Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 97: Wuhun factor

   "First of all, I want to ask you a question. The origin of life is similar to the origin of genes. In your eyes, what is the origin of life?"

   Before talking about the origin of genes, Uranium first raised such a question.

"The origin of life? It refers to a soul master, or the original power contained in the body of a soul beast. The stronger the soul beast, the stronger the original power contained in it. The same is true for the soul master. But once this original strength is lost, it will take a lot of effort to make up for it."

Tang San quickly spoke out, under the tutelage of a master, these theoretical things naturally came in handy, while Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing listened quietly and stopped interjecting. After all, Uranium was talking about the most important thing. Can't be disturbed.

   Uran nodded, Tang San learned very solidly. Although he had traveled here, the master's teachings over the years completely allowed Tang San to make up for the lack of knowledge. The only thing left was actual combat.

   But the master only understands a little, and he doesn't have precise eyes to detect the inside. Although he knows that the martial spirit will awaken the same or mutated martial spirit in the next generation with the inheritance of his parents, the master does not understand.

  Why is Wuhun inherited?

  Why does Wuhun mutate?

  Where did Wuhun inherit it?

Is    the origin of life? No, life origin only represents the state of a person and whether it is strong or not. Even if life origin is injured, it is only a decline in strength, such as a 100,000-year soul beast that has been severely injured, even if it is dead. , Is also a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring, which cannot be changed into ten thousand years.

   There are still a lot of things that the master can’t understand. This is normal. After all, he only studied Wuhun without progress. How could it be comparable to the old otaku Uchiha who had nothing to do for thousands of years and could only do research?

   So, this is the branch of life analysis, the theory of gene origin.

   "You are right, but what if someone tells you that the age of the spirit ring can be reduced, for example, the thousand years can be reduced by a hundred years, until it can be accepted?"

   Uranium looked at Tang San who was talking eloquently, and suddenly said something like this from his mouth.

   "Impossible!" As if conditioned, Tang San immediately retorted, this is completely contrary to Wuhun theory.

   But the next moment, Tang San was stunned, and then suddenly raised his head to stare at Uran's face, as if he wanted to see the flowers on his face.

"Yes, the martial arts theory does calculate the maximum age of each spirit ring. Just look for a soul beast with a lower age. Naturally, it's fine. But I have a question, Tang San, if you meet someone who has just met Do you dare to absorb a soul beast that has exceeded the limit of years and is very suitable? Do you dare to absorb it at the risk of death?"

  Uran also responded to Tang San, and said lightly.

Then, Uran continued: "Tang San, I think you also know, what kind of luck is it to meet a soul beast that matches well, but the age is just right? It can be said that any soul master will spend his entire life. It’s rare to encounter such a situation. Although a few of Wuhun’s ten core competencies are indeed established, they are actually quite difficult to apply, you know."

   Tang San was silent for a moment, then nodded, motioning Uranium to continue.

"And now there is a choice before you. If there is a way that can reduce the age of the spirit ring and retain the original power to the greatest extent, would you be impressed? For example, the one hundred thousand year spirit beast is reduced to a thousand years, although it is purple. 'S spirit ring, but in fact its additional attributes and spirit abilities have reached the level of a fifty thousand-year spirit beast, can you understand it?"

When Xiao Wu heard these words from Uranium, her body suddenly shook slightly, but apart from the sharp Zhu Zhuqing, no one else noticed, including Tang San, who was next to Xiao Wu but was deeply shocked by Uran's words. .

   "Reduce the age limit of the soul beast... reduce the age limit of the soul beast... this is simply..."

Tang San murmured from the corner of his mouth, as a disciple of a master, he knew too well that once this method appeared in the Douluo Continent, it would definitely lead to annihilation. After all, there would certainly not be few forces that wanted to monopolize this method. The ten core competencies of the master's martial arts are much stronger. You don't need to find a suitable soul beast at all, you can directly find the most powerful soul beast, you can cultivate the strongest soul master.

But then, Tang San came back to his senses, a wry smile hung from the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help but sighed: Tang San, Tang San, if this method is really popular, how could it be said so easily? What kind of hidden danger, you were dazzled by the news, why didn't you even consider this?

After    a breath, Tang San calmed his mind, looking at the ice-like uranium in front of him with clear eyes, and initiated his own questioning.

   "Uranium, then you did that, right?"

   is so straightforward, without any muddle.

   Uranium responded more directly.

   "Yes, this is the particularity of my spirit, the eye of destruction."

Then, Uranium began to talk about the relationship between the origin of genes and the reduction of the life of soul The origin of genes is different from the origin of life, and the origin of life can be repaired over a long period of time, or something like the treasure of heaven and earth. Make up, but the gene origin is different, it itself is engraved with everything about a person, including the martial arts factor. "

   "Martial Soul Factor?"

   Tang San said with some doubts.

   "The martial arts factor is plain, it is the martial arts fragments in the genetic gene. It will be inscribed in the child's body along with the bloodline, thus affecting the martial arts individual awakened by the child's martial arts spirit."

  Uran pointed to his eyes and continued.

   "And if the martial arts factor in the genetic gene enters the child's body, and then repels due to individual reasons, or if we analyze it in more depth, a mutant martial arts will be produced. The in-depth analysis is very simple and can be summarized in one sentence."

   "Tracing the origin of blood."

"For example, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon's martial soul must be a powerful dragon at its origin, but no one knows how strong it is and what it looks like. The same, it can be said to be unique, which is to develop in a good direction and analyze the direction of genetic Martial Spirit mutation."

   After saying so much in one breath, Uranium couldn't help but feel a bit dry. He dared to say that he hadn't said so much in half a year.


   Tang San saw that Uranus said that he was a little thirsty, and immediately took out a water bag from the moonlit night of the twenty-four bridges and handed it over.

   Seeing Tang San's convenience, Uran couldn't help but feel a little hot.

   He once had such a thing, but it was a pity.

   It exploded.

   "Thank you."

   took the water bag, Uran took a sip, and continued.


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