Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1367: Long Yunzong's helping hand

This gray-robed old man fought with the Sect Master for many years. When the Sect Master was away, basically no one dared to refute what he said. Basically, what he said was what he said. Those who opposed him would basically not end well, so Everyone dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, and just assumed nothing happened.

Since the other party is so fierce, don't say anything at all. Anyway, it's just saying nothing.

"Wushuang, I will send ten saints and thirty venerables to the Xiyue Tower together with you. I don't believe it anymore. It's a second-rate sect in Xiyue Tower, he dare to oppose my Tianxuanmen?" The old man in gray said coldly.

Hearing the sound, Yun Wushuang quickly agreed with joy.

"Thank you Elder Gu," Yun Wushuang said.

The gray-clothed old man waved his hand gently and shook his head lightly.

"Thank you, this is also a matter for our Tianxuan Sect. The person who was sent out last time did not catch this kid, let him run away, and tarnished a female disciple of my Tianxuan Sect. This kid should be fine. Swordsman!" The gray-clothed old man said coldly:

"Elder Bai, you are going to arrange ten saints realm and thirty venerables now. It is better to know that Chu Qianye is a more subtle person. This can also be a great help. Go now."

An old man in white nodded, then stood up, and Yun Wushuang followed behind him and disappeared into the discussion hall together.

Soon the two of them came to another hall, and in the hall, thirty venerables were already standing there. After waiting for a while, several figures descended one after another, and everyone exuded a terrifying atmosphere of martial arts. Oppression, the violent power of this kind of power is chilling, they didn't expect Chu Qianye to possess such terrifying power.

"Around me, the one standing next to me is the Sect Master of Yunlong Sect. He has a great connection with our Sky Profound Sect. Sect Master Yun was once the elder of our Sky Profound Sect. Later, he left Split Heaven City by himself. A Tianyu dynasty that went to the edge created Longyunzong, and now Longyunzong has developed into a second-rate sect force." Elder Bai looked at the crowd lightly and said.

Everyone has obviously heard about this Dragon Cloud Sect, so when Elder Bai talked about this sect, everyone actually knew what kind of sect it was, and also knew the distance between this sect and the Tianxuan Sect. The origin.

"It's a pity, just yesterday, Long Yunzong suffered a great baptism, numerous deaths and injuries, more than 30 elders and head teachers all died, and the culprit, age is similar to yours, even very young." Elder Bai continued Said.

Hearing this sentence, everyone was in an uproar.

This is too scary, is this kind of thing happening?

Are they similar in age?

I can imagine that my scalp is numb. These head teachers and elders must be at least the venerable, and it is even more likely that there are strong people in the holy state, and the cause of all this is actually a person of their age. young people?

I think my scalp feels numb!

"You don't believe it, do you?" Elder Bai said lightly: "But this is true, and this time Elder Gu asked us to go to the Tianyu Dynasty together."

"The warrior who caused all this is called Chu Qianye."


Among the martial artists present, there were many martial artists who knew Chu Qianye's identity well, and Hao Juan was one of them.

In addition, there are Wan Ling, Nanmu, Bai Yueji and others, but Bai Yueji has very complicated emotions towards Chu Qianye at this time. On the one hand, she feels ashamed of what happened, but on the other hand because Chu Qianye was her first man. She always felt that she wanted to kill Chu Qianye, but she didn't really want to let Chu Qianye die, so her emotions were quite complicated. This was a very strange idea.

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She had already planned to kill Chu Qianye when she saw him, repaying her hatred of insulting with shame.

But he always felt that so many people were going to deal with Chu Qianye, and he had a very complicated idea in his heart, always wanting to tell Chu Qianye that they were about to kill him.

She sighed faintly in her heart, she didn't know why she had such a thought, or why she thought so, this feeling was very weird.

Love and hate!

At this time, Hao Juan, her eyes flickered, and her heart was extremely anxious. She did not expect that Chu Qianye's strength would increase so rapidly that she could kill more than 30 head teachers and elders of Long Yunzong by one person?

This is her joy, and her other concern is because this time the martial arts sent so many strong men to besiege him.

"Qianye, I hope you have left the Tianyu Dynasty at this time, or find a very hidden place to hide." Hao Juan had strange thoughts in her heart. She lightly held a piece of Wenyu in her palm with a **** pattern engraved on it. It was the god-patterned jade that Chu Qianye gave to her. She has always worn it by her side. Her experience over the years has also taught her tenacity, so her heart is more determined.

Unexpectedly, the sect she joined had an old enemy relationship with Chu Qianye. If she knew that this would be the case, she would definitely not choose to join the Tianxuan Sect. It is impossible for her to quit the Tianxuan Sect unless she has shelter. There may not be any problem with the place, after all, the Tianxuan Gate does not look at the face of the Buddha, but also the face of the monk, and if it has a large tree back, the Tianxuan Gate dare not say anything.

However, she must have been inseparable from the Tianxuan Sect before. Unless the Tianxuan Sect expelled her from the sect, it would be fine. Otherwise, she would be accused of betraying the sect force, and the Tianxuan Sect would definitely be attracted. The endless pursuit.

She held Wen Yu, her eyes twinkling.

"Most of you have gone to investigate Chu Qianye and know him best. Therefore, when you go to Tianyu Dynasty this time, you will provide Sect Master Yun with useful information on the one hand, and you need to help him when he needs you. He." Elder Bai said:

"In this matter, I hope you will not let the door party your cultivation."

Everyone nodded.

"Sect Master Yun, please."

Yun Wushuang nodded slightly.

"Say it on the road. It will take a day to get back from here, enough time to understand." Yun Wushuang said, "Everyone, please follow me."

Thirty venerables, ten saints, and Yun Wushuang left at the same time. Such a lineup, placed on top of the Sixteen Great Wilds, must be the second-rate sect.

After that, Bai Wushuang took out and swept towards the flying boat, took the disciple of the Tianxuan Sect and the head teacher, and left the main city of Heaven Splitting God Wilderness, and flew quickly in the direction of the Tianyu Dynasty.

At this time, Chu Qianye, who was far away in the Tianyu Dynasty, was closing his eyes and contemplating, and constantly deduced that his skills were good fortune. There was a faint light around his body, and occasionally a terrifying murderous intent permeated behind him, but it was only It's fleeting.

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