here to drag others down. If they didn't run, they would be fools, dozens of thousand-year-old soul beasts. Dozens of thousand-year soul beasts!

In front of Uranium, they were kicked and exploded like paper.

Heishan's speed is no slower than Oscar's auxiliary soul master. He has already caught up with a stride, and he is still yelling, "If I survive today, I will never enter this ghost place again!"

At this time, the group of adventurers not only had no fear, but was full of excitement. They saw with their own eyes what a real powerhouse is. A soul master who can kill dozens of thousand-year-old soul beasts in seconds, isn’t it a powerhouse?

What a solid backing this is!

Facts have proved that they were too early to be happy. The defeat of the Ice Armored Bull does not mean the end, but the beginning. The rumbling noise behind it is getting stronger and stronger, flying in the sky, and the uranium kicking in the accumulating force cannot help. Frowning, the body in the air stopped, and they continued to the forest without covering Oscar.

Soul beast riots have a process. At first it was a sudden threat. Then the soul beasts felt fear and began to flee. A large number of soul beasts rushed into the forest and fought with the soul beasts in the forest. Fighting, but at the very beginning, it was just some fluctuations.

It will take a certain amount of time to truly collapse. Therefore, at least for now, the soul beast riots are not enough to threaten everyone's lives.

This also made Uran even more curious. What happened in the core of the Far North would cause such a terrifying soul beast to flee. Is it possible that the top soul beasts of the three kings of the North are fighting each other?

This frozen forest is not an ordinary forest. There are a large number of soul beasts inhabited here. The soul beast riots from the tundra wasteland will also pose a fatal threat to the soul beasts in the forest. If they want to survive, they must run.

Sometimes, soul beasts are also victims, they are forced to advance, otherwise they will be trampled to death.

And this escape behavior is not only the thousand-year soul beast Ice Armored Bull can do, but also the two thousand, three thousand or even five thousand years of soul beasts.

Because chasing them may also include the existence of ten thousand year soul beasts,

The reason why Uranus stopped was because he saw the overwhelming soul beasts. Wherever he looked, at least hundreds of soul beasts from a century to a thousand years were fleeing frantically. Wherever he passed, grass and trees flew wildly.

Some spirit beasts that ran slowly and with a relatively low age were trampled to death. Among this group of spirit beasts, Uranium even saw two thousand-year-old existences.

If you give him enough time, Uran will be sure to kill all these soul beasts. With his current strength, let alone ten thousand years, even the big guy of seventy to eighty thousand years is completely unable to pose a threat to him, lower-level souls. Needless to say the beast.

However, he is not alone now. Under him, there are Oscar and his companions, not to mention the Ten Thousand Years Beast, any five-thousand-year spirit beast can kill everyone, and it is still They formed a battlefield and protected each other.

Uranium didn't have enough time. What he had to do now was to stop these spirit beasts from rushing from this direction and cover their retreat.

"You go first, I'll break it later." Uran's voice was very calm, and he could not even hear the mood swings in his voice.

This time, Oscar and the others did not stop, and through Uranium's previous strength, they fully understood that they would only be a hindrance to Uranium if they stayed. Only leaving the dangerous place as soon as possible was the greatest help to him.

Therefore, everyone agreed and ran to the forest with all their strength. At this time, they could already see the edge of the soul beast group, and they could completely avoid them by giving them half a quarter of an hour!

Strong spirit power fluctuations erupted from Uran in an instant. Uran's goal was not behind him, but to the right side of the team.

At the same time, the fierce lightsaber unfolding sounded from Uran's arms, and a gray lightsaber that was completely condensed from the ultimate soul power rose into the air, and instantly extended, blocking the path of all soul beasts. , The tyrannical suppression of mental power exploded out with the pupil power released by uranium.

If it is under normal circumstances, facing the double suppression of uranium, even the soul beast of fifty thousand years will hesitate for a especially the suppression of mental power. Uranium’s current level of spiritual power is sufficient. Comparable with one hundred thousand year soul beast.

However, when a dog is anxious, he will jump over the wall. When life encounters a great threat, not only humans can explode, but also soul beasts, facing the endless ocean of devastating soul beasts behind them. These souls who are leading the way to escape The beasts were almost crazy. Although the speed and power were greatly reduced under the double suppression of uranium, they still rushed forward without a pause.

It is not that they are not afraid, but once they stop, they will be crushed into **** by the crazy beasts behind them.

However, the difference in strength is too great. When these leading spirit beasts touched the uranium lightsaber for the first time, the extreme spirit power fluctuations invaded the bodies of these spirit beasts. Almost instantly, the lightsaber Decapitate and cut all soul beasts you touched, and cut it in two!

Just like cutting butter with a hot knife, when the first soul beast dies, the second soul beast rushes up. Just as the soul beast encountered just now, it was cut open in an instant, the body flew horizontally, and blood splashed. As if he was seeking death, he slammed into the blade of the lightsaber.

ps: There is one more update, the fourth one we said today

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