"What...what's going on?"

Sun Wuhan stood in the center of the amusement city, looking around with cautious eyes. He could feel that there was a dangerous day permeating the surroundings at this time.

He actually knew in his heart that the so-called strong man in the universe mentioned by the host was nothing more than There was nothing powerful about the earthlings' pretense, but the dangerous feeling that just appeared was definitely not something that ordinary earthlings could give them!

And at this moment, a big pendulum suddenly hit him. He smashed it down with Sun Wuhan.

At the same time, a thin figure with light blue skin appeared in Sun Wuhan's sight.

Wearing a different hat and a black robe, with an evil smile on his lips, he looked at Sun Wuhan

"who are you?"

Sun Wuhan narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, and asked in a deep voice.

He could feel that this guy was unusual, and he definitely couldn't be from Earth!

"Me? Someone who sends you on your way."

After the guy finished speaking, he clapped his hands out of the air, as if he had super powers, and the facilities in the amusement park were thrown at Sun Wuhan at the same moment.

"What a rude guy. Since you are going to cause trouble, don't blame me for being rude."

Sun Wufan said coldly.

Although he could feel a very dangerous feeling, the guy in front of him was obviously not as strong as himself.


With a loud shout, a terrifying aura exploded out of his body.

The thing that hit Sun Wuhan was shattered into powder in an instant.

Then his body flashed and flew directly towards the guy in black robes.

The guy was unhurried and still extremely confident..

His hands were aimed at Sun Wukong.


With a sharp cry, a few energy rays shot out from his fingertips, directly binding Sun Wukong.

The moment he was bound by the light, Sun Wuhan felt. It's hard for me to move, and the energy in my body is also weakening rapidly.

"Hey hey hey….…"

Seeing Sun Wukong in front of him being trapped and unable to move, the guy smiled gloomily, dodged his body, clenched his fist and hit Sun Wuhan directly on the head.

It was a complete killing move, with no mercy at all.

"Oh, damn that guy!"

The next moment, Sun Wukong's pupils suddenly turned light green, and then, his golden hair stood up high.

Whispering... the golden flames were circling crazily, and the energy light was directly broken..

At the same time, Sun Wuhan also burst out and punched the man in black robe directly. A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe

, and he turned back. , started.

Sun Wuhan naturally didn't want to give him a chance to escape. It would be too dangerous for such a terrifying guy to stay on the earth!

Then he caught up with him in a flash of his body!.


On the other side, Vegeta also encountered the same situation.

Beside the trickling stream, a burly man held a long sword in his hand.

An orange pineapple head with light blue hair, staring at Vegeta with an evil look on his face

"Roar! He's really a cosmic person……"

Vegeta held his fists in front of his chest and looked at the man in front of him with a proud look on his face.

It was immediately obvious that this guy was not from Earth!

Originally, he thought that such a meaningless game would be a waste of his time, but now it seems that it is not so boring after all!

And if this guy in front of me doesn't turn into a Super Saiyan, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with him!

But it would be too boring if the game ended as soon as it started!

The pineapple-headed man glanced at Vegeta evilly, and then launched the attack first.

The speed was extremely fast, and he appeared in front of Vegeta almost instantly. The long sword in his hand was raised high, and he slashed down at Vegeta!

"snort! Vegeta gave a cold sigh, turned his body slightly to the side, and easily dodged the attack of the pineapple-headed man.

However, the pineapple-headed man did not seem to be surprised, and then he grasped the hilt of the sword tightly and pointed directly at the pineapple-headed man with his backhand. He slashed at Vegeta!


The sword slashed through the air with a sharp cry! A few strands of Vegeta's hair were cut off, and the man with the pineapple head slowly fell to the ground. smiled proudly

"Tch... damn that bastard thing!"

This moment completely angered Vegeta, and his eyes instantly erupted with angry light.

Then he clenched his fists and transformed directly into a Super Saiyan.

His body flashed and disappeared directly.

When he reappeared, Vegeta's fist had already penetrated the pineapple-headed man's vagina.


Blood flowed down Vegeta's fist, and the pineapple- headed man's face was full of horror.

And unbelievable!

He never expected that a guy like him on such a low-level planet could kill him in an instant!

And he barely even reacted.


Vegeta again.

With a loud shout, golden rays of light shot out directly from the body of the pineapple-headed man.

Then with a muffled"boom", the man exploded and turned into bits of debris, falling down.

"I didn’t expect that there is a guy like you on this kind of planet. It’s really surprising!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind.

Vegeta turned around suddenly and saw a burly man with the same pineapple head as before, blue skin, blue shirt and white pants.

Wearing a few bullet-like necklaces, he looked at Vegeta jokingly, as if he didn't have any emotional fluctuations at all because his companions were killed.……

"What the hell are you! Vegeta asked coldly.

Although he was as arrogant as ever, he was also a little cautious because he could feel that the guy in front of him was much more powerful than the pineapple head just now.

Maybe even he was not necessarily the same. His opponent!


And at this time, the Northern Kaiou star struck!

The King of the Northern Realm seemed to be greatly frightened, and his body was shaking violently.

"Then...how did those guys break the seal and come out?"

The King of the Northern Realm trembled and started talking to himself.

"What's wrong, Kaio-sama, I see you are nervous."

Seeing the fearful look on the North Realm King's face, Sun Wukong stopped practicing and asked

"Bo...BoJack broke the seal and ran out!"

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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