Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1019: The ambition of All Souls Sheng Yan

In other words, no matter how hard they exerted, even if these puppets were beheaded, they would still be resurrected, just like wildfire burning endless spring breeze.

It's tricky!

Chu Qianye frowned. This Wan Ling Sheng Yan is really weird. It has killed so many humans and inherited the martial arts inheritance of so many people. From formations to gods, and then to refining weapons, there is almost nothing it can't. Ah, if this is allowed to grow again, the speed will be very terrifying, and even the master will be unable to stand still by then!

These are tens of thousands of puppets, such endless killings, they fell into the black flame and quickly resurrected, sooner or later they will have to be consumed by these puppets!

Therefore, if they don't find a way to get rid of the puppet sooner, things will only get trickier.

Only when the scars of the gods are broken, the effect of the gods of immortality will be weakened or eliminated.

"Everyone sees the marks of the gods, and you must erase these marks. As long as you find a way to remove them, these puppets will never be able to come back to life." Chu Qianye vomited softly, his voice clearly spreading into everyone Personal ears.

When the words were over, Chu Qianye took a step forward with the soles of his feet, and the mandala kiss spread out, and an invisible rope swept forward, and immediately bound the puppet.

Chu Qianye's soul power swept away and quickly swept across his body to see where there were fluctuations in the **** pattern, and he quickly found the location of the **** pattern.

"The position of the **** pattern is two inches from the right of the heart." Chu Qianye said again.

Everyone awakened one after another, and they also followed suit. This time they did not kill them, but instead used blunt weapons to attack the position of the **** pattern.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Numerous phantoms fell one after another, and they never came back to life again. Everyone saw this scene with a excited expression on their faces.

In the blink of an eye, those puppets fell back to the world of Heiyan and never came out again, and the black figures in the void, there were no more puppets.

In the blink of an eye, five thousand puppets have been wiped out, and the killing is still going on, but this time it is their turn to kill the puppets. This speed is accompanied by the passage of time, and there is only one left in the black and crushing void. Thousands of puppets.

"court death!"

The black-clothed youth's face sank, staring at Chu Qianye, and shouted coldly.

However, people were still in a state of excitement at the moment, unable to stop at all, so the killing continued, as if it were endless, and the remaining thousand puppets were quickly wiped out.

However, the human side also suffered heavy casualties. The big sect forces were already embarrassed. This time they were fighting these puppets, and most of the profound energy in the body was consumed. Everyone took out the pill and quickly took refining and absorption.

Seeing that the puppet was removed, the black-clothed man's face suddenly became much ugly. He turned his head and looked at the figure that shot the nine black lacquered pillars, and the corners of his mouth suddenly showed a cruel expression.

Seeing this expression, Chu Qianye suddenly had an extremely ominous premonition in her heart.

"Senior Long Hai, get out of that pillar!"

Chu Qianye shouted hurriedly and quickly, and everyone's faces showed a touch of astonishment.

But they soon understood what Chu Qianye meant.

Seeing a wave of the palm of the young man in black, the nine black-lacquered magma columns produced a shock wave of daunting energy in vain. Under this energy shock wave, everyone's eye pupils suddenly shrank.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The Nine Ways exploded in the void, and the monstrous power immediately surged and opened frantically, the tyrannical power, like a monstrous divine light, rushed and opened frantically.

Although Li Longhai didn't understand what Chu Qianye said, he was so experienced and felt that something was wrong, so he hurried back.

However, there are still some warriors who have not yet awakened. They were slammed by a terrifying force, vomiting blood and retreating, their faces pale.


Nine phantom shadows flew out one after another, all around were covered with black flames, but each figure was dressed in a white armor, and along with the burst of magma pillar, a tyrannical force swept away.

Everyone felt this violent breath, and suddenly raised their heads.

When they saw the nine figures and felt the breath in their bodies, their faces suddenly showed a touch of horror.

"Seven deities and two saints!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were a little pale.

Saint Yan of All Souls actually possessed such a collection. The aura that permeated these guys was quite tyrannical, which was far different from those of hono and puppets.

And what surprised them most was that all the phantoms of these white armors were all warriors, but their brows flashed with a strange black flame mark.

"Signature of the contract!"

Everyone stared at those marks, and a strange expression suddenly appeared on their faces.

The Holy Flame of All Souls is nothing but a soulless thing bred by the heavens and the earth, can they force these humans to enter into martial arts contracts with them? This is really unbelievable. Normally, humans force brutal beasts or other beasts to make contracts with them, and most of them are unequal contracts.

Now it’s the other way around. It’s the soulless shot of Saint Yan of All Souls, allowing these strong men to enter into a contract with them, and also allowing them to practice in the magma pillars. Two of the nine people have even stepped into it. Holy Realm!

Seven Sovereigns and Two Saints, such a lineup, no matter where it is placed, it is rare in existence!

And these guys in front of them were obviously much stronger than the puppets or hono before.

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Chu Qianye frowned when he felt the martial arts aura from these guys.

What a terrifying strong man, his opponent is a bit difficult, let alone two saints?

Uncle, if this is really hard to fight, the people here are almost no opponents, it is really easy to kill a person.

Faced with this sudden change, those warriors who had previously attacked the magma pillar also showed a surprised expression on their faces. People with weak strength were treated as if they had been shaken out of 100 meters, their faces were pale, and the corners of their mouths were covered with mottled blood.

"Hehe, every year, there are so many people who don't have eyesight rushing in. Everyone is extremely arrogant. They think they can beat me and refine and absorb me, but in the end they are all refined into puppets or hoonies. Of course, the nine powerhouses standing in front of you are my favorites, don't you humans like this set very much."

The black-clothed youth lightly vomited: "My collection is okay, I'm afraid it has increased a lot after this time, if I can train dozens of nobles or saints, then I can dominate one party. "

Everyone showed stunned expressions.

This Holy Flame of All Souls in front of you actually wants to dominate one party?

What a big ambition!

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