Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1041: Emperor Shang

"Oops, go back!"

Seeing this scene, one of the eight statues was timid, with a look of fear, and quickly wanted to retreat.

But Chu Qianye had prepared a big killer move for so long, naturally it was impossible for him to get his wish.

"Since it's here, leave something."

The faint words made that person's body stiff.


The tyrannical sword aura pierced his body frantically. Before he woke up, the sword aura had pierced his body, but his face turned pale, fortunately it hurt his internal organs.

He vomited blood and retired, his face turned pale, his breath was lethargic, his arms dropped, and he could no longer fight.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face changed drastically.

This power gap is really terrifying.

Eight, one retreat from the ring!

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The faces of the remaining seven were horrified.

This kid in front of him is really a bit weird. He is obviously only capable of the eighth rank of the extreme earth, and he is able to burst out the power of the venerable!

"Don't hide it, everyone, this kid is not so easy to deal with, he will do his best, otherwise we will suffer!" Qing Xuan's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice.

The faces of the other sages were not pretty.

Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation is indeed only the eighth rank of the extreme earth, but he controls the extraordinary swordsmanship, and once it breaks out, the combat power is surging.

"Damn it, shoot!"

Everyone's eyes flickered, and they shot one after another.


A path of profound energy surged from the body of each venerable, and the power of good fortune erupted from his body.

Feeling the breath of the power of the stars, Chu Qianye's expression also showed a trace of dignity. The strength of these guys in front of him was so strong that he could not tolerate the slightest relaxation of his vigilance.


Qingxuan roared on the soles of his feet, stomped on the soles of his feet, and slammed in front of Chu Qianye. The battle sword in his palm slashed out. The profound energy swayed between the heavens and the earth, and with his martial arts power, Chu Qianye suddenly felt a sense A monstrous atmosphere of oppression.

Qiankun Ring flashed a burst of light, and Kunpeng wings appeared on Chu Qianye's body.

"Chiff chick."

There was a flash of light. Before everyone woke up, a faint light appeared on Chu Qianye’s Kunpeng wings, and his figure matched the Lingtian **** step, and under the slash of the extraordinary sword energy, his figure borrowed The force has left the area where it was originally located, and the speed is comparable to teleportation.

Seeing Chu Qianye's speed soaring, the seven faces finally showed a trace of dignity.

The strength of this kid in front of him is indeed very unusual. He cannot be classified as the eighth rank of the extreme earth realm. He has to be classified as a half-exalted powerhouse. This kind of strength is not the extreme earth realm.

"What a difficult kid." The old monster emperor said with a gloomy expression: "Let's shoot together, and at the same time outflank him. The only thing he can compete with us is extraordinary swordsmanship. When his profound energy is exhausted, it will be like Turtle in the urn, let us kill whatever you want."

"Okay!" Everyone made a promise and stepped out again, their figures flashed in front of Chu Qianye, and the mysterious soldiers in their hands burst out with a dazzling divine light.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

A fierce battle, this battle, no matter what, will eventually be passed down through the ages and become a good story. After all, when he fought eight people with one man, and when he was still at the eighth level of the extreme earth, it was enough for him to dominate the prosperous continent with many races. .

So this battle will be remembered at the end, regardless of success or failure!

Feeling the burning fighting spirit erupting from Chu Qianye's body, he noticed a sudden tremor, and an invisible howl erupted, causing the sword to produce a dazzling brilliance, and everyone's eyes shrank suddenly, finally There was a solemn expression.

The aura of Seven Dao Venerables burst from all directions, while Chu Qianye's figure moved quickly.

He was waiting for the best opportunity. At the location of the deep pit, there was a mass killing formation he had laid down. During the time he disappeared, he was busy setting up the Heaven Tuzhu Immortal Formation.

The best time has not yet come, and when these guys relax their vigilance, please invite you to enter the urn. When they think they have defeated themselves, they will inevitably put down their vigilance and enter my big killing array.

Chu Qianye stared straight ahead. He didn't hide this time. At a distance of a hundred meters behind, it was the Tiantu Zhuxian formation!

If you want to fight, then fight to the end in this area!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with a strange light.

The seven venerables came violently from all directions, and the profound soldiers in their palms exploded with violent combat power, fierce combat power in the world...

Chu Qianye's pupils shrank suddenly.

The seven venerables, these lineups, are rare in the Profound Qi Continent.


The war sword burst into his palm with a sudden burst of noise, and the power between the heavens and the earth gathered from all directions and poured into his palm.

"Leading Nine Tribulations Sword Technique!"

Chu Qianye violently yelled in his heart, while the profound energy in his body rushed out like a dragon, surging around his body continuously, and the terrifying power aura shook everyone's minds.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Chu Qianye slashed the seven swords one after another, the sword glow swallowed the sky, and went straight to the seven. Everyone felt the breath of the powerful sword, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

Everyone was chopped off several hundred meters away.

Seven statues did not come close to Chu Qianye's body!

Everyone raised their heads seemingly enlightened. When they saw that the Seven Sovereigns were helpless to Chu Qianye, their faces were shocked. For the first time, they felt that they were all extraordinary swordsmanship.

"Continue to attack!" Qing Xuan stepped out again, and it was the second round of attack.

Chu Qianye used his seven swords again.

"Hehe, you should consume a lot now, and it's close to the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead." Qing Xuan stepped out and vomited lightly.

Chu Qianye didn't say much, took out a bottle of profound strength liquid from Qiankun Ring and swallowed it in public.

Seeing Chu Qianye possessing a bottle of profound strength liquid, everyone looked surprised.

A whole bottle of profound liquid?

When is this head?

This attack had no effect at all. If the delay continues, the situation is quite unfavorable for them.

Qing Xuan's face suddenly sank and became quite ugly.

"Huangshang, you have been watching for so long, it's time to take action." Qing Xuan spat softly.

Emperor Shang?

When everyone heard the name, their faces suddenly changed drastically.

Huangshang, the fourth person in extraordinary kendo!

He awakened the martial spirit of the magic sword at the age of six, which made his attainments in kendo so surpassing. At the age of eighteen, he obtained the extraordinary kendo, and from then on, he became known as the Sixteen Wilderness!

Everyone was already in their hearts, and quickly raised their heads.

I saw a figure, slowly stepping forward, the mysterious yellow jersey was added to his body, his long hair fluttered, his body was light, his complexion was fair, he looked like a handsome man.

The color of firmness swept across his face, like an unyielding war sword. . .

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