Looking at the furious Vegeta, Barakas was still a little panicked. After all, Vegeta was far more powerful than him.

It is simply too easy to kill him!

"Broly, kill them for me."

Then, Barakas raised his right hand, and a light green light appeared on the controller in his palm.


Then, a beast-like growl came from Broly's throat.

Broly Li's entire body swelled, and grass-green arrogance instantly rose from the soles of his feet.


Broly stared at Sun Wukong and roared, almost his whole body trembling with rage.

Then, blazing flames surged in his eyes, and he walked towards Sun Wukong step by step.

Every time he took a step, the hard ground beneath his feet It cracked instantly and a clear footprint appeared!

"Is this guy the legendary Super Saiyan? What a strong breath……"

Vegeta smacked his tongue. Just now, Broly couldn't feel anything powerful.

Even Barakas couldn't keep up with his fighting power. He didn't expect that at this moment, it would become so terrifying in an instant.

This energy even surpasses myself!

"No...impossible, how could such a ghost be my opponent, Vegeta!"

Even though the answer is right in front of him, Vegeta still can't believe it!

He didn't expect that besides Kakarot and his son, there are Saiyans who surpass him.

Absolutely unforgivable!

"Broly, let me deal with you."

Looking at Broly walking step by step, Vegeta clenched his fists and instantly turned into a Super Saiyan.

He kicked the ground with his right foot and moved directly towards Broly.

Bang... a heavy punch. The blast hit Broly's chest, and Broly didn't react at all. His body didn't move at all, and he still walked towards Sun Wukong step by step.


He was still shouting Kakarot's name.

This shows how deep the resentment towards Kakarot is!

"This guy was really terrifying. He received a punch from Vegeta and didn't react at all."

Sun Wukong was secretly shocked, knowing that Vegeta's current strength is quite good.

But more importantly, this guy is not in the form of Chuan Chao yet!

After becoming an unconscious Chuan Chao, Broly's The strength will skyrocket again and reach a terrifying state.

"But...damn it!"

At this moment, Vegeta felt like he was going to be furious!

The little brother who was following him just now suddenly became so strong.

What's even more annoying is that this guy is actually a Saiyan!

Vegeta watched helplessly as Bro passed in front of him and walked directly towards Kakarot.

This feeling of being completely ignored made Vegeta angry.

He jumped up high again and swept his legs directly. Sweeping at Broly's neck, there was a muffled sound, but the solution was still the same, Broly remained motionless, and still didn't want to look at Vegeta.

"Asshole, go to hell!"

Vegita felt like he was going crazy!

He formed a terrifying energy ball with one hand and threw it directly towards Broly.

The energy ball hit Broly's back accurately!


Smoke spread everywhere, the ground shook violently, and a huge hole appeared.

When the smoke cleared, Broly was still unscathed.

"One...nothing at all!"

Vegeta looked at Broly in astonishment. His attack just now was at full strength, but it didn't cause any damage to that guy at all.

"But...damn it!"

Broly clenched his fists tightly.

Scarlet cracks instantly appeared in his eyes.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... a thunderous roar echoed around, and at that moment, Broly's anger began to surge.

The whole sky darkened at this moment, turning from day to night (cibd).

Countless blue thunder and lightning poured down from the sky. At this moment , the whole planet trembled crazily....

The roar continues, and the breath continues to surge crazily.

"Quick...stop Broly!"

Seeing Broly's appearance, not to mention Vegeta, even Barakas panicked.

He knew very well what Broly wanted to do, and if he ever turned into that form, he would be completely Losing consciousness and turning into a powerful killing tool will completely disown all relatives. When the time comes, not only Vegeta and Kakarot, but also himself will be killed by Broly!

They will all be destroyed...

Thinking of this, Barakas quickly raised his right hand, and the controller in his palm flashed with a green light.

The golden hoop on Broly's forehead also shone with light. Affected by this, Broly's mood gradually relaxed again.

"The legendary Super Saiyan is really a monster!"

Sun Wukong also smacked his tongue. Broly's aura just now was beyond the comparison of ordinary Super Saiyans!

How terrifying would it be if he turned into a Super Saiyan?

Broly calmed down for more than ten seconds. At the same time, Barakas also took a deep breath, and at the next moment, Broly's eyes once again had a ferocious look like a beast.


With a roar, the aura surged uncontrollably again, and the grass-green flames swept away in all directions in circles.

In an instant, the entire sky turned directly into grass green.


The golden band on Broly's forehead immediately shattered.

Gu Gu Gu Gu... the muscles in his whole body doubled in size again. The whole person looked extremely tall and strong, with an overwhelming sense of strength.

Rustling... grass-green flames swirled crazily around the body.

At this time, Broly's hair turned grass green, his eyes had no pupils, and they were empty and pale before.

"Kakarot, the blood sacrifice begins with you now!"

As soon as Broly's voice fell, his body exploded out.

Seeing the Super Saiyan approaching, Sun Wukong did not hesitate. With a shake of his arms, he directly turned into a Super Saiyan with full power.

He I want to try it, how terrifying is Broly's strength!


As soon as their fists came into contact,

Sun Wukong's body flew out directly and hit the opposite side of the palace. On top of a giant peak, the giant peak instantly turned into rubble! _Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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