"But this time, I'm not here to find you!" The King of All grinned at Sun Wukong and turned to look at Surte.

"Surte, the delicious food you gave me last time was delicious. Actually, this time, I want to find a few more friends to play with!"

Hearing this, the two bamboo guards turned their eyes to Surte again.

It seemed that if Surte didn't agree, they would take action.

"Friends? You want a playmate to play with you!"

Hearing this, Surte blinked and pointed at Pilaf and the three little ones who were huddled together.

"Go play with them, and if you're not happy, just wipe them out!"

This act of throwing away the burden made Vegeta shudder.

He quickly approached Surte and whispered, "Are you crazy? This is my home!"

"It's Bulma's house, you soft-hearted guy..." Surte shrugged and took out a cigarette from his pocket again.

"Well, I'm afraid too. Can't you just take him away..."

Looking at the three little Pilafs shaking like sieves, Bulma asked with a worried look on her face.

Without waiting for Surt to respond, the murderous eyes of the two bamboo guards met Bulma.

"Eh..." Bulma retreated decisively and quickly, not daring to speak again.

"Don't worry, I'll be watching from the side!" Surt comforted her in a not-so-comforting way.

If he wasn't on Earth, where there was a lot of fun to play, where could he take the King of All?

Go to Beerus's divine land and watch the prophecy fish fishing?

Under Surt's verbal command, he had never seen all kinds of fun toys for infants under three years old on Earth, plus games for the same age...

The King of All, he was having a lot of fun!

Before leaving, he didn't forget to take all these things away.

Fortunately, compared with life and being wiped out, Bulma waved her hand with great pleasure and gave him other baby products!

It feels like all the technology and life on Earth have been emptied out at once!

After sending away this terrifying Eraser King, everyone finally spent a peaceful night.

The next day, at noon.

Xiao Wu also brought good news to Da Te who had just come out of the gravity room, saying that the energy of the time machine was ready.

Beerus, who came back, also told everyone present that Zamasu's plan to kill his master had been strangled in the cradle.

Even Zamasu himself was destroyed by him and completely eliminated.

"Then, let's go to Trunks' world next!" Sun Wukong clenched his fists and looked at Vegeta excitedly.

Vegeta looked indifferent, crossed his arms and looked at Big Trunks, "Trunks, let's go!"


As Big Trunks responded, Sun Wukong looked at Surte who was standing by the window with a cigarette in his mouth, and asked, "Surte, are you going?"

"Of course, no!"

Surte looked at Sun Wukong with a squint, and suddenly said, "By the way, I'll give you a piece of advice!"

"Don't dawdle, be careful that you end up giving the other party level experience!"

"What do you mean?" Vegeta asked with a puzzled look.

"Literally!" After saying this, Surte crossed his arms and looked at Whis who was standing next to Beerus.

"By the way, what did you want to tell me yesterday? And when will Bardos come back?"

How many days has it been?

These days, it's really cold to sleep alone at night!

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot about it if you didn't ask me!"

When Weiss heard Surt's question, he immediately walked to his side and said in a low voice, "Sister, my father sent me to the Kai of Time!"

"Huh?" Surt was surprised when he heard this.

What surprised him was not Bardos's mission, but the Kai of Time...

How should I put it, it was very unexpected!

Originally I thought this was the orthodox Dragon Ball Super, and it didn't make sense that a character from Dragon Ball Heroes would appear. I didn't expect...

This person really exists!

But this is not what Surt cares about. He asked Weiss again, "So, when will Bardos come back?"

"I can't come back! The high priest threatened your life so that sister will never come back!"

"...My life?" Surt was stunned.

The last time he met the high priest, this guy didn't show any hostility or dissatisfaction with him at all!

As expected of an old monster who has lived for billions of years, his mind is really not revealed at all, it is really deep!

Thinking of this, Su Te's heart was filled with anger, damn the high priest...

He didn't say anything, just put out the cigarette butt and took out the thing given to him by the King of All.

Just when he was about to press it, Weiss, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, immediately stopped Su Te, "You want to go to the high priest?"

"Yes!" Su Te responded.

"Go and question the high priestWhat about the priest? Or do you ask him to let your sister come back? Or... do you really want to be killed? ! "

Faced with these consecutive questions, Surt answered irrelevantly, "The King of All and I are friends!"

But Whis disagreed, "In some things, even the King of All may not be helpful!"

As soon as these words came out, Surt understood.

The highest ruler of the angel family is the father of angels, the high priest.

The King of All may not be able to interfere with the arrangements of the high priest in this regard!


Surt tightened his fists on both sides. This was the first time he wanted to speak with his fists since he came to the Dragon Ball Super world.

Unfortunately, these fists are useless against the high priest!

"Then how can I go to the Kaioshin of Time? ”

If the mountain doesn’t come to see me, I will go to see the mountain myself!

“I can’t go unless the King of Time comes here...” Weiss shook his head slightly, indicating his powerlessness.

It’s not that the door of time and space cannot be opened, but if it is opened privately, the high priest will punish him severely!

Telling this news to Surt has already violated the high priest’s intention.

Hey, it’s because this guy can cook, for the sake of delicious food...

No, it’s because I don’t want my sister to suffer alone, and Surt does nothing and is kept in the dark.

Oh, thinking about it this way, he is really a good brother!

While Weiss was silently quibbling, Surt had already walked to the door of the room.

Looking at his receding back, Weiss hurriedly asked, “Surt, where do you want to go? ”

“Lunch is coming, I’ll get you something to eat…” Surte waved his hand, speaking in a very casual manner.

But Weiss knew that Surte’s mood at the moment was not as calm as it seemed.

Wow… What will this guy do?

I’m really looking forward to it…

Without the two big appetites of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, Surte simply made a few meals.

It didn’t matter whether these people were full or not, anyway, Surte dealt with the meal.

After lunch, he asked Weiss with a normal expression to get him a different dimension with a different mirror flow speed and time, and ran in to practice.

The time flow speed of the dimension is tens of thousands of times faster than outside.

After staying in there for a whole year, only half a day passed outside.


When Surte came out again, his clothes were tattered, and it was no exaggeration to say that he was left with only a pair of pants.

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