Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1086: Break the battle with one sword

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but stared at the Excalibur.

At this time, the Divine Sword in the shadow suddenly burst out with a dazzling divine light. This divine light was like a light swallowing the sky, straight into the sky, vast in the sky and earth, forming a terrible light of power.


The Excalibur Shadow Sword erupted with dazzling divine light, and everyone felt that there seemed to be a kind of terrible power light hidden in the Excalibur Shadow Sword.

Seeing the strong men of the Wu clan leaving the mountain gate one after another, Chu Qianye suddenly smiled.

In that case, it is just what I want!

Chu Qianye made a seal on his hand, forming an ancient handprint.

Now Chu Qianye Jieyin has completely reached a very terrifying situation, almost reaching a moment of formation.

Amazing power is vast between heaven and earth.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

The surrounding energy rushed towards Chu Qianye violently, like a Nine Heavens God River descending, that kind of power was frightening, it was a kind of extreme energy.

Everyone raised their heads in surprise, their gazes turned in the direction where Chu Qianye was, and they were suddenly dumbfounded.

Chu Qianye used Huang Quan Tian's Fury once again!

All the powerhouses of the Witch Clan, their expressions changed drastically at this time.

"Hurry up!"

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Wu Du and Wu Tu shouted violently.

The venerables of the Wu clan, their eyes flickered, and they wanted to quickly hide in the mountain gate.

Chu Qianye showed a smile.

At this time, he was incarnate thousands of feet, and the soles of his feet stepped forward suddenly, and the energy between the heavens and the earth surged in the heavens and the earth, a creepy breath, vast in the heavens and the earth.

Although it was only a step, it was already in front of the Witch Clan venerables in the blink of an eye.

All the venerables of the Witch Clan’s faces were pale. They had seen Huang Quan’s wrath, and they almost fell under this move before. Now they saw Chu Qianye’s step, especially looking at him. The power that burst out instantly felt the pressure of the strength of Mount Tai.


Chu Qianye's mouth opened, and a syllable full of ancient aura, in vain, like a thunder that destroys the world, suddenly spit out from his mouth. . .

All the powerhouses of the Witch Clan only felt a chill in their backs!

At this moment, those strong men who watched the battle from a distance showed horrified expressions on their faces. They all felt unsafe. They fled back quickly, their bodies flickered, but when they retreated halfway, their bodies suddenly stiffened. There was a look of horror on his face.

I saw Chu Qianye’s incarnation of Bai Qianzhang phantom, trembling suddenly, an overbearing and terrifying energy suddenly surging away in vain, under such fluctuations, this piece of void also burst open in an instant. It looks like the end is coming.

The syllables spread out from his mouth, as if the lead was washed out, forming amazing ripples of power, surging across the world.

As soon as the voice was uttered, Chu Qianye's body shape collapsed immediately.

The eight witches escaped from six, and the other two were too slow to react. Their bodies stiffened in vain and they could no longer turn around to avoid the invisible sound wave impact.

Under the impact of this invisible sound wave, they had no chance of defense at all!

The two warriors surrounded by black flames showed a look of fear on their faces.

The Holy Flame of All Souls instantly covered.

"Boom! Boom!"

The place where the sound wave hits is annihilated!

The two powerhouses of the Wu Clan were instantly destroyed, and the surging power of that kind of power could not be reflected.

The void is shattering every inch, almost at the speed of light, with Chu Qianye as the center, fiercely driving away!

Huang Quan is angry, Huang Quan Road!

At this moment, everyone once again witnessed Huang Quantian's anger.

The sound wave swept like a storm, and under the impact of this power, everything turned into nothingness, and a dark light shrouded here.

Chu Qianye stood with a sword, his gaze showed the Wu Clan's mountain gate formation.

At this moment, all the sages of the Wu clan showed a stunned expression on their faces. The current Chu Qianye is a killer **** and their nightmare. Whenever he is staring at him, there is a kind of An irresistible breath of power and destruction.

When the Wu Clan saw this scene before him, there was a look of astonishment on his face.

It was the same when they killed other races, but what they didn't expect was that one day, the Wu clan would also encounter this fate, which really made them terrified and afraid.

All those who watched the game from a distance had their eyes suddenly surprised.

Chu Qianye used Huang Quan Tian'an two times today, and he showed no signs of exhausting his profound energy.

"So strong!"

"It's terrible, those witches are simply unstoppable!"

Hao Juan's apricot eyes sparkled with a touch of splendor.

At this moment, Kong Wanling's eyes flickered. Facing Chu Qianye, he had no chance of winning at all. Previously, he thought that he should have extremely strong power to become a respected person. At least he can compete with Chu Qianye, but Now he has no such self-confidence.

"Brother Wan Ling, with such a strong strength of Chu Qianye, Huangquan Demon Sage’s martial arts should logically consume a lot of skills. Even though the venerable can only perform ten times at most, he actually cultivated with the second-order martial arts of the Celestial Realm. Because, I was stunned to use it twice, and it seems that he can still use Huangquan Tian'an three or four times." The Qingyi woman looked at Chu Qianye's direction and said.

xK is updated 3 new h☆fastest u on O……

Kong Wanling's eyes flickered for a while, but didn't reply.


Chu Qianye raised his head, his eyes fixed on the front.

This great mountain gate of the Wu clan.

"You can't destroy it." The sorcerer grinned and said, "This is the ancient mountain gate of my Wu clan. With your second-order martial arts cultivation in the celestial realm, it cannot be destroyed at all!"

Can't be destroyed?

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Since it can't be destroyed, then I'm going to break your mountain gate!

Turned to fight for three thousand miles, Yijian was once a millionaire!

Chu Qianye took a step on the palm of his foot, and the sword in his palm burst out in vain with a dazzling light.

The nine divine patterns burst out with dazzling divine light, and a martial arts that tears the world is oppressed, shaking the sky!

The sword light burst out in vain, and immediately slashed forward fiercely. Wherever the sword light touched, the void shattered.


The sword fiercely slashed the Wu Clan's mountain gate formation.

In the void, the space of thousands of meters collapsed in an instant, and the surrounding mountains shattered instantly!

The powerful Wu clan in the Wu Clan Mountain Gate Array suddenly felt a violent tremor in the Mountain Gate Array, and then when everyone hadn't awakened, the Mountain Gate Array clicked, and the large array collapsed instantly!

The Wu Clan’s mountain gate array was instantly distorted and shattered!

When everyone saw this scene before them, their faces changed drastically.

The Wu Clan’s mountain gate formation, belonging to the ancient formation, was actually cut through by Chu Qianye with a single sword?

The wizard's mouth opened wide, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

There was a burst of light in Wu Du's eyes.

There was a sorrow in Wu Cu's heart.

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