
"elder brother……"

Qiqi and others originally came to watch the fun, but they didn't expect that the situation would develop to this point.

He was rubbing his hands together worriedly and looking at the big screen ahead, while No. 18, with sharp eyes, stood in front of Chichi Bulma and others, protecting them!

"Who are those guys? How come they can't even deal with Gohan and Piccolo? And now that Goku has gone to the Kaio planet, what should he do now?"

Bulma also had a look of anxiety on her face. If it was to repair something, she would have some ideas, but in this kind of battle, she was completely helpless!

All the other spectators had already scattered, and left in groups. Some of them are the kind of guys who watch the fun and are not afraid of death!


In the battle area, the battle between Sun Wuhan and BoJack would have been inseparable without the intervention of Peter and Zangya.

However, except for Son Gohan and Vegeta, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and others are obviously struggling.

After several fights, they gradually fell at a disadvantage.

The strength of Tianjin Fan and Klin was almost the same. Even with the addition of Yamcha, the situation did not change much. After several battles, they were completely suppressed by Zangjia.

Zangjia seized the opportunity and punched Tianjin Fan directly in the chest, causing Tianjin Fan to fly out.

Smashed heavily into the ruins!

Only Yamcha was left, and Zangjia was knocked away almost instantly.

Completely lost combat effectiveness!

After easily knocking Tianjin Fan and Yamcha away, Zangjia appeared directly next to Bi, and the two began to join forces to deal with Piccolo.

As long as Piccolo is defeated and he and Peter attack together, the remaining Vegeta and Son Gohan will have no ability to resist.

"But...damn it! Piccolo gritted his teeth tightly, and sweat dropped from his brows.

Originally, he didn't have the upper hand in the battle with Bi, but now that Zangjia was added to the mix, it was naturally even more difficult to deal with. He began to retreat steadily!

Like! Jia and Peter took action at the same time, each punching towards Piccolo's chest.

When Piccolo saw this, he naturally did not dare to be careless, and protected his chest with both arms.

Bang... their fists were heavy. The ball fell on Bick's arms, and the terrifying force directly knocked Bick away.

At the same time, Zangjia and Peter stretched their hands forward in perfect harmony, and streaks of light shot out from their fingers. Piccolo was tightly trapped, and the arrogance surrounding Piccolo began to weaken little by little.

"Damn it, there's no way to break free……"

Piccolo frowned and tried several times, but was still unable to break free. The more he struggled, the tighter the invisible restraint became.

At the same time, your own energy disappears faster.

Ten seconds later, the arrogance around Piccolo completely disappeared.

At this time, Peter put down his hands, appeared in front of Piccolo, and punched Piccolo hard on the side of the face.

Piccolo's body was shot out like an arrow from a string. After slamming into the ruins, he completely lost consciousness.

After the two teamed up to easily defeat Piccolo, they flashed their bodies and appeared directly next to Buchin, looking at Vegeta.

Originally, Vegeta could still take advantage of Buchin, but now that the three of them joined forces, Vegeta became a little panicked.

In his heart, he began to curse Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and others. Those idiots were dealt with so quickly!

It turned out that he planned to help them after dealing with this big man, but the current situation seemed that he could not protect himself!

Thinking of this, Vegeta did not hesitate at all. He sank his center of gravity and formed a calyx shape with his palms. A terrifying energy ball emerged from his palms.

He knew very well that as long as he rushed over and fought with them at close range, those guys would definitely use the same moves against him!

In that case, I have absolutely no chance of winning.

"final flash……"

A deep voice roared from Vegeta's throat, and the energy ball instantly blasted towards Buchin and Zanga.

The three of them could also feel the terrifying energy contained in the energy ball and evaded it in panic.


The moment the energy ball hit the ground, monstrous orange flames suddenly engulfed most of the city.

At a glance, it was completely a sea of Wangyang fire!

When the smoke cleared, the fire dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was a huge sinkhole.

A hundred feet away!

Buqin, Zanjia and Peter were also standing in mid-air, their eyes full of horror.

Obviously he didn't expect Vegeta's attack to cause such horrific destructive power.

"Tch...I'm a little bit angry!"

Peter lowered his head, looked at the sinkhole below, raised the corner of his mouth, and said lightly.

Then, Peter glanced at Buchin, who seemed to understand.

With a flash of his body, he moved towards Beji The tower flew over.

Peter and Zangjia were not slow at all, and they also had to let Buchin and Vegeta fight in close combat. In this way, they could defeat Bege. The tower was restrained.

As long as he was restrained, he would be a piece of meat on the display board, and he could be slaughtered by them. Vegeta 's brows were completely furrowed because of the missed attack.

If he just wanted to fight him in close combat, there was no way he could avoid it.

Even though he knew that he would fall into their plan, at this moment, he had no other choice, and

Vegeta had no choice but to force himself. He rushed forward with his head, but the moment the body flashed out, Peter and Zangya repeated their old tricks and imprisoned Vegeta directly.

"damn thing……"

Vegeta's eyes were red with anger and veins popped up all over his body, but he couldn't break free from the restraints of the two.

He could only watch Buchin's figure rapidly dilate in his pupils.

Looking at Vegeta who was completely restrained and unable to break free, Buchin smiled sinisterly, condensed an energy ball in his palm, and pushed it directly towards Vegeta's vagina.


The moment the energy ball came into contact with Vegeta's mouth, it exploded instantly.

The terrifying shock wave blew Vegeta away.

Hung Kou's combat uniform was blown to pieces and turned completely black!

The body fell heavily to the ground and returned to normal.

He was obviously seriously injured and could no longer continue fighting!

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