“Woohoo~ It’s a pity.” General Hertz was sorry to see that Sark had dodged his attack.

The blow just now almost condensed all the power in his body, but it was still dodged by the other party.

‘Damn it! In order to dodge the attack just now, the spatial transfer used had already consumed most of the crystal power. The Saint Tailor slash just now also consumed almost the same physical strength. General Hertz touched his almost numb left arm.

Although he dodged the attack of the giant ape, he was still wiped by the energy column. The spatial ripples generated by spatial transfer and energy resonance made his left arm unable to exert force for a short time.


After discovering General Hertz, Sark blasted out three giant energy bombs in a row, forcing the other party to keep fleeing. And he himself is approaching the other party, compressing his space to hide.

It didn’t take long for General Hertz, who was exhausted to be physically exhausted, when Sark seized the opportunity and slapped him to the ground, shattering his bones. It was then blasted to pieces by a small energy cannon from Sark!

The ensuing battle was solved with little effort. Solve the most powerful general, the remaining 10 minions can no longer turn over the big waves.

Even Himeuchi didn’t make a move, and she was the only Saiyan among the crowd to lift her giant ape status shortly after the battle.

“What bad luck! King Hertz is not here! Becky pressed Scott and found no one who matched King Hertz’s combat power.

After confirming that it was safe, everyone lifted the state of the great ape and rested on the ruined palace.

“In this way, our decapitation operation failed. What’s next? Pollard, the captain of the other squad, looked at Himechi and asked for her opinion.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Nei raised his head and scanned the circle: “Then divide the troops!” The Hertzian palace, which symbolizes the greatest power, has been destroyed by us. According to the intelligence we intercepted just now, the Hertz Starmen do not seem to know the whereabouts of their king, thinking that they have been killed by us! In this way, we took this opportunity to publicize the death of King Hertz everywhere and demoralize them. ”

“Then we will be able to easily beat them and get the job done. Even if King Hertz appeared in the end, he was already exhausted. ”

When everyone thinks about it, it’s really such a reason. In fact, after all, their goal is only to conquer the planet.

The reason why you want to solve the Hertz King first is to make the Hertz star group leaderless, lose cohesion, and break each one.

Now the effect is the same, and the other Hertzians already think their king is dead. Its morale has been hit, and the purpose of the crowd has been achieved.

“Good! Next, we divide into two groups. On the one hand, find the King of Hertz, on the other hand, destroy all other resistance forces! Finally, Himeuchi assigned a task to everyone.

Kraka and Pollard’s squad join forces to destroy the smaller city. Himeuchi is a team of three and is responsible for dealing with enemies who have great combat power.

The group of twelve then split up, and over the next two days, they dealt with thousands of Hertz Star warriors in batches.

With the news of King Hertz’s killing, the Starmen have split into two factions.

Some of the powerful kings were destroyed, leaving them unable to stop the Saiyan attack. He chose a policy of non-resistance and hid in the deep mountains and old forests. The other faction was more radical, and they organized armies to launch a death charge against the Saiyans. The former servants attacked Himeuchi one after another.

Even if he knew that he was not an opponent, he resolutely launched an attack. Some people even come with the intention of self-destructing.

For Ji Nei, they are also a headache. This can be human, but Hertz Star fanatics like tarsal maggots are really difficult.

Sometimes when you sleep well, someone comes out of a hole in the ground, a lake and rushes at you. Before you can set up a fight, he directly blew himself up, which startled people.

On several occasions, Saiyans from another group were even injured.

On the third day, Himeuchi leads Sark and Becky destroys another large city. Solve a guy with a combat power of 28,000, and thousands of miscellaneous soldiers.

On a flat hillside, Sark carried an elephant-like creature and roasted it on a fire, and there was already a large pile of gnawed bones on the ground.

“Hmm~ Judging from the current progress, one more planet can wipe out the enemies on this planet.” While eating the barbecue, Ji Nei checked the results of everyone in the past few days.

A total of ten megacities, forty-three large cities, and hundreds of small cities were wiped out.

Almost thirty percent of the city was in ruins, and the living were living in panic.

Even the flourishing interstellar trade stopped, and a large number of aliens fled Hertz.

Now the Saiyans are still under Frisha’s hands, acting in his name, and not many people dare to stand up and accuse.

“Didi…” Ji Nei Scott suddenly sounded.

“Hey, I’m Himechi, what’s going on?”

“Himechi-sama! Come and support us… Yes…… Go and die, monster! Yes…… Click… Shhh All that remained in Scott was the noise of noise.

“…… Walk! Pollard they had an accident. Himeuchi suddenly jumped up and came high in the air. Expanding Scott’s detection range, he soon found the combat strength value belonging to the Saiyan.

It’s just that these values fluctuate greatly, and the number of people is not right, and it is obviously a fierce battle.

“The distance is 1,200 kilometers, I hope there is still time!” Himeuchi flew to the scene of the incident first, followed by Sack and Becky.

Along the way, Himeuchi kept trying to contact another group of people, but no one responded.

Ten minutes ago.

A valley 1,200 kilometers away.

Pollard and Kraka are besieged by thousands of Hertzians.

Unlike the 703 general Hertz Star People, these Hertz Star Warriors are all fearless of death, all of them attack with one brain, and do not care about defense at all. Even if you break your legs, your feet will crawl over and bite you.

Burst them, and blood flowed from the shattered corpses, but some disgusting green liquid flowed out.

They are more like thoughtless puppets, zombies, rather than people. Only know to kill the enemy in front of you.

“I grass! Are these things Hertz or not! Why don’t they dodge, defend. Kraka casually smashed a head that pounced. Three more Hertzians pounced. In the distant treetops, there are more than a dozen Hertz Starmen with closed mouthparts, like they launch energy rays!

“! If it weren’t for daylight now. Transformed into a giant ape, I will teach you how to be human in minutes! A Saiyan warrior vented and smashed the Hertz Starman who rushed over.

“Okay! Just say a few words and kill more enemies. “Pollard blasted out a ball of energy and blew dozens of people away.” It can’t go on like this, you have to find a way to rush out, otherwise you can’t run when your physical strength is exhausted! ”

Although they killed hundreds of people, the surrounding enemies showed no signs of abating.

Fortunately, the increase in combat effectiveness of these Hertz Starmen is not high, at most only four times. The strongest combat power is only 500, and the combat skills are very poor, and they are killed by everyone joining forces. No, the consequences were unimaginable. _

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