"Not so good!"

After hearing this, Gata gritted his teeth.

He was the master of the Zero Realm, but he was underestimated by a human.

Thinking of this, Gata rushed towards Roger at the speed of light.

Roger clenched his hands and rushed forward.

Soon, the two came in front of each other, punching and kicking at the speed of light.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

The two men fought in the air, fist to fist and foot to foot.


After the two men fought fiercely for a while, Roger punched Gata in the face with his right fist, knocking him out.

""Damn it!"

Gatai shouted angrily, and his body quickly stopped on the ground and rushed towards Roger.

Soon, Gatai rushed in front of Roger, and his fists and feet were as fast as light, attacking Roger.

Roger dodged and retreated.

Suddenly, Roger felt his physical strength rapidly decreasing.

"Could it be……"

Roger suddenly thought of something and used the time pause to stop Gata's body.

Roger took this opportunity to distance himself from Gata and took out a Senzu Bean.

After taking the Senzu Bean, Roger's physical strength recovered quickly.

Gata, who had recovered his body, was shocked to see Roger appear in front of him.

"There is no other way, I can only get rid of him in one go!"

Roger said, clenching his hands tightly, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his whole body, rising rapidly upwards.


With an extremely loud roar, Roger's body grew a lot of silver hair, the hair on his head grew to his waist, his eyes turned red, and his body exuded a lot of golden aura.

This is Super Saiyan 5.

Gata was shocked.

At this moment, Roger's figure flashed behind Gata, and his right hand condensed a purple destructive energy, and said to Gata:


Gata screamed loudly, and his body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Roger immediately picked up the six dragon balls on the ground, and then used the power of the Dragon God to bring Sun Wukong and others from the Zero Realm to the outside world.

Sun Wukong, who had just defeated Yaki, didn't know what happened, and his body was teleported to the entrance of the Zero Realm by a stream of energy.

Roger moved instantly and quickly came to the exit of the Zero Realm, then went out of the exit and saw Sun Wukong and others.

Sun Wukong:"Roger!"

Roger nodded

"Gata is dead, so Zero World might disappear with him!"

"Disappear together?"

"Right, let’s go back to Earth, shall we?"


Sun Wukong nodded.

Seeing this, Roger teleported and brought the four people back to Earth.

After returning to Earth, Vegeta left in a bad mood because of his defeat to Guldt.

Nappa and Raditz also left with Vegeta.

Sun Wukong thanked Roger and took Sun Wuhan back.


The Zero Realm.

After Gata disappeared, although there were earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. in the Zero Realm, it was not destroyed.

Gata has lived for millions of years, how could he not know the value of life?

Although Gata's body and soul were destroyed by Roger, Gata still left a trace of his soul in a plant.

It was precisely because of this trace of his soul that the entire Zero Realm was not destroyed.

However, although Gata left a trace of his soul, it was very weak. If he wanted to restore his body, it would probably take a very long time.



After Roger saw Sun Wukong and the others leave, he immediately recalled what Jiata had just said. Before

Jiata"died", he once told Roger that he was one with the Realm of Zero, and that he could mobilize the power of the Realm of Zero at will.

This reminded him of the ancient novel Hongjun Laozu that he had read in his previous life.

Laozu Hongjun merged his body with the Tao and became the Heavenly Dao. Jiata's situation was somewhat similar to that of Laozu Hongjun.

Of course, he was definitely not as good as Laozu Hongjun.

But is there a Heavenly Dao in this world?

Roger fell into deep thought.


Time flies, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Roger is now teaching Luo Feng how to practice at home.

A colorful light suddenly descends from the sky.

When the light fades, a figure immediately appears inside.

This person is Weiss.


Weiss smiled and nodded.

"Long time no see Roger!"

"Weiss, why are you here today?"

"It was my father who asked me to come find you!"

"You mean... the High Priest?"


"So what does he want from me?"

"I'm not too sure about this, he just said, let me come find you!"



Weiss nodded.

"By the way, Roger, you are the next King of the Gods, so you should be able to teleport, right?"


"In that case, just teleport directly to the palace of the Lord Omni King!"

"Okay, but you have to tell me the exact location of the King's palace!"



After a while, Roger teleported and brought Weiss to a house in the shape of a square.

This house was the palace of the Omni King.

A man with light blue skin, short stature, a big white back hair, purple eyes and purple lips, a light blue divine ring floating behind his head, and a belt with the word"big" printed on it was standing at the door of the Omni King's palace, waiting for the two.

This man was the High Priest.

When Weiss saw the High Priest, he immediately took Roger to him.

"Father, I did as you said and brought Roger here!"

The high priest nodded.

""Master High Priest!"

After hearing this, Roger politely greeted the High Priest.

The High Priest nodded again.

""Master High Priest, may I ask... what do you want to see me about?"

The High Priest smiled and said

"Roger, don't be nervous. Actually, it's Master's idea that I'm looking for you!"

""Master... Master!"

Roger was shocked.

When did he have a master?

And this man was the master of the high priest.

Wait... If he and the high priest had the same master, then the high priest must be his senior brother?

Damn, this thigh is so thick!

"Yes, haven’t you seen the master?"


Roger shook his head after hearing this.

"I see. Master has always been a mysterious person, so it’s normal that you haven’t seen him!"

"Then... Lord High Priest, you call him Master, so are you also his disciple?"


"How many disciples does the master have?"

"Two, plus you, that makes three!"

"Then, Lord High Priest, are you the eldest senior brother or the second senior brother?"

After hearing this, the High Priest looked at Roger deeply and said,

"Big Brother!"

"Then, Lord High Priest, who is the second senior brother?"

"You will know this later!"


"The reason why I asked Weiss to call you here today is because Master told you not to stay in one universe all the time, but to travel to different universes!"

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