Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1241: Amazing effect

"Everyone, thank you all for coming to participate in Tongbaohang’s first auction. To thank you for your enthusiasm, we at Tongbaohang will help you circulate the bids between the Four Continents and Five Domains for free. Now the bidding is complete. Later, we can circulate things to other Tongbao shops and arrive immediately!" Chu Qianye said lightly.


Upon hearing what Chu Qianye said, everyone's faces showed a touch of excitement.

This kind of thing is simply a huge miracle for him.

There are still such things?

"Don't doubt what I said. What I said can definitely be done. If you don't believe me, we will wait and see." Chu Qianye said.

There was a trace of surprise in everyone's eyes.

"Later, we will use the Sky Profound Stone to verify this fact." Chu Qianye said.

"Then, now I will seal the two Nine Turns Golden Body Pills in the box. Please open your eyes and see clearly. These two Nine Turns Golden Body Pills are sealed in the box."

When the words were over, Chu Qianye then took out two nine-turn golden-body elixirs, put them in in front of everyone, and then sealed them up. Everyone saw the two nine-turn golden-body elixirs, all on their faces. Is showing a touch of excitement.

"Now I mix the sealed box with other boxes, and then place them on the shelves around the auction table. Everyone successfully participates in the auction. A sealed box can be randomly selected, and two nine-turn golden body pills will be drawn. The medicine is yours," Chu Qianye said lightly.

Hearing these words, everyone suddenly became excited, staring at the auction stage, looking at the sealed boxes, everyone's eyes glowed, and it is really important to know what they are going to do next.

If you successfully participate in the auction, you will have a chance to obtain the precious Nine-turn Golden Body Medicine!

Time is rare!

At this moment, everyone's appetite was mobilized.

Seeing everyone's eyes glowing, Chu Qianye knew that his strategy was successful, and that it was quite successful, this kind of great opportunity was quite rare.

"The auction will begin now," Chu Qianye said lightly.

Hearing this sentence, everyone held their breath.

It's finally time to start shooting!

"Now we are about to start shooting." Chu Qianye said lightly: "I am Chu Qianye, a pill alchemist, leader of the pharmacopoeia, and champion of the pill club. I swear by my credibility that all the things you bid for will be given to you for free today. Everyone circulates to the Four Continents Wilderness and Five Territories Tongbaohang. If you have friends in Zhoucheng, you can try to circulate the bidding or the things purchased from our Tongbaohang. There will be a fee in the future. The specific fee will be Announcement, a rare opportunity, now everyone can experience it."


"I bet on my own credibility. I am looking forward to the circulation of Tongbaohang's natural materials and treasures. I don't know if it is really as magical as he said, and it will be there on the same day? After that, it will not break through the barriers of the 16th Great Desert. ?"

"That's terrible, Takeshi simply can't do this step."

"Look at the situation first."


At the auction scene, everyone looked at the bidding stage with blinking eyes and whispered.

Chu Qianye naturally ignored these gazes, because he knew very well that the Profound Qi Continent was a world respected by the strong, and now that what he said was a gimmick, he felt it was not credible.

Therefore, instead of wasting time arguing with the red ears, it is better to officially start the auction. At that time, someone will inevitably circulate the treasures of heaven and earth, and they will be able to display them on the spot!

"Let’s start bidding for the first baby." Chu Qianye said: “This baby is very peculiar. It is a dual repair tool discovered by a certain spiritual treasure. It can let people experience the joy of human nature and help improve martial arts cultivation."

"This object is named Longfeng Jinluan!"

Dragon and Phoenix Jinluan?

Everyone was confused for a while. They didn't know what Chu Qianye was talking about, and didn't see a shadow in detail, so everyone showed surprise eyes on their faces.

Chu Qianye watched the people look towards the auction platform, smiled faintly, and immediately sealed, a ray of light shining from the auction platform, the light burst into the sky.


The space shook, and before everyone woke up, the light suddenly shone, and a large golden luang appeared on the auction stage, the streamer flashed, and there were many arrangements on it, and the so-called utensils were placed on it. Almost everything is there, and the moves and Dafa involved in the dual cultivation are covered in it, which shows how much the people who refine this kind of thing are thinking about it.

"Haha, this guy is definitely a talent, I want so many things."

"not bad."


Discussions flooded around.

Chu Qianye saw the scene before him, and knew that the response was good.

"Very well, next is the bidding time." Chu Qianye said lightly: "This baby, the starting price is two million merit points. Everyone only needs to put merit points into the soul branding stone to participate in the auction. Now start bidding. !"

Everyone looked at the spiritual branding stone in their hands, and then grabbed the merit stone from the merit stone.

Between the flashes of light, the points of merit entered the spiritual brand stone one after another.

This stone is just a different name, almost exactly the same as the auction of Takeshi.

At this moment, several people sitting in the corner looked very ugly at this scene.

"Uncle, it's exactly like our Wushi!"

"Who said no."

"Hmph, I think it's just a gimmick. Senior Xiao Wu, we are worried about this matter, and there is no need to report to the Black Face God."

Xiao Wu frowned, the method is similar, but the effect?

It depends on the effect. It is too early to conclude the agreement!

So Xiao Wu was not too happy too early. He stared straight ahead, his eyes showed a solemn color, and this matter became more and more mysterious.

"I'm not sure about this." Xiao Wu shook his head slightly: "The method is the same, but the effect must be the same?"

The high-level staff in Wushi suddenly solidified their smiles when they heard the sound.

Yes, the method is the same, it does not mean that the effect is the same. It may be good, it may be bad, or it may be average. It is too early for them to draw conclusions.

Therefore, when everyone heard this sentence, their bodies became stiff.


At this moment, the light on the heavenly profound stone was shining, first fast and then slow.

"The 980th seat has 20 million merit points."

"The 1923th seat has 50 million merit points."

"The 9876th seat has 59 million merit points."


In the end, this peerless item of double repair was auctioned by one person with 90 million merit points.

The high-ranking staff in Wushi looked very ugly!

Takeshi can't do that!

Selling 60 million merit points to death, this is the gap!

Xiao Wu took a deep breath.


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