This scene made Chu Qianye's expression startled, but he soon recovered and understood the weirdness of it.

Most of them are important people. Even though they are guarded, when things are really happening, they still have trouble controlling their emotions.

"Although this all-spirit holy flame is very weird, no one can control it after all, so it's relatively easy to deal with." Chu Qianye said, immediately circling the bone spirit in his body with cold fire, removing the all-spirit holy flame in his body. Sweep out of the body.

After regaining his body freedom, he took a deep breath in his heart.

This Wan Ling Sheng Yan is indeed very weird, and the illusion produced is not weaker than the Vientiane Tree. Fortunately, I am more determined, otherwise I am replaced by another person, I am afraid that the Wan Ling Sheng Yan has now controlled it.

Chu Qianye wiped away the cold sweat, his mind moved, and the eyes of all spirits opened, and the world in front of him suddenly changed. The black sky and sea of ​​fire surged between the sky and the earth, and the space wormhole in front of him seemed to disappear. Within a hundred miles of him, everything became clear.

He didn't expect this phenomenon either. He realized that the eyes of all spirits and gods could only be used for predicting and analyzing other people's martial arts. He didn't expect to have such effects.

It seems that this divine eye has other effects, which I haven't fully figured out yet.

After seeing the void in front of him clearly, Chu Qianye hurriedly looked within a radius of a hundred miles, and suddenly saw a few ghosts, and quickly swept towards the void in front of him. Some people's figures were captured by the Holy Flame of All Souls. Covered, in a screaming scream, he was completely dead and burned to ashes.

This scene looks very scary.

"Too tough, this Wanling Sage Yan is too strange, and it's not the same as the previous profound fire." Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a breath while looking at the scene directly in front of him.

"Then, let's continue to look for other people next. I don't know if they can still be found under this huge space wormhole." Chu Qianye muttered, and immediately unfolded his soul perception, in the criss-cross space. Travel through the wormhole maze, looking for the whereabouts and breath of other people.

Chu Qianye has the eyes of all spirits, and it's obviously easier for Chu Qianye to find someone.

As he continued to look for those people, his heart was more shocked, surrounded by those who were surrounded by the Holy Flame of All Souls, all kinds of screams, screams, constantly echoing in the space wormhole, that called The sound was unusually harsh.

Chu Qianye was full of horror. He naturally understood how difficult it is to expel the demon fire burning in the body. If it weren't for the suppression of the blood of the two sages, the help of the cold fire of the bone spirit, and the skill Swallowing refining, and the Holy Flame of All Souls takes advantage of the emptiness to enter, it will inevitably suffer serious injuries!

But these people have nothing to do with him, he must find Li Ling, Zhao Wanjun and Yuanjie Venerable as soon as possible.

Chu Qianye continued to rush forward quickly, and within a few blinks of an eye, he dipped into the void hundreds of meters away.

Soon he found Zhao Wanjun, and she was struggling to resist each other with the Holy Flame of All Souls, the flame had entered the body, and black flames appeared around the body.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

"When will you stay awake now!"

Chu Qianye appeared next to him, and then slapped his back with a palm, and a violent shout containing soul aura came out of his mouth without warning, like the momentum of the sky, suddenly surged out.

This shout made Zhao Wanjun's spirits shocked. There was a wave of mental fluctuations in this sound wave. Zhao Wanjun's cheeks suddenly turned pale, and her closed eyes opened.

Zhao Wanjun raised her head. After seeing Chu Qianye, she was suddenly surprised. If it weren't for Chu Qianye's timely arrival, I'm afraid that she would be burned to ashes by the flame. Thinking of the crises just now, Zhao Wanjun immediately Xiang Chu Qianye cast a grateful look.

"Thank you."

But she saw that Chu Qianye's eyes were intentional, and she followed his gaze for an instant.

She didn't know when her clothes started, but a hole was burned by the terrifying temperature.

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Zhao Wanjun flushed and turned around quickly.

Chu Qianye was suddenly quite embarrassed.

Zhao Wanjun took out a piece of clothing from Qiankun Jie and immediately put it on her body.

"Um, have you seen Senior Yuanjie?"

After a long while, Zhao Wanjun rustled before putting on his clothes. Chu Qianye felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he asked.

"No." Zhao Wanjun shook his head gently, and said: "When I came in, they were all separated. The vortex should be a teleportation formation, which teleported us to different places. This Wanling Shengyan seemed very Cunning, most of them killed the warriors, and found the means to arrange the formation from them. This space wormhole is full of dangers, I think there may be different dangers, and you have to deal with it carefully."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Who can say no? The environment here is extremely dangerous, maybe everything is in the calculations of the Holy Flame of All Souls, and they are moving in the direction it expected.

"You take this pill. The effect is about two hours. It can wake up the mind and prevent the Holy Flame from entering the body." Chu Qianye said.

Zhao Wanjun nodded gently, took the pill from Chu Qianye's palm, swallowed it immediately, and began to refine and absorb it.

"Let's go, in the area where I came, they are not there, we continue to look for them, with their strength, there should be no problems, but in case of any accident, we must hurry to support them." Chu Qian Ye said.

"Okay." Zhao Wanjun looked at her surroundings with lingering fear. The maze of space wormholes was so unpredictable, especially these sacred flames of all spirits. It was simply impossible to guard against. She also witnessed some warriors burned to ashes in front of her. But there is no way to swallow it fiercely.

Chu Qianye glanced at the warriors who had slowed down because of Chu Qianye's violent drinking, and they all cast grateful eyes at Chu Qianye.

If it weren't for Chu Qianye's violent shout, I'm afraid they would have been burned to ashes.

Chu Qianye didn't care, he did it to save Zhao Wanjun.

"Let's go."

Chu Qianye hit the sole of his foot and continued to rush forward, Zhao Wanjun followed closely.

The two quickly disappeared in this wormhole.

"That person just now seems to be Chu Qianye."

"Well, it's him."

"This person's character is not bad, if it weren't for his violent shout, I'm afraid we are all dead now."


Everyone looked at the direction where Chu Qianye and Zhao Wanjun were leaving, their hearts booed.

And Chu Qianye and Zhao Wanjun went all the way, and soon the space wormholes became less and less, and the figures in front of them gradually decreased.

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