Soon, Roger flew to a height of several dozen meters.

""It's so high!"

Bulma looked down and said with some fear in her heart.

After hearing this, Roger smiled and said

"Bulma, if you're scared, let's go down now!"

", I'm not afraid!"

Although Bulma said this, her hands were holding Roger's shoulders tighter.

"All right then!"

Roger said, and took Bulma flying in the sky for a while.

"It's so beautiful! When I learn to fly a plane, I will come here again!"

After hearing this, Roger laughed dryly, and a sigh rose in his heart.

"Rich people are rich people, and they can learn to fly airplanes at will."

After a while, Roger flew down from mid-air.

"Bulma, it's getting late, should we go back?"

Bulma nodded.

Seeing this, Roger teleported and brought Bulma back to Earth.

After returning home, Bulma immediately ran home in a hurry.

Roger was stunned at first, and then laughed as if he had thought of something.

After a while, Bulma came out of the house, and Roger said goodbye to Bulma and prepared to go back.

"Roger, when are you coming over next time?"

"I don’t know, maybe it will take a few years!"

"several years?"


"Why does it take so long? I want you to take me to other planets!"

"I want to practice!"

"Well, you must come to my house when you are free!"

Roger nodded.

"Then Bulma, am I going back?"


Bulma nodded.

Seeing this, Roger teleported away from the earth.


The northern Milky Way, the Star Planet.

The Star Planet is very far away from the Earth. Even if you take a spaceship, it will take more than ten days to get there.

The Star Planet is inhabited by Star Planet people, who look very similar to Earthlings.

The only difference is that everyone here knows magic, and they are all dressed as magicians.

On this planet, there is an academy called the Magic Academy.

The Magic Academy is a school that specializes in teaching magic. The Fortune Teller Granny and Zuno graduated from this school.

Outside the Magic Academy, there is a child standing at the door, looking at the academy.

This person is Roger.

"This is the magic academy!"

Roger muttered, and walked towards the magic academy in front of him.

Just as Roger was about to step into the academy, a circular purple pattern suddenly appeared, blocking Roger.

After seeing it, Roger immediately stopped in place and looked carefully at the magic in front of him.

This was his first time to come into contact with magic in this world.

""I see!"

After a while, Roger pointed his right index finger at the purple pattern in front of him, and the purple pattern slid down like rain and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, a woman riding a broom flew down from the sky and landed in front of Roger.

The woman's name was Yiluo, and she was a teacher in this school.

"Who are you? Why did you break into our school?"

Yiluo asked Roger angrily.

"Hello, my name is Roger. I come to your academy to learn magic from you!"


Roger nodded.

"So you are not from our planet, right?"

"No, I'm from Earth!"


"Yes, can I come to your academy to study magic?"

"No, our academy only accepts people from other planets!"

" was actually the fortune-teller who recommended me to your academy!"

"Fortune-telling mother-in-law?"

"Yes, she now lives on Earth!"

"Earth? You mean, that senior?"

Roger nodded.

Seeing this, Yiluo looked at Roger and said

"Are you sure you want to enter our college?"

After hearing this, Roger nodded again.

"Well, since you want to enter our college, you have to pass our entrance examination!"

"Entrance exam?"

"Yes, anyone with an evil heart is not allowed to enter the academy!"

"So when will I take the exam?"


"I will use a kind of magic later. This magic will make the body of people with evil hearts swell rapidly, or even explode and die, so you must think carefully about whether you want to take the exam or not!"

"I will take the exam!"

Roger said with a firm look.

"Have you thought it through?"

"Think it through!"


Yiluo said, and immediately recited a spell to Roger.

Roger stood there without any reaction.

Yiluo looked at him and recited the spell again.

After a while, Yiluo saw that Roger still had no reaction, and said to Roger with a serious face

"Roger, congratulations on passing the entrance exam of our college. All you have to do next is pay the tuition and you can come to study in our school!"

"How much is tuition?"

"Fifty thousand star coins a year!"

"Star Coin?"


"Then can I enroll now and pay the tuition later?"

"No, the college will only approve your admission if you have paid all the tuition fees!"


Roger said, and turned to leave the magic academy.

Although he didn't have the currency of this planet, he could exchange things for money to see what was valuable on this planet.

After half a day of running around, Roger finally exchanged currency on the star planet and entered the magic academy.


Time flies, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

During this year, Roger spent most of his time studying at the Magic Academy, except for cultivation.

Because of his extraordinary comprehension, Roger learned all the magic, divination, and alchemy of the Magic Academy in just one year.

He thus became the number one genius in the Magic Academy.

At this time, Roger was ready to graduate and leave the academy.

Yiluo, who had brought Roger to school, was now reluctant to look at Roger who was about to leave.

The students were excellent, and they, as teachers, were naturally proud.

But they also knew that they could not keep Roger. A genius like Roger was rare even in tens of thousands of years.

"Roger, you are the best student I have ever taught. Even if you leave, the door of our magic academy will always be open to you!"

Roger nodded.

"I understand, teacher. When I have time, I will come back to the college!"


Yiluo smiled and nodded.

Then, Roger and the teacher of the magic academy hugged each other and left the star ball.

Returning to the Kai King God Realm, Roger felt a little unforgettable about this year's learning journey.

However, he also knew that all good things must come to an end, and he would have to leave one day.


Time flies, and two years have passed in a blink of an eye.

After two years of training, Roger's strength has increased a lot.

At this time, he was sitting on a piece of grass, looking up at the sky.

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