Three days flew by!

During these three days, there was no sign of Cell's appearance at all; even Androids No. 17 and No. 18 seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the world, with no news!

This excessive quietness actually made Sun Wukong feel a little at a loss.……

"Wukong, let's go!"

Qiqi is wearing a professional suit and a small ponytail today. She looks extremely capable and attractive.

She shows the temperament of a strong professional woman.

"Set off? Where to go?"

Sun Wukong looked at Qiqi in uniform and asked with confusion.


Seeing Sun Wukong's confused expression, Qiqi's expression changed and she said loudly:"Have you forgotten that I made an appointment for Gohan to an important cram school? I'm going to apply for a place today.……"

She has told Wukong this matter at least ten times, but this guy actually forgot such an important thing.

Although he promised Gohan that he could continue to practice, he couldn't let his studies fall behind!

"oh? Yes, yes, cram school, yes, yes……"

Sun Wukong slapped his forehead, because he was thinking about Cell and the androids, so he actually forgot about this matter.

No wonder Qiqi is angry. After all, Qiqi has always had a strong resentment towards Gohan's studies!

"Okay, Qiqi, don't be angry, let's go!"

Sun Wukong took Qiqi's hand, smiled and said

"Wukong, you don’t want to wear this suit for such an important thing!"

Qiqi glanced at Sun Wukong's martial arts uniform and said angrily again.

"Well... of course not, I remember I still have a suit, haha……"

Sun Wukong smiled bitterly and scratched his head. In front of Qiqi, there was really nothing he could do!


Ten minutes later, Sun Wukong and Qiqi finally appeared at the cram school registration place!

Looking at the long dragon, Sun Wukong suddenly felt a little brain-ache.

But under Qiqi's lustful power, he couldn't resist!

While Sun Wukong was suffering from huge boredom, Sun Wuhan, Krillin, Bulma and others were enjoying their camping time.

Also participating this time were Tais and Vegeta, with little Trunks in tow.

Of course, judging from Vegeta's unwillingness, he must have been forced to participate by Tais.

Klin was showing off his good voice in Dragon Ball. Turtle Immortal and Xiaozhu were obviously tipsy!

But at this moment, the sky suddenly blocked out, and a black thing came over the top.

"Saiyan anger?"

Vegeta frowned fiercely, looking at the dark mass with blazing eyes.

Krillin and others, after feeling the energy, frowned slightly.

Although the energy was in large quantities, But there seemed to be no one who was too strong.

What fell was a huge spaceship. The moment the spaceship fell, the hatch opened, and a crowd of masked spacemen ran out and stopped at the shell. Everyone on Gita then knelt down on one knee!

Then, a tall man walked through the crowd and came to Vegeta!

"Prince Vegeta! I finally found you……"

The big man knelt down on one knee, his tone and movements seemed very respectful.

"Are you a Saiyan too?"

Vegita looked at the big man kneeling on the ground coldly, and said coldly.

But the guy in front of him seemed to be familiar to Vegeta.

"Yes, Prince Vegeta, my name is Barakas. The purpose of my trip is to welcome Prince Vegeta to the new Planet Vegeta to be the king."

Barakas put one hand in front of his chest, and his tone seemed unusually pious!

"What? New Planet Vegeta?"

Vegeta frowned, how come he had never heard of the new Planet Vegeta!

"Yes, let all the people in the universe see the power of the Saiyans, the strongest fighting nation in our universe. I believe that Prince Vegeta will lead us to build the strongest empire!"

Barakas raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Vegeta, and said loudly

"Come on... just invite you bunch of losers?"

Vegita snorted disdainfully, not taking Barakas seriously at all. He has no interest in the strongest empire now. He just wants to become stronger.

Then defeat Kakarot. Damn that guy!

"Get out of here with that group of trash! Don't wait for me to kill you……"

Vegeta spoke coldly, then turned his head, not wanting to pay attention to Barakas.

"That's such a pity, the legendary Super Saiyan... should only be defeated by Prince Vegeta!"

Barakas raised an evil smile on his lips, looked at Vegeta's back, and said calmly.

"No, you should be called...King Vegeta now!"

"Wha...what? You mean the legendary Super Saiyan?"

Vegita turned his head and looked at Barakas. He was obviously very interested in the legendary Super Saiyan he talked about.

Seeing Vegeta turn around, Barakas smiled successfully, He spoke again and explained:"In the Southern Galaxy area, he is running rampant and domineering in an unscrupulous manner. If this continues, Planet Vegeta, which we finally built with great difficulty, will be destroyed in one day."

Hearing what Barakas said, Sun Wuhan stepped onto Shaolai, frowned and said,"Vegeta, this guy's words are not very credible. It's better to wait for dad to come back and discuss it together."

Vegeta was still hesitant at first, but when he heard these three words Sun Wukong, his expression changed.

"Barakas, lead the way!"

Vegeta said coldly to Barakas's commanding tone.

He was not interested in the new Planet Vegeta, but he was very interested in the legendary Super Saiyan.


Sun Wukong, Krillin and others all frowned. The Saiyan who suddenly appeared in front of them obviously had ulterior motives. Is Vegeta stupid?

You actually believe what he says!

"Sorry, you are not welcome on the new Planet Vegeta."

Sun Wuhan and Krillin just wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Barakas.

Vegeta followed Barakas and boarded the spaceship together.


At this time, Sun Wukong had just lined up and faced the examiner's questions.

"Is it the Saiyan's anger? Who is the one?"

Feeling the sudden appearance of Qi, Sun Wukong frowned.

This strange Qi appeared at this time, could it be Broly's father - Barakas?

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