After hearing this, the High Priest immediately glanced at the King of Kings who was watching happily.

"Protest is invalid!"


"This competition is mainly held for Lord Omni, so as long as Lord Omni is happy with it, it can be allowed!"


After hearing this, Sidara immediately sat back on his seat.

Although he was very unwilling, he did not dare to provoke the King of All.

After Anilazar appeared, he quickly attacked the surrounding players.


With a heavy kick, a catwoman with purple skin was kicked away by Anilazar.

Her name is Hope, a warrior of the ninth universe.


A woman with white hair and a face like a rabbit shouted at Haopu.

Her name was Solelu, and she was from the same universe as Haopu.

After hearing this, Anilazar snorted coldly and punched the ground with his fists as fast as lightning.

A series of red lights appeared, and Anilazar's fists were sent to Solelu.

Before Solelu could react, she was knocked off the stage by the fist that suddenly appeared.

"The ninth universe Solei is out!"


After hearing this, the King immediately pressed the Solelu icon on the Divine IPAI.


Broly's side.

After Broly knocked the three people away, he immediately came to Cabbe, grabbed his right foot with his right hand, and lifted him up from the ground.

Cabbe was startled, and before he could react, Broly threw him away.

"Gabe from the sixth universe is out!"


After hearing this, the King immediately pressed the Gabe icon on the Shenipai


Xiangpa was shocked.

He didn't expect that Gabe would be eliminated like this.


After seeing this, Caulifla immediately climbed out of the mountain and looked at Broly with great anger.

Caulifla clenched her hands tightly, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from her body, rapidly rising upwards.


With a huge roar, Caulifla's arrogance surged, and a large amount of golden lightning emanated from her body.

This is the full power of Super Saiyan 2.


With a loud shout, Caulifla rushed towards Broly as fast as lightning.

Broly clenched his fists and rushed forward.

Soon, Caulifla came in front of Broly and punched Broly with his fists and feet as fast as lightning.

Broly raised his fists and fought with Caulifla.

However, the difference in strength between the two was too big. Before the two fought for long, Caulifla was punched away by Broly again.

"Senior sister!"

Kai Er was immediately furious after seeing this.

Kai Er clenched his fists tightly, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his whole body, rising rapidly upwards.


With a huge roar, Kaier's hair turned green, his pupils disappeared, his body grew taller, his muscles swelled rapidly, and his body was surrounded by lightning while emitting energy.

This is the legendary Super Saiyan.


Gabe, who was sitting in the audience of Universe 6, was shocked.

He didn't expect that Kale would lose control because of Caulifla at this time.


Caulifla, whose body had returned to normal, said weakly.

Broly was shocked.

He didn't expect that there would be another Saiyan like him in the sixth universe.

At this moment, Kale roared loudly, and his body turned into a green light and rushed towards him.

Broly clenched his fists and rushed forward.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

Soon, the two came to each other, fighting fist to fist and foot to foot.

Because Kale lost her mind, even though her hands were in pain, she continued to attack Broly.


Broly swung his right fist hard and hit Kale, knocking her out.

Kale stomped her feet hard on the ground, and soon stopped on the ground, and rushed towards Broly again.


After seeing this, Caulifla immediately got up from the ground and ran towards Kale.

Soon, Caulifla came to the place where the two were fighting and shouted to Kale,

"Kaier, wake up, I am your senior sister Caulifla!"

Kaier was not moved at all after hearing this.

"Kaier, wake up, I am your senior sister Caulifla!"

Seeing this, Caulifla continued to shout


After the second call, Kale's consciousness began to awaken, but she was distracted and kicked away by Broly.

After seeing this, Caulifla immediately ran behind Kale and caught Kale with both hands.

However, Broly's strength was too strong. After Caulifla caught Kale, her body immediately retreated a distance.

Kale turned her head and looked at Caulifla.

For some reason, she always felt that Caulifla looked familiar.

Suddenly, Kale felt a sharp pain in her brain, and a large amount of memories came like a tide.

Kale covered her head with both hands and screamed


Caulifla saw this and immediately shouted at Kael.

After a while, Kael's pupils disappeared and his body returned to normal.

"Senior...senior sister!"

Caulifla nodded after hearing this.

"Great, you're awake!"

Kale nodded, turned around and looked at Broly.

Although she had regained consciousness, she and Caulifla still had no way to defeat Broly.

In the audience of the sixth universe.

After seeing Kale regain consciousness, Xiangpa suddenly thought of something and said to Bardos

"Bardos, since the third universe can merge, let's let Caulifla and the others merge as well!"


"Yes, can't King God's earrings be combined?"

"Lord Changpa, do you mean the Potala earrings?"


After hearing this, Bardos hesitated for a moment and turned to Fowad, who was sitting behind him.

"Then, Foy, can you give me the Potala earrings you are wearing?"

"Of course!"

Fuwa said, taking off the earrings on both ears.


After seeing this, Bardos immediately took the earrings.

"Lord Changpa, the earrings are coming!"


Xiangpa said, and immediately shouted to Caulifla on the stage.

"Caulifla, open your hands quickly, I'll ask Bardos to give you a pair of earrings!"


"Bardos, send the earrings to her!"


Bardos said, and immediately used his staff to transfer the earrings to Caulifla's hands.

Caulifla was surprised to see the earrings suddenly appear in her hands.

At this time, Xiangpa's shouts came from the audience again.

"Caulifla, you can combine them by simply putting these earrings on different ears!"


Caulifla immediately showed a hint of interest after hearing this.

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