After the search, Raditz floated away. After leaving the institute, as soon as he pressed the button in his hand, the monitoring device of the institute returned to normal.

Hey…… Also left you something. ”

Of course, Raditz left like that, leaving a lot of monitoring devices in some secret areas of the institute. In order to steal Gallo’s research results later.

Although the level of technology on Earth is very different from that of Saturnians, there are also many things worth learning.

Papa Bulma’s portable capsule technology is heaven-breaking!

Bulma itself has many novel inventions, and the shrinking watch is one of them.

Plus Gallo’s android technology.

If the Saturnians absorb these, the power of the Saiyans will be greatly enhanced!

Just let you live a few more years and contribute more to me! Looking at Gallo who had not yet transformed me into a human being, Raditz observed it from a high altitude for a while before leaving.

Return to Hebala Star and give the collected drawings and information to Hebala for him to decipher as soon as possible.

“By the way, how is the progress of the Universe Business Alliance in the three-star domain?” Raditz asked about recent developments.

The seventh universe is divided into twelve star regions, each of which consists of several galaxies and hundreds of solar systems.

Geographically, both Earth and Saiyan are located in the northern Milky Way. The four major galaxies of East, West, South and North all belong to the three-star domain.

The King of the Northern Realm, who teaches the Kakarot Realm King Fist and Genki Bullet, is the administrator of the Northern Galaxy.

And the Great Realm King is the administrator of the third star domain. Above them there are also the gods of the realm kings, that is, the realm king gods who live in the realm of the realm of the realm kings and gods.

They were all born from the fruit of the Boundary Tree in the Boundary Core Star.

It’s a bit far, back to the Karam Star base.

In addition to the normal development of the Space Business Alliance and the Mercenary Federation over the years, they have another more important task – infiltration!

Although Raditz does not want to dominate the universe by violent domination like Frieza and them. But it doesn’t mean he will give up ruling the universe.

The deaths of Frieza and his brother Gula plunged the entire universe into a long war. Neither the rebels of the various colony stars nor the domain masters of each star domain wanted to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After so many years, far from it, there have been many large-scale interstellar wars in the three-star domain alone.

Tens of millions of lives were sacrificed, and numerous living planets turned into cosmic dust.

Of course, there are also many colony stars who have once again broken away from the rule of the Frieza Legion and regained their freedom.

Most of them completed this difficult war with the help of the Space Business Alliance and the Mercenary Federation.

Over the years, relying on arms and mercenary business, the power of the two organizations has expanded by nearly a hundredfold!

Nowadays, the Space Business Alliance is not only limited to the sale of medicines, but also includes but is not limited to: arms, daily necessities, all kinds of communication appliances, spaceships, real estate, finance…

While gaining their own financial resources and increasing their strength, they also penetrate their influence into every corner of every galaxy.

They had completed the layout before the local forces fully controlled the area of domination.

On the surface, these colony stars have completed their independence, but they have only escaped the rule of the Frieza Legion.

Just when they are complacent, they do not know that their planet has already ‘fallen’.

“Due to geographical location, most of the northern galaxy has not yet become a colony star of the Frieza Legion. So as early as three years ago, apart from small-scale friction, there were not many wars in the northern galaxy. After several years of development, all planets are now steadily restoring production, and their economies and politics are steadily improving. ”

“And our personnel have infiltrated every regime and held important positions.” If we need, it is quite possible to complete the replacement of the ruler in a very short time. Hebara’s eyes filled with adoration as he looked at Raditz.

He had never thought that he could rule the universe like this.

In comparison, the brutal rule before Frieza was much lower-grade.

“In recent years, the construction of the Star Martial Arts Hall has also gradually entered the right track. We have established more than two hundred Star Martial Arts Pavilions in the Northern Galaxy! ”

Perhaps because of years of war, although they have a variety of cutting-edge weapons, the spaceship is even like a fortress cannon.

People are particularly hungry for their own strength.

After all, weapons may be broken, they may be confiscated, and they may fall behind. But its own strength cannot be taken away.

I didn’t see that the Frieza Legion had relied on strong force to forcibly suppress the rebels for so long. Others don’t know, but the rebels of the original colonial star are vividly remembered.

Only those who have experienced war will cherish the hard-won peace.

They aspire to become stronger, to have the power to protect their homeland.

The Star Martial Arts Hall was born in this context.

It was formed by the original ghost team and taught by local martial arts powerhouses on various intelligent planets.

With the secret manpower and material support of the Cosmic Business Alliance, the facilities of each Star Martial Arts Hall are complete: gravity cultivation room, virtual training ground, fierce beast trial ground, treatment room, repair warehouse. There are also professional fighting tournaments, where the winner not only has a large prize money, but also receives rewards from the local government, giving honors to special citizens.

Stimulated by various rewards, people with dreams flocked to the Star Martial Arts Hall to learn martial arts.

On the bright side, special cultivators with more than 5,000 combat power are instructors to guide students in martial arts.

And secretly, the original ghost team (Saiyan) will also take turns to send personnel to the martial arts hall to show their strength and deter the little ones.

Raditz once stipulated that as long as he was over ten years old and his combat strength exceeded 200,000, he could teach at the Star Martial Arts Hall and accumulate experience.

And as long as the combat power exceeds 1 million, you can get his teaching, and there is hope to break through to become a Super Saiyan!

With Raditz’s commitment, the new generation of Saiyans all devoted themselves to cultivation with full enthusiasm.

In fact, Raditz originally wanted to set the minimum limit at 3 million combat effectiveness, but this kind of thing is urgent. Or take your time.

After all, there are already fourteen Super Saiyans today!

(End of chapter)

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