Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1186: Golden Burning Blood

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.


‘It’s terrible. ’

Thinking of Yingyue dominating this supernatural power is like knowing everything.

With the improvement of his strength, it is more difficult for him to understand the strength of Lord Yingyue. He always feels that Lord Yingyue has become more and more mysterious in front of him. He now understands how powerful the Lord is.

"Xiaoyao can only save your life when you are in danger," said Lord Yingyue.

Upon hearing this, Chu Qianye suddenly smiled with joy.

He doesn't have to take action from the Happy Saints, as long as he is present, a kind of deterrence will be formed invisibly, and the effect he wants is like this.

"Thank you." Chu Qianye quickly thanked him.

Master Yingyue nodded lightly, then closed his eyes again and ignored Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye did not continue to stay, turned around and left.

Three days have passed since the last event, and after this period of fermentation, more and more people have become aware of Chu Qianye's reputation.

"Go back to the Dragon Gate first."

With a wave of Chu Qianye's palm, a spatial wormhole appeared, and he moved towards the spatial wormhole, and disappeared the moment he touched the spatial wormhole.

After returning to Longmen, Chu Qianye obtained the first-hand information, and with the help of the Witch Clan, he successfully avoided several crises. The information he obtained about the Soul Hunting Palace can be said to be extremely precious. The members of Dragon Blade took a lot of effort to get it.

The Wu clan headed by Wu Chu followed.

Entering the Soul Hunting Palace this time, it was necessary to resort to their means, which would make it easier.

The Wu Clan sent a total of four venerables, ten strong in the celestial realm.

In this way, there are a total of 17 Venerables on Chu Qianye's side.

Such a lineup, no matter where it is placed, is a rare existence. If it completely bursts out, its strength will be even more against the sky.

Coupled with the elite of Dragon Gate itself, this rescue operation is more than enough, and it can also bring a fatal blow to the Hunting Soul Palace.

"Nanny, my brother will be able to rescue you soon!" Chu Qianye clenched his fists, his eyes flickered, and a bright light shot out.

For him, 囡囡 is his heart and flesh, it is his inverse scale, touch is immortal!


Chu Qianye hit the sole of his foot and swiftly rushed toward the flying boat.

The elites of the Dragon Gate followed one after another, and the flying boat swept towards the Beizhou Territory amidst the shining light.

It takes two days to get to the North State Territory. In these two days, it is enough for him to try to do a lot of things, so he doesn't want to waste such precious time.

Jieyin entered the secret space.

Chu Qianye's light flickered, and he looked at the magic array.

The sole of the foot stepped out, and then he walked into the magical array.

Directly in front of him, a large book with golden light gleamed in front of him.

Time and Space Secret Code!

A sharp light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

The cryptic space he has learned so far consists of three sample things: piercing, escape and shrinking.

Piercing and catching are used the most, and the reduction is only used at critical moments, especially when it is critical, and now he does not use it often.

Now that he has stepped into the Four-Star Venerable, it is time to learn the fourth sample, but I don’t know how this fourth sample is.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye looked at the golden secret code.

"Drive me!"

Chu Qianye gave a soft drink, and a dazzling light broke out in vain from the palm of his hand lying flat on the secret book, and the tadpole-shaped mosquito shone with splendor and golden light.

First page, second page, third page, fourth page!

Prologue, piercing, escape, shrink...

With the uneasiness in his heart, he stared at the secret code stubbornly, and when he pressed his palm, he suddenly opened a page of the secret code, and the golden tadpole-like text instantly shone with its bright light.


Chu Qianye only felt a violent tremor in his soul, and before he woke up, an immense force surged.


The terrifying oppression actually knocked him into flight.

Chu Qianye was surprised secretly in his heart, he hurriedly ran the exercises to release his martial arts aura, and the pressure gradually disappeared.

And he walked over step by step, and finally came to the front of the secret code.

The situation was similar the last time. When he opened the fourth page, he was also shocked by a huge impact. Last time he could understand, but this time he is the martial art of the Four-Star Venerable. , I couldn't even get the slightest benefit, and was shocked by this terrible force.

Can you open the fifth page?

Chu Qianye's palm trembled slightly, and continued to stimulate the martial arts aura.

On the fifth page, it seemed to have a huge power of tens of thousands of tripods, pressed there firmly, making Chu Qianye feel out of breath. This huge pressure was like a huge stone pressing on his chest. on.

"Drive me!"

Chu Qianye roared, the power of the two souls madly released breath and light, and under the impact of this tyrannical force, the golden secret code, the light continued to shine and dazzling, everyone has not fully awakened yet. At that time, the power aura between the heavens and the earth exploded tyrannically, covering Chu Qianye.


The fifth page, finally opened slowly!

Chu Qianye was so nervous that he felt sweaty palms. This was an experience he had never had before.

This fifth page seems to be very difficult. It possesses an extremely amazing aura of strength, otherwise it would not produce such a terrible resistance, as if blocking him and preventing him from practicing.

"What the **** is it?"

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and an expression of expectation appeared on his face.

The vastness of this power is quite terrifying, as if the breath of power surrounds their bodies.


Chu Qianye saw that the fifth page finally showed signs of opening, and immediately the power of the two souls continued to surge out, forming a power aura that resembled thunder, and the vastness of this world was endless.


Finally, under the explosion of Chu Qianye's dual soul power, the gap on the fifth page gradually increased.


Finally, the fifth page is fully opened!

The power of the two souls rushed towards the secret code.

The golden words of the tadpole immediately resembled a boiling flame, burning Chu Qianye’s eyes, causing him to have a sharp pain, and this feeling became more and more terrifying with the passage of time, until finally Chu Qianye felt like his soul was burned, and his eyes were like burning clouds.

With the passage of time, the tadpole-shaped golden text finally disappeared little by little.

Under the scouring of this force, Chu Qianye finally mastered the content of the inscriptions.

Now that you have mastered the content, the next step is to comprehend it!

Chu Qianye immediately closed his eyes and settled, and crossed his legs into a state of cultivation.

At this moment, the fifth page of the secret code appeared in his mind, and he began to comprehend the secret code.

The obscure content reappeared in his mind.

This time the Secret Code seems to be even more difficult to understand, obscure, and more profound than the fourth page.

But Chu Qianye had already expected this situation.

He did not waver, and continued to sit cross-legged. The cells in his body seemed to be boiling, and terrible pains burned him, making him feel chilly.

The enlightenment this time is a bit different. I have noticed this vision after reading the contents of the Secret Code on page five.

This time, the enlightenment actually caused his blood and cells to boil, as if being burned by a waste of oil. The feeling was extremely uncomfortable, as if his own cells disappeared one by one, and Chu Qianye’s forehead There was a cold sweat.

He really hasn't encountered such a situation, this is the first time!

Feeling the terrifying power of this breath, Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

Chu Qianye was determined. He naturally didn't care about this burning pain. He continued to close his eyes and concentrate, running his two souls cross-legged, and continued to comprehend this obscure inscription.

This time, because Chu Qianye was fully prepared, he quickly understood the vast aura of power.

"It's hard to understand."

Chu Qianye frowned inwardly.

This time the secret code of inscriptions seems to be different from the previous one. The inscriptions have no spirituality, as if they have lost their lives.

For this situation, Chu Qianye couldn't help feeling very surprised.

It seems that I may have overlooked a certain detail.

Chu Qianye carefully recalled those details, while his burning sensation continued to increase.


At this moment, Chu Qianye felt an astonishing power that burned his blood and turned into gold, while a breath of monstrous power poured into his body madly.

Staring at her blood carefully, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression!

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