
Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Sun Wufan could only nod helplessly.

No. 17 and No. 18 are both artificial humans. Their auras are very weak, no different from ordinary people. If they really want to hide, I really can't find them.

As long as they don't come out to destroy the earth and kill people indiscriminately, that's fine!

And now that the most powerful Cell has been killed

, although they are also quite difficult opponents. It won't make them so desperate!

"Dad... let's go back! Mom and Aunt Bulma will be very happy to see you!"

After putting aside the matter of artificial humans first, Sun Wufan happily said to Sun Wukong

"Okay, let’s go back first!"

Sun Wukong also nodded. Indeed, according to the time here, Bulma and Qiqi should not have seen Sun Wukong for more than ten years!

I really want to see Bulma and Qiqi more than ten years later. Qi, what has become...

After receiving Sun Wukong's permission, Sun Wuhan and Sunbra took the lead and flew towards Xidu. Sun Wukong and Trunks also followed.

After about ten minutes' journey, the four of them finally arrived at Xidu.

Although Xidu was also destroyed, it didn't look as serious as Chengdu!

Qiqi, Bulma and others were living together at Bulma's house. , presumably also to avoid the attack of the artificial man!

"Dad, wait a minute, I want to give mom and Aunt Qiqi a surprise."

After arriving at the yard, Sunbula stopped Sun Wukong and said with a playful expression.

There was also a cunning look on his face.


Sun Wukong was stunned, this little girl really likes to play!

But since she wanted to surprise Bulma and Chi Chi, she should cooperate with him!

"Bra, mom and Aunt Bulma haven't seen dad for more than ten years. It's not good for you!"

Sun Wuhan heard Bulla's words and muttered in a low voice.

"It’s just because I haven’t seen my father for so long that I want to give them a big surprise!

Sunbula turned his head and said with a wicked smile to Sun Wuhan:"Brother Gohan, if you dare to cause damage, I will never pay attention to you again!""

Obviously, Son Gohan was quite concerned about Bulla's threat, and could only nod.

Bulma, Chi Chi and Taisi walked around anxiously in the room, rubbing their hands.

"I wonder how Gohan and the others are doing, are they in danger?"

"Yes, I don’t know if Bulla has gone back to the past or brought Goku here. It’s really worrying!"

"And that kid Trunks, I told him not to follow him, but he didn’t listen.……"

All three of them looked anxious. Gohan, Bra and Trunks had been out all day.

Even if you usually deal with artificial humans, you should be here!

"Don't worry, Gohan and Bulla are both super, and that guy Trunks is also not strong enough, so the androids shouldn't be their opponents.

Behind the three of them, Turtle Immortal was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, drinking tea and speaking calmly.

It seems to be very open-minded!

At this moment, a clear voice sounded from the door

"We are back!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Son Gohan, Bulla and Trunks walked in.

"No...are you okay? you……"

Qiqi, Bulma and Taisi hurried forward, looked at the three people in ragged clothes, and asked with concern.


Looking at the nervous Chi Chi and Bulma, Sun Wuhan and Bulla shook their heads.

Then, Bulma and Chi Chi looked at the empty door.

They seemed to be expecting something, the last expectation It turned into disappointment!

"Hey, Mom, Aunt Qiqi, what are you looking at? Sunbula asked the two of them with a sly smile.


Qiqi forced a smile and shook her head.

"Bra, have you been to the past? Have you met your father? Did he come with you?"

Bulma took Bulla's arm and asked three times.

"Well, I went to the past and saw my father. My father followed me to our place!

Sunbula seemed a little excited when he said this, and then said:"Dad is really as powerful as you said... No, he is even more powerful than you said!" He defeated two androids in an instant, and even the strongest Cell was killed by his father!"

Bula said proudly.

"Let me just say that your dad is great! You still don’t believe it……"

Bulma also had a knowing smile on her face, full of pride.

"Then...what about Wukong and others? Didn't I come back with you?"

Qiqi looked at Sunbra and Gohan and asked in a daze.

"Oh dad, he said that he still had very powerful enemies over there, so he didn’t waste any more time and went back after eliminating Shahru!"

After Sunbra said mischievously, he stared at the disappointed expressions of Chichi and Bulma.

"Sun Jun... doesn't he even want to see us?"

Bulma said in a daze, and I felt pity for that disappointed expression.

083"It's okay, we'll go look for him next time.……"

Qiqi shook her head and forced a smile, but she couldn't hide the discomfort deep in her pupils.

Looking at the disappointed two people, Sun Wuhan glared at Sunbra fiercely.

He said to Qiqi and Bulma:"Aunt Bulma, mom, actually dad……"

But before Sun Wuhan finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice.

"Chi Chi, Bulma, are you okay?"

Suddenly, an orange-red figure appeared at the door, with a bright smile on his face, looking at Qiqi and Bulma.

"Wukong... Wukong!"

"Sun...Sun Jun!"

The two people's bodies suddenly stagnated, and tears fell from their cheeks completely uncontrollably.

It has been fourteen years, a full fourteen years, and they have not seen Sun Wukong.

In these fourteen years, they have lived a very happy life. It’s not easy, I’m thinking about Sun Wukong all the time, looking forward to this moment for one second... two seconds.……


After being stunned for ten seconds, Bulma and Chichi threw themselves into Sun Wukong's arms with tears of happiness.

Sun Wukong held the two of them tightly in his arms.

Even though fourteen years have passed, Bulma and Chi-Chi haven't changed much.

Even the hug feels the same! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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