Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1206: Break the formation!

"Your strength has really improved a lot."

Dulong looked at Chu Qianye and vomited softly.

Chu Qianye did not reply.

Because he didn't have time to respond, he was still making the final step of confirmation to make sure that this ancient formation really looked like the one of perception. If that was the case, it would be quite easy for him to crack this formation.

And vice versa.

"Hehe, even if your strength improves? In this killing formation, you still can't live without it." The poisonous dragon grinned.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile noncommittal.

"Do you really think so?"

When the words were over, Chu Qianye's heart moved, and a mysterious soldier appeared in his palm.

Chu Qianye stepped out on the soles of his feet, and when the soles of his feet landed, a force rushed out of his body frantically, the divine shadow sword in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, and the surrounding power aura exploded. , Forming a terrible fluctuation of power.

Feeling the terrifying power of this breath, everyone's eyes suddenly shrank.

"Psychic pupil, open!"

Chu Qianye yelled in his heart, and his eyes flashed with purple light, and the phantom array directly in front of him became extremely clear.

The first step is complete!

He finally saw this big formation clearly in his eyes.

So, the next step is the second step. Destroy these formations and the formations. If you want to destroy the formations first, you must destroy the formations first. Once the formations are destroyed, the formations are easy to handle. Up.

Secretly thought in my heart, and then the soles of the feet slammed out, the power aura in the body is like a great volcanic eruption, that amazing power immediately burst like thunder, madly exploded, forming a monstrous momentum, and soaring like crazy .

The sword slashed towards the base.

This sword destroys the dead!

This sword burns the sky and cooks the sea!

With this sword, the sky is broken!

Such a powerful sword cracked the void.

The eye pupils of Guanxi and Dulong couldn't help but shrank suddenly. They were all secretly surprised. They didn't expect Chu Qianye to possess such terrifying strength. They couldn't understand how Chu Qianye sensed this. Based.


The base immediately collapsed and shattered.

When the formation base was attacked by Chu Qianye, the entire phantom formation disappeared, and the fierce beasts roaring between heaven and earth also disappeared without a trace.

"Uh, the formation has been cracked?"

Longmen Shouzhong looked surprised, they raised their heads and looked at the area where Chu Qianye was, their faces filled with deep shock.

"Haha, the master did it!"

Soon, the Longmen crowd suddenly cheered.

At this moment, those warriors in the Hunting Soul Palace felt bad, and now the formation was losing its effect, the fierce beasts were gone, and then their advantages would be gone.

"Damn it, how the **** did this kid find out!"

Guan Xi's face was slightly cold. He never thought that Chu Qianye would break the formation. This was something he didn't expect. He originally thought, how strong Chu Qianye's strength is, it should be impossible to break this formation. Law, after all, this is the formation method that the palace master personally arranged. It was originally intended to be handed over to them to deal with Chu Qianye, so I asked Jun to enter the urn to kill him, but it was a pity that Chu Qianye broke the formation method, which he had never expected thing.

how can that be! ?

At this time, Dulong was also surprised. He didn't expect that Chu Qianye would have such a high talent for formation. This is the formation arranged by the palace master himself, and he personally told him when he was in retreat. To kill Chu Qianye, after all, Chu Qianye's martial arts talent is too strong, if it is allowed to develop, it will definitely be a problem in the soul hunting palace.

Sure enough, the Lord's worry is not unnecessary!

This kid does have such strength!

Feeling Chu Qianye's strength, a touch of coldness flashed in Dulong's eyes.

"Boy, stop me!"

Chu Qianye ignored it, because he knew Dudu would help him get down.

He ignored it, and continued to glance at the other one.


The sword burst out with a dazzling light, and immediately the front eye was cut again, and then suddenly collapsed. The degree of this collapse is still very simple, and the position of the front eye is extremely precise.

This time, Dulong and Guanxi both understood that Chu Qianye had indeed sensed the formation and knew the exact position of the formation eyes. At this moment, they all understood that if they didn't rush to stop Chu Qianye, it might be too late.

In fact, it is too late.

Chu Qianye was holding the war sword, his figure flickering, and the war sword he was holding burst out with a dazzling light, and continued to rush towards the other Array Eye, the aura of power roaring between heaven and earth.


The second, the third, the fourth. the fifth,……

Until the ninth formation was destroyed, the whole formation finally came to a standstill.

One step away!

The light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

Nine Tribulations Wrath, the world collapsed!

Chu Qianye held the sword in his palm tightly, and the moment he stepped out, a dazzling light burst out from the sole of his foot. Everyone's eyes suddenly shrank, and the sword aura was like thunder, madly toward As he rushed away in front of him, he had already slashed to the formation in the blink of an eye.


Immediately under the chopping of Chu Qianye's sword, the formation collapsed suddenly!

After the formation disappeared, everyone felt that the pressure on their bodies had alleviated a lot.

Feeling the vastness of this powerful breath, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

"What a terrible breath of power."

Everyone was secretly surprised.

At this time, Kansai and Dulong looked extremely ugly!

They all remembered the command of the palace master.

Unexpectedly, they all disappointed the Palace Master, and did not kill Chu Qianye in this formation!

At this moment, after Chu Qianye destroyed the formation, he looked at the poisonous dragon.

"Dudu, go and solve those people." Chu Qianye looked at the warriors in the Soul Hunting Palace and said to Dudu on his shoulders.


Dudu nodded lightly, and then rushed toward the warriors in the Hunting Soul Palace, the flames spewed out, and those people were drowned under the flames without recovering, turning into ashes.

Chu Qianye stared at the poisonous dragon, with a touch of the sole of his foot, and his figure rushed out.

At the same time, she talked to Dalangbin Shenyin.

"Lang Bin, take a few people to find and find out where the nun is now."

Hearing Chu Qianye's divine voice, Da Langbin gave the other Longmen elites his calm voice.


The sword in his palm trembled violently, the sword glowing like a rainbow, the sword rang, and the sword aura rushed towards the poisonous dragon.


{x?☆正●版;*First release; v

As far as the sword aura was, the void instantly collapsed and shattered!

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