Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1075: Cruelty

What a powerful killer move, all obstacles collapsed wherever it went. It was an indescribably powerful way. Gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks the killing of the Buddha. That is an amazing combat power. No one can stop it.

What Chu Qianye uttered was not a simple syllable, but a power comparable to the Four-Star Venerable. The kind of thunder tribulation that was in vain like an extinction showed its grand appearance!

Under such fluctuations, the void instantly collapsed, and it looked like the end is coming.

The energy rippling in the surroundings collapsed in an instant, and under the impact of this invisible sound wave, the strong did not even have a chance to defend!

The place where the sound wave hits is annihilated!

The attack speed is terrifying!

It's totally devastating!

The sound waves swept like a storm, and everything turned into nothingness. In the end, only one strong witch was left, standing alone in the distance, looking very abrupt.

Chu Qianye landed and began to scrape away the Qiankun Ring and Meritorious Stone, as well as the profound soldiers that fell on the ground.

In this scene, Wu Du and the shaman's faces were gloomy.

Chu Qianye ignored the gazes of everyone in the Wu clan, his gaze faintly turned to Wu Qiling's body in the distance.

Catch the supernatural powers to release, grab it in his hand.

"How about it, you should be very happy."

Chu Qianye's arrest caused all the Wu Clan's pupils to shrink suddenly. They only saw that Wu Qiling hadn't completely died, and his soul body was still trapped in the dead body.

Chu Qianye's palm formed a rope of soul and pulled it out of the corpse.

"Ah, you devil, let me go, let me go!" Wu Qiling struggled fiercely, with a panic on his face. Chu Qianye's methods of killing were so terrifying. He witnessed Chu Qianye's Killing means, mouth opened, the celestial realm powerhouses of their Wu Clan actually couldn't stop that move.


Chu Qianye looked into the Wu Clan's mountain gate blankly.

Compared with the Witch Clan, is he a demon?

I'm afraid I have to say hello.

Chu Qianye faintly swept around, ignoring Wu Qiling.

He raised his head and looked at the wizard.

"Don't you Witch people like killing very much? How about it? You should like this kind of killing." Chu Qianye vomited lightly, "I never talk nonsense. I only want two people, Gao Lihong's brother and sister. If you hand over the people now, then I can just leave, otherwise I will flatten your Wu Clan today."

The witch and others did not speak, but his son Wu Qiling spoke.

"Hmph, the brother and sister you mentioned, they escaped into the wormhole of space, and the wormhole was smashed by a punch of our witch clan. They don’t know whether it’s alive or dead. If you know, let me go. Maybe I can find their corpses!"

When Chu Qianye heard these words, her eyes suddenly chilled.

The space wormhole is broken!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. If the space wormhole is broken, the space wormhole is unstable. Whether it can escape to the other side of the space wormhole is hard to say. If there is no time to escape, it may be caused by the space wormhole. The energy storm inside is strangling turbulently, or spreading to other dimensions and the small thousand world, whether the Profound Qi Continent can be retrieved again is not necessarily, unless the martial arts cultivation is able to enter the Sovereign Saint, it may be possible.

I came a step late, and I paid so much. I thought I could go to the appointment and fulfill the promise I made at the beginning, but because of the late arrival, the Huo Clan was destroyed by the Wu Clan, and the Gao Lihong brothers and sisters didn’t know if it was dead. live.

The culprit of all this is the Wu Clan!

Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with indifference.

He raised his head and stared straight ahead.

"No matter who is here this time, I will trample your Witch Clan down!" Chu Qianye stared straight ahead, black clothes like ink and long sword like snow.

It was useful to keep Wu Qiling, but now it is meaningless.

These **** guys of the Witch!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and the power of the soul at the center of his eyebrows suddenly surged out, forming a soul body that was indistinguishable from his body, while his eyes were staring straight ahead, flashing with a strange spirit.

"this is……"

"Soul body, Seven Stars Great Perfection!"

"King Dan!"

After seeing Chu Qianye's soul form, all the strong men of the Wu clan suddenly showed a touch of horror.


Chu Qianye's soul body suddenly condensed a blood dragon overlord spear.

"Hehe, in that case, there is no value in keeping you."

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

After the words were over, the blood dragon overlord’s spear began to stab, and the spear roars like a dragon, and the spear shines like thunder. It rushes towards Wu Qiling frantically. Each stab pierces Wu Qiling's body for a burst of illusion, and the screams are endless. The wisps resounded through this world, and its shape was illusory.

The screams continued to spread throughout the sky.

"Bastard!" The sorcerer's face suddenly sank as he watched his son being tortured by Chu Qianye.

Originally, the pain of losing his son was enough to torture him. Now his son has not completely died. Instead, Chu Qianye kept his son’s soul. Under the full view of everyone, he personally tortured his son, causing his son to scream in pain. One after another voice came, everyone's eyes flickered.

All the strong men of the Wu clan saw this scene with numb scalp, secretly saying that Chu Qianye was a terrible method, so cruel, and completely incompatible with his age.

Wu Cu sighed softly when he saw this scene.

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His foreknowledge was not unreasonable. It has already begun to be fulfilled. Twenty powerhouses in the celestial realm were killed by Chu Qianye in the blink of an eye, leaving only one. Can the next Wu Clan be his opponent?

There was a panic in everyone's hearts, especially those strong in the extreme realm.

The powerhouses of the celestial realm were so vulnerable in front of Chu Qianye, let alone the powerhouses of the extreme realm, they probably couldn't stop Chu Qianye's move.


Chu Qianye showed a faint smile and chuckled noncommittal.

You let my brother’s race annihilated, and my brother’s family was ruined and displaced. Now my brothers and sisters don’t know where they are. Isn’t this even more asshole?

Chu Qianye's eyes gradually became cold.

The spear burst out with a dazzling light and continued to stab.

The screams of Wu Qiling's screams spread throughout the entire valley, and everyone felt that their scalp was numb. Chu Qianye's method of torturing people was really terrifying.

Chu Qianye suddenly felt boring.

"You are Chu Qianye!" Wu Du stared at Chu Qianye, and said in a deep voice, "Supernatural Sword Dao and Huang Quan Tian Wrath, I can't find anyone else who fits this characteristic in the entire Sixteen Great Wilds."

Chu Qianye?

The rest of the Wu Clan's eyes flickered, as if thinking of something terrible.

Wu Cu shook his head lightly. He had already guessed Chu Qianye's identity as early as when Chu Qianye used his extraordinary swordsmanship.

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