Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1220: Cultivate a sense of belonging

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"This person has a lot of uncertain factors, but within a period of time, I can be sure that the matter of the Tianxuan Sect's attack against our Longmen should not have such a big impact. It is impossible for him to know the situation so quickly. The Profound Sect is shutting the door here, so they will definitely not dare to speak out." Chu Qianye said, "Therefore, in the short term, we don't need to worry about the ruler of ten thousand demons."

Hearing Chu Qianye's words, everyone suddenly sighed with relief, because this involves the dominance of ten thousand demons, which is really terrifying, and it is going to reach the worst situation, I am afraid that these people will be punished.

"At this time period, we can deal with Wu Shi first. As long as Wu Shi feels the pressure, the high-level executive can't act unscrupulously. Then we are basically half the battle. After all, Tianxuan Sect does not have any grudges against us. In this matter, they are intermediaries. To put it bluntly, they are doing things with money, but we have to suppress this matter and can't wait for them to take action, otherwise if the Tianxuan Sect conflicts with us, it will be very dangerous at that point." Chu Qianye said:

"So, the plan I am going to talk about next is quite important, and everyone needs to participate in the early stage to facilitate the handover later."

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Everyone couldn't help being interested in the plan Chu Qianye mentioned.

"Have you ever considered the situation where Tiancai Dibao was in the Southern Continent Wilderness one moment ago, and the next moment it will be in the Heaven-Splitting God Wilderness? If it can be realized, will this be very convenient?" Chu Qianye said slowly.

Hearing this sentence, everyone's eyes suddenly brightened.

The biggest pain point of the Sixteen Great Famines is the region. Because of the vastness of the four continents, it takes at least two days to go from one continent to another. Even a super flying boat takes one day, in the span of time. Although it has been shortened a lot, this time period cannot be tolerated for those who desperately need the treasures of heaven and earth. This is one of them.

In addition, not everyone owns a super flying boat. The cost and price are too high and require a very large merit point. This is impossible for many people. This type of transportation that only a few people can own, some even For flying beasts with relatively low efficiency, it takes ten and a half months or even longer.

Therefore, the distance is long and time-consuming. This is the pain point currently facing the Sixteenth Wilderness.


If you can achieve what Chu Qianye said, if you were in the Southern Continent Great Wilderness one moment ago, and the next moment you will break the heavens and the God Wilderness, this is indeed quite powerful, so when you hear Chu Qianye mentioned this possibility, everyone It was a bright spot.

If it can be achieved, it will definitely be a big change!

Why is Takeshi so good?

In fact, they have set up branches in the Sixteenth Wilderness, and they have carried out resource allocation and integration. They collected the heaven, material and earth treasures obtained by the warriors, and then bid for the warriors at a high price to earn the middle price. The lower-level martial arts market circulated gold coins. The higher military city circulates merit points and merit water.

What they solved was equipment, and what Chu Qianye raised was a circulation problem.

If it can be achieved, this is definitely a very attractive way.

"In addition, we put an end to the things in Wushi, and only our things can circulate, because we have liquidity. In this way, as long as we randomly create something exactly the same as Wushi, Wushi will be attacked and weakened by us. More people will only choose our Dragon Gate." Chu Qianye said lightly, "This is a very important moment. I had already named some names before, but I don’t always feel very good. This time I will tell you this thing. Realize, but you have to think of a resounding name. We are here to brainstorm and see the future development of our Longmen."

Chu Qianye didn't feel very loud about the name she had taken earlier, and the meaning was not too deep, and it didn't make people's eyes bright and impressive.

So he decided to tell everyone about this, let everyone brainstorm, brainstorm, and avoid the suspicion of his own dictatorship. He didn't want this to happen.

To create a dragon gate, to put it bluntly, is to give everyone a sense of cohesion and trust.

Therefore, the names he used before can only be temporarily put aside for everyone to participate in it. On the one hand, it is fun, and on the other hand, it strengthens the sense of belonging. Some time ago, he was the shopkeeper and gave it to Zhang Tianqi to manage. Although everyone treated him respectfully, there was also an invisible sense of isolation and distance, which is not a good phenomenon.

So, in view of this, he must find a sense of distance from other people.

"We will follow the existing road in Wushi. Qiu Yu has experience in this area, and she will lead this area at that time, but we have to pick a name that can be remembered as soon as we hear it." Chu Qian Ye said.

Upon hearing what Chu Qianye said, everyone's faces showed a touch of surprise.

A resounding name.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with expressions of looking at each other.

"Wu Xing?" Yang Dong said.

The crowd sat silent, recalling the name Yang Dong said.

"It's not very nice." Third Brother Zhao shook his head gently, and said, "I think a gold rush pavilion can be used."

Taojin Pavilion, the second name came out.

Hearing the two people talk, the others started to enthusiastically start to speak, and various names were uttered, and everyone commented and pointed out the shortcomings.

Chu Qianye smiled and watched everyone participating enthusiastically. He knew that the chatterbox had already been opened. After all, they were all his own, so the convenience of speaking did not affect communication and exchanges. He came out to talk to Chu Qianye and was a little lacking in confidence. People around you are not so polite, and point out on the spot if they think it's not good.

This is a good phenomenon. This is rarely encountered before. During the period of Longmen’s development in Xizhou Wilderness, we actually encountered a lot of problems, but everyone survived silently, but it was also in a state of high mental tension. In fact, is this a way of relaxation?

Chu Qianye handed over the topic, so that the members of Longmen were actively involved, and could find a sense of belonging and fun in it, and relax appropriately. This is a very good way to relax. After all, the current Longmen can come to this step. , It is not easy, you have to slow down slowly.

With this thought in mind, Chu Qianye simply gave up the home court to them.

But he stood aside, he listened carefully to each name, after all, he carefully thought about it to see if it made people's eyes bright or catchy, and it was possible to remember the name all at once.

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