"I have potential? Are you kidding?" Trunks got rid of Cell's right hand, staggered to his feet, and said in disbelief

"So my strength is improving so slowly, is it because I haven't stimulated my potential?"

Trunks's eyes moved back and forth between Cell and the Great Elder Muli.

"Then Mr. Shalu, don't you need it?" The elder Muli was slightly surprised, and subconsciously put his hands behind his back.

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability yet, so I only ask you to improve this kid, even if it's just a little bit."Sharu frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and replied

"My current combat power is almost the best in the universe, so I don't want you to help me unleash my potential."

Cell's face was calm, as if he was telling a fact.

Of course, it was actually true.

"The best warrior in the universe? All right then!"Murley had a hint of shock in his eyes, but he didn't say much. Looking at Trunks' innocent look, he helplessly put his hand on his head.

"Then let me see what potential this little guy has!"Mulley's eyes suddenly condensed, and a white light flashed all over his body, instantly pouring into Trunks' body.

"Forehead.......What are you doing?" Trunks stood straight, looking at the old man in front of him with a look of effort, he didn't dare to move

""Oh! What a great potential! Saiyans are really amazing."

A golden light flashed in Muli's eyes, and his slightly hunched body straightened up. He looked very majestic in an instant.


Muli opened his mouth lightly, and his right arm suddenly swelled up, and a golden light penetrated into Trunks' body.


Instantly, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from Trunks' body and infused into every part of his body.


Mulley was horrified, and the whole person was blown away by the powerful air wave, and was about to hit a high mountain.

At this moment, No. 1 moved under Cell's command, stepped lightly, and his figure disappeared and reappeared in an instant, steadily catching the somewhat panicked Muli, and then flashed to Cell's side, leaving Muli on the high mountain.


Cell raised his right hand slightly and snapped his fingers. A green energy shield rose from him, forming a semicircular sphere, sweeping out those irrelevant people, leaving only the three of them.

"Bang! Bang!"

The breath could not be stopped rising, and several breath winds turned into blades and smashed into the energy shield walls everywhere, making a roaring sound.

"What is this? This endless flow of power in my body is so cool!"

Trunks looked at his hands excitedly, and the Super Saiyan 2 transformation was also used randomly.


The ground suddenly sank, and the grass was squeezed and disappeared by an invisible energy. A golden flame rose from under his feet, and his hair rose up, and his hair stood upside down. His whole body was wrapped in gold, and his purple hair and blue eyes turned into blonde hair and blue eyes.

A wisp of golden arc slowly rose, constantly lingering around Trunks, crackling, and the electric light kept flashing, looking very powerful.

Because of the potential of his body, white air waves kept spinning around him, slowly turning into his own power.


Trunks slowly closed his eyes, exhaled a breath, lowered his shoulders, relaxed his body and mind, and flashes of lightning entered his body. The golden light also disappeared instantly, and he entered a brief balance between mind and body.

This was the most suitable form for long-term combat taught to him by Cell. Relying on the powerful ability to control breath, this can minimize the consumption of physical strength and control power.

After doing this, Trunks suddenly opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and swung at Cell.


An invisible fist pressure carrying a whistling wind hits away.


Cell waved his palm casually to disperse the punch, then said with a smile,"Why? Trunks, you wanted to hit me the first time you saw your strength increase. Look at what you have done to the surroundings?"

"Hmm?" Trunks turned his head and looked around. The ground was destroyed by him. The Namekians who were originally chattering around him were now standing outside the energy shield and looking at him in panic.

"Ah! No! I've been in the Spirit Time Room for a long time and I'm used to it........."

Trunks instantly untransformed, scratched his head awkwardly, then lowered his head, walked to Cell with a slightly red face and asked in confusion,"Where is the Great Elder? Why don't you see him?"

""No! Look at the sky!"

Number One smacked his lips and pointed at the sky with a mean look on his face, as if he was very happy to see Trunks get humiliated.

""In the sky?"

Trunks quickly raised his head and looked up into the sky.

He saw the embarrassed elder Muli slowly falling down with an ugly face, muttering in a low voice.

"Ah! Ah! I'm so sorry, Great Elder!"

Trunks' cheeks became redder and redder, and he quickly bowed and apologized three times.

"Ahem! It's okay, it's just that your potential is really amazing. I have only stimulated about one third of your potential. I can't do anything about the rest."

Muli waved his hands, his left eye was big and his right eye was small, looking at Trunks. He hasn't come back to his senses yet. That kind of aura is simply terrifying to the extreme.

It was still a close distance. If his legs were not forcibly supported, they would probably become limp.

Haha, Muli forced a smile, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, and then said:"Mr. Cell, Mr. Trunks, I'm sorry, I feel a little tired now and need to rest first. I'll leave you for a while."

After saying that, Muli turned and walked towards the house behind. As for Cell, he cooperated very well and put away the energy shield. Fortunately, the house was not damaged, which was a blessing.

As the energy shield was closed, the Namekians who originally wanted to watch the excitement also left the scene. Some of them continued to work, while others chose to go home. Anyway, there were not many left here.

At this time, the elders of the tribe also hurried back. There were expressions of fear on their faces. After quickly piling up the dragon balls in their hands, they all trotted into the lounge of the great elder.

"There is one more here."Dandy came over holding a one-star dragon ball that was bigger than his head and put it next to the other dragon balls. In this way, all seven dragon balls were collected.


Suddenly, the seven dragon balls seemed to resonate with each other and flashed a dazzling light at the same time. However, this light came and went quickly, disappearing in the blink of an eye, as if it was just an illusion.

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