Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1260: Yuexin San


A sword slashed out, and wherever it went, the void shuddered and collapsed instantly.


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Liang Hai's figure trembled, then his face was pale, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, his whole spirit languishing.

The power of Chu Qianye's battle sword is quite terrifying, and he has no time to resist.

Liang Hai didn't dare to stay any longer, the power in his body turned to the extreme, rushed forward and quickly left Tingyue River.

Looking at Liang Hai who was in a panic, everyone's faces showed a stunned expression.

Venerable Seven Stars, he could only run away like this.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

Liang Hai is not a threat to him. After all, he is only the Seven-Star Venerable, and he was severely injured. It is difficult to recover to the peak period in every two or three years. In this time period, Longmen is bound to be too. Many venerables have been cultivated.

That's why he didn't pursue it.

Chu Qianye returned to the square, and everyone looked at him with monster eyes.

He looked as usual and walked back to his original position.

"Sister Bai, have your things really worked?"

Nun Mu looked at Bai Yueji, Shen Yindao.

Bai Yueji looked at Chu Qianye, her eyes twinkling.

"There will be an effect in ten minutes. When you need to stop other people, I will help him to leave and go to the inn." Baiyueji Shenyin said.

The stubborn wood gleamed.

"Okay, don't worry, Junior Sister Bai, leave these to us."

Chu Qianye walked back, suddenly feeling a little dizzy, and he seemed to have hallucinations when looking at the figure.

"this is……"

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, he knew he had been poisoned by others.

Consciousness is getting heavier.

"Brother Nanmu, act quickly." Bai Yueji said in a voice.

Hearing these words, Nan Mu and others walked towards Zhang Tianqi.

At this time Zhang Tianqi also seemed to see that Chu Qianye was a little bit wrong.

"little bastard!"

However, when he finished speaking, a few figures had already swept out, and then surrounded him.

Seeing this situation, Wu Shi's elite also took action.

Bai Yueji looked at Chu Qianye, and then walked in front of him.

With a slight smile, she has a pair of youthful and ignorant spiritual beads, glowing with jade-like smoothness, her eyes are as clear as a stream under the ice, not stained with a trace of world dust, her eyelashes are long and thick, a small nose, and a pair of soft cats. Slender and white.

"Qianye, we are in the midst of the plan. The people at the Profound Sky Clan gave you a heart-wrenching relief. It should be on that woman's body. We have to leave here as soon as possible now!" Bai Yueji said.

Hearing these words, Chu Qianye was immediately confused. He opened his eyes, but saw Zhang Tianqi looking at him anxiously.

Before Chu Qianye had time to react, Bai Yueji's palm was already being led away.

Chu Qianye was taken back, and soon entered an inn.

"Return to Tongbaohang." Chu Qianye said.

"Now that Tianxuanmen has joined forces with Wushi, let's hide in this inn for a while."'Zhang Tianqi' said while looking at Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye was a little confused, his head was dizzy.

He found it very strange, because Zhang Tianqi seemed to have changed, becoming extremely gentle, and even kitsch.

"Tian Qi, you weren't like this before." Chu Qianye said, looking at the face close at hand.

Bai Yueji's face was startled, she was quite puzzled, how could she not figure it out, how did Chu Qianye feel that she was different?

"No, I'm still the same me." Bai Yueji said.

But the'Zhang Tianqi' in Chu Qianye's eyes seems to be different. The expression and tone of speech have changed. Although this change is very small, but in contact with him, he naturally knows what Zhang Tianqi is like. people.

Bai Yueji was thinking about how to proceed.

"No, you used to be a little unreasonable, why are you suddenly so gentle?" Chu Qianye stared at'Zhang Tianqi' and asked, "Who are you?"

Bai Yueji was secretly surprised in her heart, but she didn't expect Chu Qianye to be able to detect this kind of fault.

Bai Yueji gritted her teeth.

"Don't talk, people are coming." Bai Yueji said, she can only delay as long as she can. When the spring medicine in Chu Qianye's body breaks out, she will be under the **** at that time, I am afraid it will be difficult to control and control. Got it.

She can only hope so now.

Chu Qianye wanted to stimulate the power in his body, but found that his body seemed to be out of control, and the power in his body became a little lazy in his body.

This is indeed a sign of a happy heart.

That woman!

Only then did Chu Qianye think of the woman sitting next to him.

Before, he always felt a faint scent flowing into his nostrils, because it was very similar to the smell of Bailing wine, so he didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Thinking about it now, it turned out that the problem appeared here.

Then, the woman in front of me is definitely not Zhang Tianqi, it is very likely that it is that woman!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

The solution for the present is to untie the Yuexin San within oneself.

The effect of this poison is basically within two hours.

Two hours are enough for a lot of things to happen. The woman in front of me is probably a disciple of the Tianxuan Clan.

Inside the body, an evil fire rushed upward.

With a movement in his heart, he suddenly thought of it.

I'm afraid that this is not a general pleasure, but something that can control one's own desires.

If this thing happens, then oneself will be messed up by it, and then it will completely fall into the hands of this woman, it is hard to say whether it is life or death.

"Oh, it seems that I think too much, Tianqi, please don't blame me." Chu Qianye said while looking at'Zhang Tianqi'.

After hearing the sound, Bai Yueji suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know exactly how Chu Qianye's doubts were eliminated, it is a good thing to have no doubts after all.

Chu Qianye looked at the woman in front of him. There was still strength in his body. He was predicting whether he could beat this woman.

No, if one's own overlord makes the bow hard, it will definitely not work. With the opponent's strength, he will inevitably fight back with all his strength, and his own life will be in danger by then.

Therefore, we can only play the emotional card at the moment!

"Tianqi, I have really wronged you over the years." Chu Qianye walked to'Zhang Tianqi', holding the other's face, and said with an expression: "Look, you have lost a lot of weight."

Seeing Chu Qianye's actions, Bai Yueji originally wanted to resist, but then she remembered her current role again. She was quite hesitant. The combat power that Chu Qianye had exploded before made her jealous. After all, she could make Venerable Seven Stars People who flee in a hurry are not mortal in strength.

If she kills Chu Qianye now, and if Chu Qianye resists hard, she may not be able to kill Chu Qianye, but the other party will fight her hard, and the end will be hard to say.

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