Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1030: Competing for the origin of Holy Flame (ii)

Chu Qianye was shocked secretly in his heart. With a move in his heart, the divine shadow sword hanging above his head suddenly swept out, and then a sword slashed out, forming sword energy, and collided fiercely with that invisible force.

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, although this force also impacted them, but fortunately, Chu Qianye's sword rescue was timely, and they only received minor injuries.

In contrast to other people, basically everyone's complexion is a bit ugly. This level of power is really too daunting, and this powerful aura of power is quite terrifying.

Faced with the counterattack of the Holy Flame of All Souls, everyone did not expect it, so he was shocked on the spot, his face turned pale, a mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, and his expression became a little languid.

The battle with Saint Yan of All Souls was too terrifying, even if they could not continue to hold on, if they continued like this, they would be shaken to death sooner or later.

The poisonous dragon was a man of formation, and the impact of this force made his face pale, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

He was secretly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that the Holy Flame of All Souls, suppressed by the Tiangang Beidou formation, would still be so terrifying. If there is no energy to continue to inject this formation, it will be impossible to complete the spirit slashing.

"You guys don't hesitate, otherwise all of us will die!"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly showed a surprised expression.

This is indeed a moment of life and death, leaving aside the possibility of being calculated by the Soul Hunting Palace, if they don't make a move, they may also be killed by the Holy Flame of All Souls.

Instead of that, it's better to try hard, which may not be impossible.



Everyone madly lost their profound energy to Tiangang Beidou formation.


After obtaining the profound formation of profound energy, a dazzling light suddenly burst out, and the aura of the seven phantoms skyrocketed, and then roared, rushing towards the direction of the Holy Flame of All Souls.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Horror and extremely tyrannical forces surged out frantically in an instant, and then fierce battle broke out.


Wan Ling Sheng Yan was furious, and in vain burst out a breath of monstrous power, then turned into seven flame fists, and blasted out fiercely toward the seven phantoms.


The formation was connected to the poisonous dragon, and these seven phantoms were attacked, his face suddenly turned white, and he spits out a mouthful of blood, his eyes flashing with strange light.

If this continues, oneself will be tossed to death sooner or later, and the Holy Flame of All Souls indeed has the possibility of a desperate fight. With the strength of Holy Flame of All Souls, the death will be broken by then!

"Do you still have any reservations? Once a person dies, the formation will be broken. We all have to die. Death is not terrible. When the time comes, our clan forces will be affected, and we will be enslaved by this Holy Flame of All Souls. Is it?" The deputy hall master of the Hunting Soul Hall shouted angrily.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly remembered the appearance of those sages and sages who had been enslaved by the Holy Flame of All Souls before, and they were a little bit timid in their hearts. This really cannot be so sad.


The deputy hall master of the Soul Hunting Palace spit out a spit of blood, then waved his palm and slapped it towards the formation. Although his expression was a little sluggish, the formation suddenly burst out with a dazzling light. The power aura of the law has also obviously increased a lot.

When everyone saw this posture, they were suddenly surprised. They didn't expect that the deputy hall master of the Soul Hunting Palace would be so afraid of life and death, and would rather give their own blood to the formation to supplement energy.

"Okay, fight it!"

Guan Qiantong followed the example and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chi Chi Chi.

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The formation suddenly burst out with a ray of light, and the power aura emanating from the seven figures became even more terrifying.

Looking at this scene, the other sect forces didn't seem to keep it anymore. After all, the people in the Soul Hunting Palace had set an example, not hesitating to convey energy to the formation with their own blood.

The Alchemy Guild represented by Gu Wanhe also flickered at this time, and immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

The Yaomeng represented by Yao Wangui also joined the ranks, followed by Danta, the Bai clan, and Chu Qianye.

For a time, thousands of blood essences were covered by profound energy, and then rushed towards the position of the banner, a blood-red light burst out in the entire large formation.

The power aura of the formation continued to soar, and the entire formation was blood red, and the seven figures became more and more solid. After having the supplement of blood energy, the faces of the seven phantoms finally appeared.

"Tiangang Seven Stars!"

Seeing this scene, Venerable Yuanjie looked surprised.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised in his heart, he was naturally very clear about the Tiangang Seven Stars. After all, he was a master of formations, and he obviously knew better than others in terms of formations.

A mouthful of blood spurted out and swept into the large array. The seven banners suddenly burst into flames and burst into bright light.


Wan Ling Sheng Yan finally felt a strong sense of crisis.

The seven star evil spirits were very powerful, and the aura of power permeating made it panic.

It has been conceived for so long, and for the first time I feel a deep sense of fear.


The poisonous dragon yelled violently, and the seven star evil spirits suddenly rushed out, the figure swelled and enlarged, and the mysterious soldier in his palm burst out in vain with dazzling light, and slashed towards the Holy Flame of All Souls.


Wherever it went, the void twisted violently, then collapsed instantly.

Everyone looked astonished, staring blankly at the place where the void collapsed, and suddenly a horrified expression appeared on their faces.

This is the power of the Seven Stars?

Everyone looked at this scene, and suddenly felt chills in their backs.

Once the Holy Flame of All Souls is solved, isn't it them the next moment?

Thinking of this, everyone felt a false alarm, and then their backs became cold.

The people in the Soul Hunting Hall also promised that they would not easily attack them before the Holy Flame of All Souls was solved. Obviously, if the Holy Flame of All Souls was solved, the next target would be them.

Chu Qianye stared straight ahead, and a surprised expression appeared in his heart.

He is naturally aware of such things.

"It seems that after the Holy Flame of All Souls is killed, I have to break the formation with the Sky Shaking Divine Mark as soon as possible, otherwise the people in the Soul Hunting Palace will attack us when it is time, then it will be dangerous." Chu Qianye Secretly thought.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the direction of the seven figures, and the light in their eyes flickered, obviously they were also caressing, to see how the road after the spirit slaying went.

"Boy, after slashing the spirits, the people in the Soul Hunting Palace must free up their hands to deal with us. Since you can break through the magical powers of thousands of flowers, then this formation should not be difficult for you." The sister said:

"We have to work together. I can help you hold the Soul Hunting Palace, but your people have to deal with the Seven Stars with others, so that you can buy time to break the formation."

"Good." Chu Qianye agreed.

Uncle Sister's face was startled, obviously he didn't expect Chu Qianye to promise so quickly.

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