Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1365: Sacred sign

But at this time it was too late to retreat.


There was a tremor in the void, and countless sword shadows rushed out violently, slashing towards one of the warriors, with immense power.


The venerable face changed slightly, but his reaction was not slow. He quickly raised the profound soldier in his hand and tried to hold the sword shadows horizontally. When there was no time to react, the sword shadows still burst out with dazzling light. His figure was pierced.

The sword shadow is very large and vast, with a total of five hundred sword shadows.

The other people were also attacked by various profound soldiers, and two of them fell into a pool of blood in a blink of an eye, and their breath was cut off.

Seeing this scene before him, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

Elder Wan, Elder Xue, and Deputy Sect Master, the three of them looked at the scene in front of them, and their faces suddenly sank. They didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so cunning. First they set up a killing formation here and led them into the killing formation. Inside, and then relentlessly shot. Although they knew they were hit, they couldn't withdraw.

"Close to each other, don't disperse." Deputy Sect Master said in a deep voice, Elder Wan and Elder Xue, as well as another elder who survived by chance, moved closer to the Deputy Sect Master.

Chu Qianye frowned. Now that these people are close together, he can't kill them. However, with such a rare opportunity, he has now introduced these people into the formation, even if he cannot kill them. At least they have to pay a heavy price.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and the light in his eyes flickered.


Chu Qianye knots the seal, and the Tiantu Zhuxian Formation bursts out with dazzling light. Hundreds of profound soldiers burst out with dazzling light, and they rushed towards the four of them in a blink of an eye. In front of them.

"Do it!"

The four shouted violently, the war sword in their palms burst into bright light immediately, the light was extremely dazzling, it looked very bright and splendid, and the power roared crazily in the world.

"Clang clang!"

Within the Tiantu Zhu Immortal Array, brilliant rays of light suddenly burst out, as well as the terrifying power of destruction, frantically diffused out of it.

Chu Qianye felt that at the position of his chest, a gust of gas was constantly whizzing away. With the extreme violent power, Chu Qianye seemed to have a trace of comprehension, but he didn't know if it was.


The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

He feels that he has some understanding, and the transformation of Saint seems to be coming soon!

"Ruolan, you leave first. I will wait for the strongest attack. Then you will leave with this movement. I feel that I am going to break through. Later I will return to Xiyue Tower. You will help me protect the law at that time!" Ye quickly explained.

Hearing Chu Qianye's words, Zhou Ruolan's eyes flickered, she wanted to refuse, but finally agreed.

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Chu Qianye was holding the sword, his figure appeared, and he looked at Elder Wan and Elder Xue, the sword burst into his palm with a dazzling light.

The profound fire incinerated into power, and the Yin Shalei surged out of him, the power of blood, the power of profound energy, the power of stars,... all the power whizzed towards Chu Qianye's right palm.

Chu Qianye held the war sword in his hand, teleported his body to the weaker elder, slashed out with a sword, and the world became eclipsed in this instant.

The elder's pupils shrank suddenly.

This sword made him desperate to find that he was like an ant in front of Chu Qianye, unable to stop it at all. For the first time he felt that his life was not dominated by himself.

Elder Wan, Elder Xue, and the deputy suzerain, their faces became very ugly at this moment.

With this sword fighting force, they all felt a sensation of bursting and opening their pores.


The three shot almost at the same time.


A loud noise resounded like thunder, and the entire sword formation was finally overwhelmed and shattered suddenly because of the impact of this force.

The elder still didn't come through in the end, Chu Qianye's sword aura violently passed through his chest.

As for Chu Qianye’s chest, a breath of madness rose wildly, and Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. This breath of strength was very tyrannical. He felt his strength soaring madly, and that feeling was very strong. strong.

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate at all. When he slashed out a sword, he didn't stop at all, shrinking his supernatural powers and teleporting. The scene that happened before his eyes was too fast, so even the lord of Long Yunzong Yun Wushuang was also Didn't notice it.


When the formation was broken and disappeared into nothingness, Chu Qianye's figure was no longer there. Only then did they want to come, Chu Qianye had already left!

"Asshole!" Bai Wushuang looked ugly: "Check, find out for me, and see where the other person is now!"

Seeing Bai Wushuang's expressionless face, everyone knew very clearly in their hearts. Sect Master Bai Wushuang was already completely furious. This time Chu Qianye entered their Long Yun Sect, and he still had so many swords under their noses. The elders and head teachers, this is simply a deep grudge.

"Sect Master, do you want to say hello to the Tianxuanmen on this matter?" Elder Xue said: "This kid I got the information, he should be the guest of Xiyue Tower, if we go to Xiyue Tower now, At that time they will definitely deny it, and we have nothing to do with them. However, if there is a Tianxuan Sect to come forward, then they will only have to agree."

Bai Wushuang's eyes flickered, and he nodded lightly.

"Prepare with both hands. On the one hand, send someone to thoroughly investigate the whereabouts of others, and on the other hand to put pressure on the people in Xiyue Tower. I will talk about it at Tianxuanmen." Bai Wushuang spit lightly: "Right, look first. Looking at the casualties, how many people have been lost by the elders and head teachers of our sect."

Several people nodded one after another.

At this time, after Chu Qianye teleported, when he appeared again, he had already returned to Xiyue Tower and met Zhou Ruolan.

"Go to your pavilion." Chu Qianye said: "Long Yunzong will come over, you first help me protect the law."

Zhou Ruolan looked at the aura on Chu Qianye's body and was extremely surprised.

Is it going to be sacred so soon?

There was a glimmer of brilliance in her eyes.

She has come into contact with many geniuses, and they all have great talents in cultivation.

Unfortunately, this is totally incomparable with Chu Qianye.

She secretly admired in her heart that Chu Qianye's real cultivation time was actually not that long. It has only been more than two years since she awakened her martial soul again, but she has reached a height that others have not reached for two hundred years, or even two thousand years!

In the end, it seemed that the **** emperor Beixuan once ruled the gods, possessing such talents seemed understandable.

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