Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1279: Handsome


The circulatory beast roared, and then raised both arms, slammed its fists out, and its power was like a dragon, and it collided fiercely with the sword energy that Chu Qianye slashed out.

"Brothers, you guys also take action to help me divert the attention of this beast." Xiao Long said.

Hearing Xiao Long's request, several people sacrificed profound soldiers one after another, stepped out, and swept towards the six-eyed behemoth.



Countless profound soldiers burst out with brilliant light, and then violently rushed towards the six-eyed behemoth, wherever they went, the light was like a rainbow.

Faced with the attacks of the crowd, the six-eyed behemoth suddenly burst out roars.

What followed was a powerful force attack.

The six-eyed behemoth is indeed a fierce beast with three heads and six arms. Its defense is extremely powerful, and ordinary attack methods can't penetrate it.


The six-pupil behemoth slapped a warrior with one palm.

Although the warrior reflected in a timely manner, when he lowered his palm to block the bursting giant claws, a tyrannical force still made him vomit blood and retreat.

It flew out a hundred meters away by a palm.


The disciple of Xiyue Tower immediately paled and vomited a mouthful of red blood.

When everyone saw this scene, there was a lingering look on their faces.

The martial artist of the fourth-order celestial realm was slapped flying by the palm of the six-eyed behemoth. This kind of power was a bit more terrifying, after all, they used profound soldiers to attack.

Looking at the six-eyed behemoth, there was only a faint blood on the giant claws, and the previous attack did not cause much damage to it.

Xiao Long's face became dark.

This six-eyed behemoth is very strong, and he can no longer contend with it. It must look for its weaknesses and then make a quick battle.

Seeing the giant beast in front of him, Xiao Long's thoughts are like electricity.

"Qianye, use your strongest blow to distract this beast." Xiao Long said in a voice.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled.

With my strongest blow?

The strength of the Five-Star Venerable burst out? Use extraordinary kendo?

Obviously impossible.

These words of Xiao Long made Chu Qianye feel deeply embarrassed, because he didn't know how much strength he should use to satisfy Xiao Long's strongest blow.

"Hey, the strength of the seventh-order celestial realm." Chu Qianye secretly thought, "He shouldn't attract much attention. The big deal will be that the martial arts power that he has performed can improve so quickly."

Presumably, Chu Qianye held the war sword in his hand and stepped on the shooting star, Ling Tian's divine steps flashed, and his figure appeared in front of the six-eyed behemoth.

"Beast, die!"

Chu Qianye shouted violently, the power of the stars in his body swiftly revolved, and the battle sword in his hand, the eight divine patterns were immediately activated, the light was dazzling, and the attack power was thunderous.

The sword is like a rainbow, and the sword is peerless!


As far as the sword aura is, the void instantly collapses and shatters...


As if feeling Chu Qianye's sword power, the six-eyed behemoth suddenly roared uneasy, twisting its body as hard as possible, trying to get rid of Chu Qianye's attack.

At this time, Xiao Long also moved.

His figure flashed in front of the six-eyed behemoth, the feather fan in his hand burst into a dazzling light, the sword and spear were tightly held in his palm, and the power of the stars poured into the sword.


The power of horror broke out in vain, and the astonishing power was immense, and the faces of everyone changed drastically.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.

This Xiao Long is really talented, even more powerful than Liu Baqing.

Liu Baqing was also very amazing at the beginning.

But compared with Xiao Long, it was still far behind.

After all, this Xiaolong is a four-star Venerable. His full blow is unmatched in combat power. The power of this sword and spear is devastating and rushing towards the six-eyed behemoth.

The location of the knife and gun is the head!


The six-eyed behemoth roared, twisting its body vigorously.

However, it was flanked by Chu Qianye and Xiao Long at the same time. Even though it had three heads and six arms, Xiao Long's swords and spears were as powerful as stars, dazzling the world.

Therefore, this violent raid could not be stopped at all.


The sword pierced the head of the six-eyed behemoth severely.

Before it woke up, the knife and spear were deeply submerged in its head.


The six-eyed behemoth roared, and the angry voice roared in the world.

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

One of the heads of the six-eyed behemoth has been cut off by a knife.

Only two left!

And Chu Qianye's sword aura was also submerged in one arm.

Jian Qi pierced his palm and slumped weakly.

The two people's cooperation can be called a combination of two swords, which is invincible.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces showed a surprised expression.

"Awesome, the two of them work together impeccably."

Seeing this scene, the juniors of the same school were secretly surprised.

At this time, Xiao Linyan's eyes flickered, and she was also very surprised.

Chu Qianye's kendo was really elegant, and it was a bit difficult to catch its shadow, quite a bit otherworldly.

Xiao Long was also quite surprised.

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Chu Qianye's sword is the most elegant he has ever seen, none of them!

‘Qianye is afraid that his background is not small. I don’t know which Sword Master’s disciple he is, or is he himself? Xiao Long's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself.

He is very confused now. He feels that Chu Qianye has something to hide, such as strength, which he finds very strange, because the sword energy that Chu Qianye has just shown, he always feels that he still has some reservations, this can't be all of him. strength.

In other words, the strength of the seventh-order Tianji that he burst out earlier is actually not all of him. His strength is at least the seventh-order of the Tianji realm, and even the venerable!

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Long was suddenly surprised.


The six-eyed giant beast roared and ate its painful hind legs. It seemed to feel that Chu Qianye and Xiao Long were not so easy to deal with.

"Oops, this beast is going to run away." As if seeing through the intentions of the Six-Eyed Giant Beast, Xiao Long's fellow junior said in surprise.

Xiao Long discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind.

He understands that now is a more critical moment, and he must not be distracted by Chu Qianye's identity.

"Qianye, we will continue to work together, but to prevent this beast from counterattacking, it is after all a fierce beast of the ninth-level Celestial Realm, comparable to an ordinary Venerable." Xiao Long said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

He held the war sword tightly, Ling Tian used his steps, the silver light flickered, and his body shape flicked in front of the six-eyed behemoth, the white robe figure, the robe flying, the sword aura was like frost.

At first glance, it looks very handsome!

Xiao Linyan stared blankly at the phantom of Void Xing.

"Wuji sword technique."

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the sword aura in his palm suddenly roared and slashed towards the six-eyed behemoth.


The six-eyed behemoth was furious.

Five arms move together, dazzling light, murderous like a dragon, vast and square...

Everyone was secretly shocked when they felt this power aura.

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