Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1282: Thinking about countermeasures

Is it a disciple of Long Yunzong?

If you guessed it correctly, it was exactly the same as what he had heard.

Behind Long Yunzong is the Tianxuan Gate.

And it was the Tianxuanmen who forced his master to explode and fall!

Anything related to the Tianxuan Sect is not easy to die!

A bit of murderous intent flashed across Chu Qianye's eyes.

"Joke, you Fang Zuichen is only capable of this? It will only take food? Ha ha, Long Yunzong is really great." Xiao Long said sarcastically.

But Fang Zuichen in Xiao Long's mouth didn't care.

"Hehe, what's wrong with taking food? It's not a skill? If you have such a skill, then you should try to take it too?" Fang Zuichen smiled lightly: "You have been fighting with the six-eyed behemoth for so long, so you should consume it. A lot of it, do you still want to smash me?"

Xiao Long's face was ugly.

The other disciples of Xiyue Tower's expressions were also not pretty.

Killing the behemoth with six pupils, they also exerted considerable effort.

But all their hard work was about to gain something, but they didn't expect to come out with Cheng Yaojin and get the fruits of victory halfway through. This kind of thing caused a huge blow to them.

All the faces are filled with indignation.

"So, I would advise you that this six-eyed giant beast belongs to my Long Yunzong." Fang Zuichen smiled faintly: "Oh, right, you can also hand over the giant mouth beast you killed earlier. Come out, I promise you can leave here safely."

The other disciples of Long Yunzong also showed a faint smile on their faces.

They have done too much of this kind of predation, and basically they are killing people and unloading goods. Now because of the strength of Xiao Long and other people, if they really want to fight, it is really hard to say whether they will win or lose, and if they really want to If they die desperately, they are also prone to blood loss. Maybe if the fish die and the net is broken, they all die together, that kind of risk is too great.

Moreover, Xiyue Tower's influence in the Tianyu Dynasty is not small. If you really want to do this, it will not be easy to explain after going back, and it will easily cause disputes between the two sects.

In recent years, although the four major sects have fought openly and secretly, they are all in a state of tacit understanding. Everyone is unwilling to break this balance. If it is really going to make a big mess, the balance will not be maintained. And the other two major sects. , There are bound to be some ideas.

Therefore, the head of the sect and the sect master both have orders, and must not completely conflict with each other when they have to. After all, that is too bad, and the consequences are huge.

Therefore, skirmishes are the keynote, but irreconcilable contradictions are absolutely inevitable.

And this kind of food-taking thing is not just their Long Yunzong doing it, Xiyue Tower usually does it, everyone does it.

Therefore, such a thing is too normal.

"So, I'll give you a few minutes to consider, either give us this giant mouth bitter beast and six-eye behemoth beast, or you will fight with us in a state of huge consumption." Fang Zuichen smiled lightly.

He seemed to foresee that Xiao Long and others would definitely choose to give up. After all, how they have done these years, as smart people understand that cultivation resources are inexhaustible, and human life is only once. Once the soul fly is gone, it completely disappears between the heaven and the earth.

Or the body will fall and the soul will reincarnate.

Regardless of the result, it disappears, so basically no one chooses the latter because the price is too high.

There was a little struggle in Xiao Long's eyes.

He is naturally not a fool, so he quickly distinguished the pros and cons after weighing.

If he fights the people of Long Yunzong hard in his current state, it will be quite unfavorable to himself, and he is a big brother, and it is necessary to ensure that the junior and senior sisters leave here safely.

In layman's terms, he must have an overall view, know how to make choices, and know how to sacrifice.

These guys like Long Yunzong are very strong, if they really fight hard, it is really not good for them.

However, if they are asked to give up two things, they are indeed very unwilling.

The Giant Mouth Devourer and the Six Eyed Giant Beast were all killed by their desperate efforts. Of course they were not willing to let them give way to such cultivation resources.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At this time, Chu Qianye was also thinking.

He wants to kill these people very much, but Shang Ruo exposes his identity in order to kill these people, I'm afraid he will soon attract the attention of the Heavenly Profound Sect. Wu Shi also knows that he is in the Heaven-Splitting Divine Wilderness, and he is bound to move out. That would bring infinite disasters and crises to myself.

But if Fang Zuichen and others were to be killed in front of Xiao Long and others, it would be extremely easy for him to reveal his identity.

This method does not work!

Xiao Long seems to be able to hand over the things. After he leaves here, he will turn back and start his hands. This idea should be good, at least not in front of Xiao Long and others. This is desirable.

Several thoughts flashed through Chu Qianye's mind, and he made a decision soon.

Don't take action for the time being, and wait for the retreat to come back again, so you have to work **** the spoils.

"Well, it's time, hand over the things, and spare you not to die." Fang Zuichen said lightly.

The disciples of Xiyue Tower's disciples all struggled on their faces.

They have worked so hard for so long, and now they are very reluctant to let them hand over things, but they all understand that if they don’t hand them over, they will definitely do it with the virtues of people like Long Yunzong.

"The six-eye behemoth can be handed over to you, but the giant mouth beast will definitely not be handed over." Xiao Long said: "You can try it, the big deal is that we will have a dead fish, I don't think you will eat the beast for the giant mouth. Fight with us."

Seeing Xiao Long reveal the bottom line, Fang Zuichen also understood that the other party was serious.

So he pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Okay, then don't give it away, we will laugh at this six-eyed monster." Fang Zuichen smiled faintly.

"Let's go!" Xiao Long said.

"Brother Xiao Long..." Xiao Linyan showed a rather unwilling expression on her face.

They killed this thing, but in the end they made a wedding dress for others?


"Go back and talk about it." Xiao Long said.

Xiao Linyan looked at Xiao Long's expression and resisted her unwillingness.

For a moment, she sighed faintly.

She is not a reckless person, but she is also very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Long Yunzong group.

Xiao Long's other juniors were also very dissatisfied.

However, they all understood that Xiao Long was in a bad state now, and if he had to fight for it, he would only fall short, and Fang Zuichen was very strong, so they could only choose to forbear.

"Master Chu, I'm really sorry," Xiao Long said.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

Followed Xiao Long and others to leave, but he moved his arms and legs calmly.

Seeing Xiao Long and the others leave, Fang Zuichen suddenly smiled.

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