Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 91: Tang 3 and Uranium

It seemed that he felt the worry in Xiao Wu's heart, fearing that he would reveal that he would often go to the Star Dou Great Forest. Uranus didn't say much about the previous things, and lightly exposed it, and then turned his gaze on Tang San. .

This man worthy of Xiao Wu's life, Tang San.

For Tang San, Uranium actually has a special feeling. On the one hand, although Tang San will be good in the future, he will be handsome and powerful, but he is still not strong enough now. On the other hand, he also had some envy of Tang San. He had a solid background and inherited the two gods. He would be the Supreme God directly after entering the God Realm.

After the three of them glanced at each other, Xiao Wu's mentality gradually calmed down. Although it was indeed scary just now, in her memory, a devastating existence was so close to her, you know that Ming Erming didn't even want to even glance at that terrifying place. , Let alone she was so close.

Just now, she thought a lot in an instant, and the idea of ​​letting Xiaosan run first came out one by one, after all, she was too close.

But after Uran said that sentence, Xiao Wu finally awoke from her flustered thinking. She suddenly remembered that she should be sensitive to this invisible coercion, but not at this moment.

This made her breathe a sigh of relief.

On the other side, after the two of them looked back at Xiao Wu for a short time, after Tang San and You three, Zhu Zhuqing did not glare at Dai Mubai, and questioned his thoughts. For the first time, his face collapsed, the iceberg that was originally standing proudly. His temperament gradually dissipated, as if he had lost his energy, his eyebrows were bent down, and his eyes were as dark as dust.

If you want to grow up with such a fiance who usually proclaims adultery during the day and has countless activities at night, the girl just feels that it is better to die. She is obviously a few years old, but she is not very high in spirit power. Even a great spirit master of more than 20 levels couldn't hold back his skills. It was obvious that he hadn't practiced much since he came to the Heaven Dou Empire.

For the fiance who had such a lower body thinking, lacking energy and perseverance, and just wanting to die, the girl had no hope of defeating her sister at this moment.

In fact, if the girl didn’t catch the **** on the spot, maybe she’s not so bad for Dai Mubai’s senses, but by coincidence, she just saw Dai Mubai holding two beauties into the hotel together, and she just didn’t agree with others. In a big fight, he was a 30-plus-level power attack type war soul master, a top beast spirit, and the prince of the Star Luo Empire. He couldn't beat a more than 20-level weapon spirit blue silver grass, a control type war soul master.

This is the real cause of Zhu Zhuqing's disappointment.

He is not strong enough.

This is also Zhu Zhuqing’s ignorance of Tang San’s ability. After all, Tang San can be said to be the protagonist. He rarely crosses stages and cannot beat opponents at the same stage. He is invincible at the same level. It’s not to blame Dai Mubai. It can be said to be remarkable and the performance is quite good.

"I want to go, Uranium."

The girl said gently to the Uranium who was standing in the same place. Her figure was not muddy, she immediately left the hotel and walked slowly towards the outside world.

Dai Mubai became anxious, her complexion changed drastically, and she immediately set off to chase Zhu Zhuqing's figure. Although he didn't know the relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and the man named Uranium, Zhu Zhuqing appeared here all the way, and look again. I'm afraid that this scene has already disappointed him. If he doesn't do something, he really can't look back.

At this moment, he has completely lost the usual arrogant posture of the evil eyes white tiger, as if doing something wrong, quickly walked out, leaving two poor female companions who don’t know what happened, and left them in the hotel, without the slightest arrogance. And grace.


Uran smiled apologetically at Tang San, and then chased him out. On the way, he recovered his frosty expression, and the unnatural smile he had just talked to Xiao Wu instantly dissipated.

He can't laugh, and he doesn't know how to laugh to make people feel comfortable.

And Tang San and Xiao Wu, the two looked at each other, and they both saw each other's thoughts. Without hesitation, Xiao Wu sighed, and began to make up some false and true things in his heart. After all, apart from the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, others All can be said to be true.

"Brother, Uran and I have known each other for a long time. We met in the first year of school. Do you remember the first time the school year was over, do I have to go home and have a look? I just went to him."

Xiao Wu looked complacent, and uttered the original reason for leaving.

It wasn't that she wanted to lie to Tang San, but that Tang San still couldn't know that in the past six years, only Tang San could comb her hair. Maybe he would know in the future, but it really doesn't work now.

"He was very pitiful. At that time, many people were beating him. Because he had a weird ability that would make everyone sick and the surrounding plants withered, so he was driven into a small forest nearby. He didn’t eat or drink every day. Survive by yourself."

Xiao Wu felt that these were all true, so she didn't have to hide it. Looking at Tang San's eyes, she continued.

"Then one day, I met him. Although I was also afraid of his strange ability, I saw that he was very pitiful, so I gave him some clothes. Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't want to hide it from you. "At the end of the talk, Xiao Wu blinked playfully, looked sideways at Tang San, raised her lips slightly, leaned her head on Tang San's shoulder, and whispered in his ear.

"Brother, you won't be angry with me?"

A gust of heat mixed with a faint fragrance rushed on Tang San's face, which made Tang San a little embarrassed for a while. He did ask Xiao Wu just now why he was afraid of it. If it was really an enemy, and he treated Xiao Wu If he shot, he wouldn't hesitate to protect Xiao Wu even if the opponent was extremely strong.

Fighting with death just to protect her from getting hurt, isn't this exactly what Tang San once said?

When he says it does, this is his dignity and pride.

"How am I?" Tang San chuckled, and no longer took these things to heart. Instead, he turned his head and looked around, looking at the surroundings.

"Oh yes, this fight."

Suddenly, Tang San remembered one thing, that Shao Dai ran away, and the hotel was painted this way before, and some of the hall decorations were damaged. These things were very valuable at first glance.

I'm afraid he needs to pay for it.

At this moment, the original Manager Wang poked his head out from behind the counter, watching Tang San walk over, and hurriedly revealed a smiling face, "Young man, you are really good, you can actually fight against Dai Shao. Fortunately, you did not suffer any damage, otherwise we would not be able to explain."

Tang San looked at the messy hall and smiled bitterly: "Manager, how much does it cost to repair this place?"

Manager Wang hesitated for a while, and Shao Dai did not specifically explain what to say. Although Shao Dai is a VIP client here, the young man in front of him is obviously younger than Shao Dai, but he can beat half a catty. Obviously, he is also a family background. Yes, it must not be weak in the future, not to be negligent, and even to be good.

Thinking of this, Manager Wang gritted his teeth and shook his head quickly, saying: "No, no, it has nothing to do with you. Everything is because of my poor hospitality. I will be responsible for everything. I was so embarrassed before. It was a delay for the two of us, and almost hurt them. I decided to reduce the rent for two of them for three days. If the two of us stayed with us for less than three days, there would be no need to pay.

While talking, he took out a golden handful from under the counter and handed it to Tang San's hand with a smile on his face.

Tang San froze. The hotel’s loss was clearly caused by him and Dai Shao is obviously rich and might share it, but Manager Wang should bear it. Do you have to apologize if you break the hotel?

"What a shame, let's pay compensation at the price."

Manager Wang hurriedly shook his head and said: "Well, it has caused a lot of trouble to both of you. In the future, as long as you visit our store more and more freely, it will help us the most. The second person’s room is on the top floor and the number is red. ocean."

Tang San helplessly, as long as he nodded and said, "Thank you then."

After speaking, Tang San looked at Xiao Wu and raised the key in his hand, meaning it was self-evident.

And Xiao Wu shook her head and said, "Brother, why don't we go outside and get together first, we finally meet again, I have something to ask him."

"Also, it's still daytime."

Tang San nodded, and then accompanied by Manager Wang, he walked out of the hotel and led Xiao Wu towards the three people who were talking not far away.

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