
With a scream, the invisible man was kicked out of the competition arena and his body hit the bat man in the pool.

The bat man fell into the water again.

The fortune-teller was shocked and looked towards the pool.

"Hollow Man!"


As soon as the voice fell, the invisible man who fell into the pool spit out the water.

"Fortune-telling grandma, I'm here!"

"Damn it!"

After hearing this, the fortune-teller looked at Roger with some anger in her heart.

She didn't expect Roger to be so powerful.

If things continued like this, she would have to do fortune-telling for him for free.

"Fortune-telling grandma, I have defeated them, do you have any other subordinates?"

"Of course, come with me to another place!"

"Another place?"

Roger jumped off the stage.

"You’ll know when you get there!"


After a long time, Roger followed the fortune-teller to the palace and came out of the mouth of a demon stone statue.

There was a log bridge in front of the statue, and under the bridge was molten lava.

On the other side of the bridge, there was also a demon stone statue. A tall mummy man came out of the mouth of the demon stone statue.

This man was the fortune-teller's third subordinate, the mummy.

"Defeat him and get to the other side, and you win!"

The fortune-teller said to Roger.

After hearing this, the mummy clasped his hands together and looked at Roger with a smile on his face.

"Little guy, you dare to challenge me, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you accidentally fall into the lava, I can't save you, if you admit defeat now, it's not too late!"

Roger smiled and said

"Thanks for the reminder, but I won't lose!"


After hearing this, the mummy immediately walked up to the bridge.

After seeing this, Roger also followed him up.

"So, you two, let's start now?"

The fortune-teller said to the two.


Roger nodded.

After hearing this, the mummy immediately became serious.

Although he didn't know Roger's strength, he knew that they must be very strong to defeat the invisible man.

At this moment, Roger stepped on the ground with both feet, and kicked the mummy with his right foot.


Before the mummy could react, Roger kicked the mummy in the face with his right foot, and kicked him to the demon statue behind him.

With a loud bang, the mummy smashed the demon statue behind him to the ground.

Roger appeared in front of the mummy at some point.

After seeing this scene, the fortune-teller was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

Roger's strength was completely overwhelming.

"Fortune-telling woman, did I win this round?"

Roger turned around and asked the fortune-telling woman.

"You win!"

After hearing this, the fortune-teller said with a smile.

If she had looked down on Roger before, she was completely impressed by his strength.

"Do you have any other subordinates?"

"No need to compete, I'll tell your fortune for free!" said the fortune-teller.

She was a person who had seen the world after all. If she still couldn't see the difference in strength between Roger and her men, then she would have lived in vain.

Roger smiled and nodded.

"It's too hot here, shall we talk somewhere else?"


After a while, Roger followed the fortune-teller into her palace.

"What do you want me to predict?"

The fortune-teller asked

"I want you to help me find a bead!

"There are a lot of beads, you have to be more specific!"

"Do you know Dragon Balls? They are orange-yellow beads with stars on them. If you collect seven of them, your wish will come true!"

"You mean Dragon Ball?"

"you know!"

"Of course I know, but I can only predict one!"

"Then let’s divine one!"


The fortune-teller said, and chanted a spell in front of the crystal ball in front of her.

A bright light instantly lit up from the crystal ball.

Then, a picture appeared on the crystal ball. The picture showed a cave with a five-star dragon ball in it.

"Is this the dragon ball you are looking for?"

The fortune-teller asked.

Roger nodded.

"Do you know where this cave is?"

"Let me see!"

"This cave is located in the north!"


"What is the exact location?"

"In the North xxxxx"

"Oh, do you have a map?"

Roger had just arrived on Earth and was not familiar with it.

"Yes, but I have to get it, you have to wait for me for a while!"


Seeing this, the fortune-teller immediately went to get the map.

After a while, the fortune-teller brought a world map over.

"Here is a map for you. When you get to that place, ask someone and you should be able to find the cave!"


"Well, if you have nothing to do, leave my palace!"


After Roger finished speaking, he immediately left the fortune-teller's palace.

Seeing Roger leave, the fortune-teller immediately began to predict Roger's future.

"How come I can't see anything? Could it be that... I can't see his future?"


On the other side.

After Roger left the palace, he immediately landed in the desert outside the palace and comprehended the divination technique of the fortune-teller.

Although he had just seen the fortune-teller use divination, divination was not that simple, so he only saw some superficial knowledge.

After comprehending for a while, Roger knew that he would not be able to learn the divination technique for a while, so he temporarily stopped comprehending and flew towards the north of the earth. After an unknown amount of time, Roger flew to the vicinity of the five-star dragon ball predicted by the fortune-teller according to the map.

There happened to be a small village nearby, and Roger found a villager to inquire about the nearby mountains.

The mountain of the cave that Roger saw on the crystal ball was very high.

After asking, Roger immediately flew towards the surrounding peaks.

After spending half a day, Roger finally found the cave on the crystal ball and found the five-star dragon ball in the cave.


The fortune-teller's palace.

The fortune-teller was drinking afternoon tea outside the palace with a leisurely look on her face when a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

This person was Roger


The fortune-teller was frightened when she saw Roger suddenly appear, and she spit out the tea she had just drunk.

"Roger, why are you back?"

The fortune-teller asked Roger.

"Fortune-telling grandma, can you take me to the underworld?"

"What are you doing in the underworld?" asked the fortune-teller.

"I want to go to the underworld to practice!"


Fortune-telling grandmother speechless

"Why would a mortal like you go to the underworld to practice?"

"I'm not a fortune-teller, I want to practice with Lord Kai!"

"King Kai, do you know King Kai?"

"I don’t know him, but I know him!"

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