After fighting for dozens of rounds, Beerus took the opportunity to kill an energy incarnation.

But even if one is killed, there are still eight energy incarnations to deal with.

The previous high-intensity battle with Gogeta had consumed most of his physical strength. If he continued to waste his physical strength on these energy incarnations, he would lose more than he gained.

He had to make a quick decision.

Soon, eight energy incarnations once again haunted Beerus in eight different directions, forming a circle around him.

This scene made Beerus look extremely ugly, and the anger in his heart swelled to the extreme.

“You energy bodies are so! So annoying!!!!” Anger swelled and emotions rose. Beerus roared loudly. The God of Destruction in his body exploded, and the terrifying energy that could destroy everything in the world was like a tide. Generally gushes out.

With the explosion of Beerus, the boundless divine power of destruction spread rapidly, covering all the chaos within a hundred miles. The remaining eight energy incarnations were also destroyed in this destructive energy tide that was enough to swallow everything.

When the light dissipated, the God of Destruction Beerus was breathing heavily. It could be seen that the burst of breath just now consumed a lot of his energy.

“It’s so refreshing… This is the first time in my history that I have felt such great pressure…” Beerus said with excitement and madness on his face as he wiped the irritation from the corner of his mouth.

Although he was very tired, he could feel that every cell in his body was cheering for joy, and he was very satisfied with this hearty explosion.

But before he was happy for three seconds, Beerus was caught by a flash of light millions of kilometers away.

Taking a closer look, he found that Gogeta was accumulating energy, and the prototype of that guy’s energy was already completed! !

“This little move of yours cannot escape the perception of this god.”

“Okay, let’s use this move to decide the outcome!”

Beerus didn’t want to delay any longer and planned to make a quick decision.

The hands merged, and the divine power of destruction around him rapidly expanded and sublimated. The original dark purple divine power of destruction turned into purple-red at this moment.

As Beerus opened the palms of his hands, an energy ball emitting purple-red light emerged.

At this moment, Gogeta, who was millions of kilometers away from him, appeared in front of him through teleportation with that terrifying energy.

This sudden scene made the God of Destruction Beerus’ pupils shrink suddenly, with a look of horror on his face.

“Be safe, God of Destruction, it’s all over now.”

“A thousand times, big bang, turtle-pai-qi-gong-wave!!!!”

‘Boom~~! ! ! ! ! ! ! ’

At Gogeta’s roar, a super-giant energy beam with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of meters exploded, swallowing the body of the God of Destruction Beerus, illuminating the dark realm of nothingness, and heading towards the end of the world. .

The teleportation combined with the powerful turtle-style Qigong wave that was a thousand times bigger blast caught the God of Destruction Beerus by surprise.

In this destructive energy, Beerus, the God of Destruction, is strengthening his power of destruction with a ferocious appearance.

Every cell in his body was tortured by this super giant energy, but even so, these injuries could not completely defeat him.

On the contrary, it made him even more crazy and powerful.

“Mortal!!! Don’t underestimate the God of Destruction!!!”


With his emotions running high, the God of Destruction Beerus let out a crazy cry.

Along with his shouts, the thousand-fold Big Bang turtle Qigong wave stopped advancing.

“What?!” Gogeta realized that the situation was not good, and once again increased the release of energy, it was bound to be the last blow to bring down the God of Destruction Beerus to completely suppress it.

This is his only chance. If he misses it, the situation of the battle will be completely reversed. After this move, he will be unable to fight again.

However, at this moment, the God of Destruction Beerus has completely recovered.

Although his body was covered with scars, he could not feel the slightest pain and was smiling ferociously.

The mighty divine power of destruction skyrocketed, and a strange purple-red light shrouded the dark world. The surrounding space was filled with strong divine power of destruction all the time.

In the palm of his hand, the purple-red destructive energy ball continued to expand, ten meters…one hundred meters…one thousand meters…ten thousand meters…one hundred thousand meters…and it was still growing wildly! !

“Gogeta, right?! I recognize you. Among the beings I have fought against, your strength ranks among the top two!!!”

“Now, it’s all over!”


Beerus, the God of Destruction with a crazy face, has raised his power of destruction to the extreme

As a result, the purple-red ultimate destructive bullet was improved to infinity by him.

This infinite ultimate destructive bomb withstood the huge pressure of a thousand times the big explosion turtle style Qigong wave of Gogeta, and forced it back.

This is the terrifying thing about the God of Destruction. His power is endless. The stronger the will to destroy, the stronger the power of destruction!

“What happened!!” Seeing his special move being pushed back, Gogeta suddenly felt that something was wrong.

With better luck, he was seriously injured and half-dead.

Bad luck, body and soul evaporate, leaving nothing behind!

Under the pressure of this infinite ultimate destructive bomb, Gogeta chose to fight and burn himself at the last moment.


“Big Bang Turtle Sect Qigong Wave! Two! Thousand! Times!”

The muscles all over his body were tense, and veins spread all over his body like a dragon. Gogeta’s body exploded with power beyond its limits.

The even greater energy beam collided with the ultimate destructive bomb, and a delicate balance was formed between the two. No one could move forward at all.

At this moment, the realm of Wu, which had been silent for countless epochs, ushered in an unprecedented turmoil.

Darkness is illuminated and chaos is stirred.

Countless space fragments are floating in this empty world.

The speed of repair cannot keep up with the speed of destruction.

At the location where the space collapsed, one black hole after another was greedily absorbing the violent energy and used it to strengthen itself.

The entire world of Wujie was squeezed by two powerful forces, and the center of the world was crumbling.

At this time, the God of Destruction Beerus and the Super Four God Blue Gogeta were both at their limits.

Both sides gritted their teeth and continued to increase the power of their special moves. The huge turmoil caused even passed through the world of Wu Boundary and was transmitted to the twelve universes.

At this moment, except for the All-King Temple, all twelve universes were affected, and major shocks of different scales occurred.

This situation instantly frightened all the Gods of Destruction and Angels.

Has this battle in the World of Nothing reached the point where it can involve the entire universe? !

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