Coming out of the blood-colored trial field, the study room is still a study room, but the jewel is restrained and no longer dazzling.

After walking around everywhere, there was nothing new.

Raditz left the temple and walked around the underground space, but did not find any other fierce beasts. It’s just that the huge underground lake below the temple is home to many strange fish and crawling crustaceans.

Because this underground cave is in the jungle of death, almost no one will come. It’s a nice place to hide.

Raditz decided to make it a temporary residence for Saiyans.

When I went to the main hall and looked at it, Bilida and the three of them were still suspended in midair. It is estimated that there will be at least a week before the inheritance is completed.

Returning to the spacecraft and talking to everyone about the situation, everyone unanimously agreed with Raditz’s proposal.

It took a whole day for everyone to transfer the materials from the spacecraft to the underground cave.

During this time, Raditz used his own blood to cultivate thirty cultivators. The combat effectiveness of these cultivators has reached 5,000, which is comparable to ordinary superior fighters.

After learning about the combat effectiveness of several cultivators, Dodebo and the others looked a little strange. Raditz pretended not to know.

At present, the highest combat power among several people, Dodebo, is only 10,000, and the lowest Seliba has less than 10,000 combat strength. This is also deliberately done by Raditz, with these cultivators, they will put more attention to cultivation.

Raditz placed ten guards outside the waterfall to prevent people or beasts from straying into the passage. The remaining twenty were responsible for guarding the temple.

Over the next week, Hebara led nearly a hundred Saturnians to set up laboratories and culture rooms.

The fire of the Saiyans cannot be extinct, and at this time, it is almost possible to breed a new generation of Saiyans.

Because of the preliminary preparation, the cultivation work was quickly launched. To be on the safe side, Raditz uses only half of the genes, a total of one hundred and fifty, half male and half female.

He also took the time to go out once and tell Krudy about the elimination of Leo. At the same time, it also eliminated the remnants of the warrior legion by the way.

With the information in Leo’s memory, the warrior legion was almost wiped out. All the important people at the top were arrested, and even a large wave of high-ranking officials of the government army and the Wuguan Alliance were implicated.

Of course, it all didn’t matter to Raditz, and he returned to the underground cave. This is his home.

Eliminating the remnants of the warrior legion is only to eliminate hidden dangers. Give the newborn Saiyans a safe and calm rear.

The three of Bilida also woke up in turn. What Raditz didn’t expect was that the person who obtained the inheritance and became the new god of Karam Star turned out to be little Lori Linda!

He always thought that the stable and mature Bilida would be favored.

Linda, who has obtained the inheritance, has increased her height a lot, and she has an aura that is not angry and self-threatening. She wears a close-fitting animal skin jumpsuit and a necklace with one tooth; In his hand is a staff made of some kind of animal leg bone.

Originally without the power of a chicken, she now has nearly 2,000 combat power.

Although they did not become gods, Birida and Leah also had their own gains.

Bilida gained the ability to communicate with animals, and her own strength was increased to more than 1,000.

Leah’s superpowers have been increased, and she has gained a lot of cultivation methods and skills related to mental power. She is the one of the three with the least improvement in combat effectiveness, but the greatest potential.

As Bida and Leah gain power, they also have to take on the obligation of assisting the new god, namely Linda.

“This is the dwelling place of God, and only God’s servants and guests may dwell here.” Linda walked up to Raditz, and the bone staff pointed at Raditz and said.

Raditz glanced at her and said meaningfully, “To become a god is to treat yourself as an adult.” Well~ the size has grown a little taller, and the small things are still small. ”

Linda: …

“Raditz !!!” Linda’s hysterical shouts echoed in the empty underground cavern.

“Don’t stop me! I want to let me know that the majesty of God is inviolable! Billida held Linda to keep her from rushing over to Raditz’s trouble. But she was trying to pounce.

It took her a while to realize that she had become a god and could use magic.

She grinned and pointed her staff at Raditz.

Some uncleaned weeds on the ground instantly grew wildly, twisting and wriggling like poisonous snakes to bind Raditz. Only one head is left outside.

“Hmph! Now you know how good I am! Linda said triumphantly.

A smile rose at the corner of Raditz’s mouth, and he immediately gulped. The many weed vines tied to him broke into pieces in an instant and fell to the ground.

While Linda was shocked, Raditz reached out and nodded her. Linda, who grew up slightly and was shocked, was fixed there.

“This is your punishment for disrespect to me, and I will contact it in a day.” Raditz winked at Linda and walked away.

Birida and Leah tried many methods but failed to free Linda. Helplessly, Linda, who had just become a new god, was fixed outside the temple for a whole night.

After that, Raditz returned to his usual rhythm of life: cultivating, eating, sleeping. Now there is one more, which is to run to the breeding room every day to observe the situation of the new generation of Saiyans.

Watching the next generation grow up little by little from the fertilized egg, the power of that growth made Raditz happy and happy from the bottom of his heart.

In the middle, he also fought and cultivated with Dodebo and others.

Even if Raditz compresses his combat effectiveness to equal to them, Sark and others are still not Raditz’s opponents.

Especially ‘gas’, they don’t know at all.

Raditz spent two days teaching them how to feel and control the ‘qi’ in their bodies.

They did not expect that their own power could be controlled to such a delicate degree. They were immersed in the world of ‘Qi’, almost without leaving home, and all of them plunged into the gravity cultivation room to cultivate.

You won’t stop if you don’t exhaust yourself every day.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and everything went into regular and orderly manner.

Raditz also put down his heart and prepared to leave for Namex to resurrect his old mother Jinai.

After ordering and arranging the next things, Raditz took a small spaceship to Nameks.

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