Pieces of Frieza Legion members died, although the Saiyans across from them did not know what had happened. However, since the invaders died, they were very happy.

Of course, some of the Saiyans were killed at the same time, but only a small part, and not many people cared.

After developing the Immortal Revenge, Raditz anticipated that one day his potion would be used by Friesha’s legion. He specially asked Hebara to buy off a quartermaster of the Frieza Legion, who was also a Saturnian. After paying some money, a large number of quick-acting life-saving pills that had been touched were sent to the munitions of the Frieza Legion.

Then came what had just happened, and everyone who had taken this life-saving pill had all died under the poison.

Except for a small number of fish that had not taken the potion, the Frieza Legion on Vegeta Star was empty in an instant.

And all this Frieza knows nothing, and at this moment he is engaged in another fierce battle with Raditz.

Because his physical strength has recovered again, Raditz’s combat effectiveness has improved slightly. Originally, it took five times the combat power to barely match Friesha, but now it only needs four times.

This time, Frieza also put away his mind of playing and began to fight Raditz seriously.

Frisha, who became serious, was indeed terrifying, and every move had the power to destroy the world and the earth. With each confrontation, Raditz’s body trembled unconsciously.

Raditz can be said to be in the spirit of twelve, dealing with it carefully, trying not to be hit by the energy cannon he fired.

Before this, he also wanted to improve his combat effectiveness rapidly by fighting with Frieza while improving his combat effectiveness.

Now it seems that this method is so ridiculous, if it hadn’t devoured Kenyu’s soul before coming. As a result of his spiritual power skyrocketing, he was able to capture Friesha’s movements in time, and I was afraid that he would have lost the battle a long time ago.

In the blink of an eye, Raditz fought with Frieza for several more minutes, and his injuries were slowly getting worse. After a long violent battle, the burden on the body is still very large. In particular, on the basis of violent qi, the original god transformation was used to enhance combat effectiveness. Although he couldn’t see anything on the outside, Raditz was suffering from great pain at the moment.

The body that has been in a tight state for a long time, overloaded with exercise, has almost reached its limit.

‘Damn it! The body is almost unable to support it! Gotta find a way to find an opportunity to eat some Immortal Revenge. The pain in her body suddenly intensified, and Raditz realized that her body had reached its limit. The strength of the body is also gradually declining, and the movements are gradually slowing down.

Frieza on the opposite side clearly sensed this change, and the movements on his hands immediately accelerated.

“How? Can’t bear it? Hehe…… If you want to take medicine to relieve it? Although he said this, the movements at hand did not slow down for a moment. Instead, it speeds up the frequency of attacks.

“Drink!!” Finally, the decline of strength left Raditz’s defenses with a glimmer of holes. Frieza seized the opportunity and hit Raditz hard with a powerful elbow.

With a pop, Raditz vomited blood and flew out. The momentum allowed him to glide hundreds of meters along the ground. A trench half a meter deep was thus formed.

“Ahem!” Raditz took advantage of the coughing effort to secretly take three Immortal Fu Spirit again. An ordinary person who can restore all his physical strength and heal his injuries by taking only one Immortal Fu Ling, at this moment, he must take three to ensure that he is not defeated. From this, one can imagine the intensity of the battle.

Because the recovery of the Immortal Fuling is relatively slow, Raditz can only urge the forging technique to speed up the recovery of physical strength.

Of course, in order to avoid Frisha’s clues, he still controlled his ‘qi’ to maintain the current level. At the same time, it also urges the muscle blood in the body, making himself pale, panting, and looking physically exhausted.

“Huh… It seems that I have reached the limit, and I have not yet exerted my strength. Frieza saw Raditz’s embarrassed appearance and suddenly felt better. He actually flew to the front of Raditz with a big grin, and said unashamedly: “What about your potion? Why don’t you take it yet, it’s gone! Even with the help of external forces, you are still not my opponent. ”

Frieza was confident as he spoke. Of course he does have this capital, and so far he has not transformed.

“Cut! If you give me one more chance, I will definitely beat you! Raditz tilted his head: “We Saiyans are a fighting race that is getting more and more courageous in battle!” ”

“Ahaha! It’s ridiculous. As if hearing a nice joke, Frieza couldn’t help but laugh up to the sky: “You think I’m the strongest now?” Fortunately, in order to make you die, before you die, let you see my true strength! You don’t know, I’m actually a shape-shifting alien. ”

Raditz’s heart trembled.

‘Finally about to transform?’ ’

“Haha, I just like the way you look now: fear, fear. Don’t worry, soon, you will be able to see my true strength. I don’t think I transformed when I attacked Vegeta. ”

As in the comics, Frieza first breaks free from his battle suit and then begins to condense energy.

Raditz’s keen mental power could clearly feel that a powerful, evil energy was pouring out of Friesha’s body. It’s like a prehistoric monster.

Click. First, the armor-like shell outside the body kept clicking, as if it was undergoing some kind of drastic change. This change lasted for about a minute, during which time Friesha’s Qi became stronger and stronger, and it had almost increased by more than a hundred thousand. And it’s still going up.

The torso of Frisha’s body grew larger, and then his arms and legs extended out of the enlarged shell again.

“Drink… Uh-huh… Ahh The sharp horns on both sides of the head also thickened and curved upwards, like goat’s horns.

When all these changes were completed, a brand new Frieza appeared in front of Raditz.

After the transformation, Frisha, from a short man of one meter five to a strong man of nearly two meters and five meters! The thick and bulging muscles are full of explosive power, and the natural armor on the torso and limbs has become dark and metallic.

The injuries he had suffered in the original battle had also completely healed, and more importantly, his momentum had doubled!

Even standing there without moving, that powerful momentum made the earth tremble.

Bardock and the others in the distance had already been frightened stupid. Even without using machines, they can feel how terrifying Friesha’s combat power really is!

(End of chapter)

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