Hearing that cold voice, it was like the summons of a ghost, which made Frieza instantly terrified.

"Na...Nani? Frieza was so frightened that his whole body trembled. Before he could turn around, Sun Wukong's sword had already fallen.

Bang... there was only a muffled sound, and Sun Wukong's sword fell heavily on Frieza's neck.

Lisa was hit hard, scarlet cracks instantly appeared in his eyes, and at the same time, his body flew out.

"Qi Yuanzhan……"

After knocking Frieza away with a hand sword, Sun Wukong didn't hesitate at all. He raised his right palm high, and a golden round wheel appeared in his palm, and he threw it directly towards Frieza.

Frieza himself was hit hard, and in the process of retreating, the old strength was not lost, and the new strength was not born. The inertia was too great, and there was no way to avoid Sun Wukong's Qi Circle Slash!


A faint voice came from Sun Wukong's mouth, and he saw that the Qi Circle Slash suddenly split into six petals, and he slashed towards Frieza without any loss of speed!

At this time, Frieza was completely surrounded by fear. Even if 28 was a Qi Circle Slash, it would be difficult for him to follow it.

Now it is divided into six pieces, and the power and speed have no tendency to weaken at all.

There is no way to avoid it!

However, even so, Frieza did not give up hope of survival!

The frightened body suddenly used strength to do a backflip and dodge a circular slash of energy.

But then... sting... sting... a series of very low sounds, so low that they were almost inaudible.

Everyone saw that the remaining five petals of Qi Circle slashed through Frieza's body impartially.

Then, he saw Frieza's wide-open eyes, filled with fear and anger!

Under seventy-eight horrified looks, Frieza's body was instantly cut into a dozen pieces smoothly and fell to the ground.

His mouth was still opening and closing, obviously unwilling to be killed like this!

"So...what a powerful Qi Yuan Slash……"

Klin stared blankly at the pile of meat on the ground and muttered.

It's obviously the same skill, but in Sun Wukong's hands, it can actually exert such terrifying power.

As expected, people have to compete with each other, and goods have to be thrown away!

"That bastard Kakarot actually killed Frieza!"

Vegita glared at Sun Wukong. Frieza should be killed by himself! Only in this way can he wash away the humiliation he has suffered under his hands for more than ten years.

But that guy Kakarot didn't even do it.

Of course, Son Goku didn't have time to pay attention to Vegeta's little mood. He pointed his palm at Frieza's"corpse" and blasted it with an indifferent expression!

Along with the huge crater appearing on the ground, Frieza's body completely disappeared. This time, not even a bit of residue was left behind!


Gula, who was standing in mid-air, saw the scene in front of him. In just a short period of time, his father Kurd and his brother Frieza died one after another.

It can be said that they were killed instantly without even a chance to resist.

This The panic in his heart became more intense. Although his current strength was much stronger than Kurd and Frieza who had not transformed, he was now certain that he could never be that Saiyan. Opponent!

And now, in addition to him, there are Vegeta and that kid, three Super Saiyans. Once they join forces, there is no way for him to survive.

He can't stay here anymore. If he continues like this, he will definitely die.! Don't worry about leaving Qingshan without firewood. As long as you give yourself a year, with his potential, he can definitely increase his strength to a terrifying level!

When the time comes, he will seek revenge on these hateful guys...

At this point, although he was very unwilling, if he didn't leave now, he might not have a chance.

After thinking about it, Gula's face was very entangled. After being entangled, he turned around and flew directly towards the spaceship. Yes, he didn't want to pay attention to it. After all, his family had the ability to survive in the universe.

As long as he escaped from the earth, no matter how powerful that smelly monkey was, he would never be able to hurt him!

"Kakarot, don't let that guy leave!"

Seeing Gula turning around and about to leave, Vegeta suddenly turned to Sun Wukong and shouted in a loud commanding tone.

In fact, he wanted to keep Gula with his own strength, but he also knew that even if he became Even if he becomes a Super Saiyan, he can't catch up with the speed of that guy Gu La!

"If you don’t want to die, pay attention to your tone."

Sun Wukong looked at Vegeta coldly and said in a low voice.

If he doesn't kill him, it doesn't mean that he can give orders to him!

Vegeta just wanted to refute, but thinking about his situation at this time, he gritted his teeth. , endured it.

That guy Kakarot was not his opponent yet, and his ruthlessness did make him a little afraid. He just didn't speak and looked at Gula who quickly disappeared from sight. At the same time, Sun Wukong looked in the direction of Gula, his fingers suddenly touched the center of his eyebrows, and his body disappeared instantly!

He would not let Gula leave so easily...

Almost in an instant, Sun Wukong's body disappeared. The body appeared in front of Gula

"Want to leave? Do I agree?"

Sun Wukong looked at Gula who looked frightened and said coldly.

"Teleport……? Buzz... Damn wild monkey, you really think I'm scared 083 You can't do it……"

Gula could tell at a glance that Sun Wukong had used the secret technique of the planet Adrat to teleport.

As a result, his plan to escape may be in vain!

In this case, now we can only fight to the death!

"Your mouth is quite tough, but I don’t know if your bones are as tough as your mouth!"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Sun Wukong's body burst out, very fast.

So fast that Gula couldn't see his figure clearly, and Sun Wukong appeared in front of Gula.

Punch out!

In a panic, Gula had to quickly protect his head with both arms.

But Sun Wukong, who originally hit Gula with his fist, suddenly changed his attack, retracted his fist, and hit Gula hard with a leg sweep. Lower abdomen.


Sun Wukong's leg slammed into Gula's lower abdomen. Almost at that moment, Gula's body was completely deformed.

The heartbreaking pain made Gula subconsciously take off the protection. The hands on the head were holding the lower abdomen tightly!

And Sun Wukong's body appeared behind Gula again, grabbing the horns on the top of Gula's head with one hand, and grabbing Gula's ankles with the other hand. At the same time as he pulled down, his right knee pushed up hard. At the same time as the crisp sound came, Gula's eyes were wide open and filled with bloodshot eyes..._

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