Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1550: A piece of cake?

Above the space of the Lingxu, a huge totem appeared unexpectedly, this totem turned out to be a huge golden phoenix, tens of thousands of feet in size, so it condensed above the space of the Lingxu.

All the forces were surprised. They looked towards the top of the Lingxu space, and their eyes were filled with deep shock and fear. Many people couldn't understand how it happened in the Lingxu space. With such a huge golden phoenix.

"Lingxu Space."

"Golden Phoenix..."


The various forces raised their heads in shock, staring at this scene in shock.

But at this moment, in the area where Chu Qianye was, there was a golden light around his body, constantly madly and mightily, that extremely powerful and powerful, constantly roaring and roaring between the heaven and the earth.

Chu Qianye didn't know this at all.

At this moment, he just wants to use all his strength to launch a fatal blow!

Chu Qianye stepped out on the soles of his feet, and within his body, the power was violent and tyrannical, surging out frantically, and the roaring power was constantly surging.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Around Chu Qianye's body, a golden blood boiled, and that kind of power surge formed a golden ray of light that condensed above the void.

Feeling the surging blood of Chu Qianye, Qing Deng Dao Sheng and others were secretly surprised.

The four sages of the Blue Light Dao also seemed to feel the extreme violent power of this sword that Chu Qianye had exploded, so they all closed their eyes and hurriedly activated the power of the stars in their bodies.


The mysterious soldier in his palm immediately burst out with dazzling light, and the breath of astonishing power surged crazily between the heavens and the earth, and the astonishing violent power made people frightened.


In an instant, five violent forces collided fiercely!

The Four Saints of the Blue Light Road, and Chu Qianye's attack, collided frantically.

But Chu Qianye's attack was stronger, more thorough, and more determined...

In the end, the four Dao Sages were just rushed to fight, so they seemed a little caught off guard, but no matter how decisive they were, the four Dao Sages in front of them were obviously not so easy to deal with.

The four of them obviously did not react like Mengxin, and they woke up in an instant.

The mysterious soldiers in their hands burst out with dazzling light, trying to stop Chu Qianye's explosive sword.

However, in the next moment, the four faces changed drastically and became very ugly.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Almost all of the three sages of the Blue Lantern Dao flew out, and everyone was extremely embarrassed, and there were still mottled bloodstains on their bodies. Obviously, the sword of Chu Qianye had hurt the sages of the Blue Lantern Dao.

However, the other Dao Sage, he looked at Chu Qianye lightly, without the slightest expression on his face.

"We underestimated you." The saint said lightly: "I didn't expect you to have this kind of bloodline. Although I don't know how your bloodline power was obtained, it is only an external force after all, even if it is the power given by the ancestors. , It is never your strength!"

"Today, let you see the power of heaven!"

When he finished speaking, he saw a little on the sole of his foot, and a dazzling light burst out instantly.

In the next moment, the power was extremely tyrannical, surging crazily in the world.

Everyone felt this tyrannical power, and their hearts were slightly surprised.


In the entire Lingxu space, huge energy fluctuations suddenly occurred, and Chu Qianye’s body suddenly collapsed and shattered from all directions. It was a fragmentation of space. Space wormholes and teleportation could not be used. Such supernatural powers fled this area.

At an astonishing speed, it continues to extend forward.

This kind of speed is very astonishing, Chu Qianye watched the collapse of the space in front of him, and couldn't help but frown.

Obviously, the situation in front of him has exceeded his imagination, and these forces are too violent, completely beyond everyone's imagination.

Chu Qianye stared at the collapsed void crack in front of him, and took a deep breath.

It seemed that he didn't have too many choices now.

He raised his head, looked at the three embarrassing phantoms in the distance, and suddenly smiled.

‘I can’t get out, but you can come in! ’

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and then the seal was formed. A huge energy handprint immediately swept forward fiercely, at an astonishing speed, that kind of tyrannical force surged madly between the heaven and the earth.

Dao Sheng Qing Deng suddenly felt that a emptiness palm was rushing towards him, and his face suddenly changed.

But when he saw the energy mudra, he suddenly showed a trace of disdain.

"Small means dare to make an axe in front of this sage!" Green Light Dao Sage snorted coldly.

With a soft drink, the energy between the heavens and the earth quickly moved towards him, and that amazing power split wildly, forming a violent breath.


In an instant, Chu Qianye's energy handprint was bounced away, breaking apart in an instant.

"A piece of cake!"

Green Light Daosheng sneered.

"is it?"

And as soon as he finished speaking, a voice resounded, and the Daosheng Cyan Lantern raised his head in surprise, a figure in black clothes with black hair like ink and a long sword like snow.


A snow-white sword gas swept out, and went straight to the Blue Light Dao Saint.

Wherever it went, the void collapsed and opened instantly.

This sword is too abrupt!

Even the Blue Light Dao Sheng didn't have a gap to react.

The only thing he can do is try to dodge!

However, he could only barely dodge.


The next moment, his left arm was severed, and accompanied by a burst of bright red blood, he landed suddenly, and the blood stained an inch of soil...

And when the people hadn't awakened, the light of nine colors swept out and wrapped around the broken arm of the Daosheng Cyan Light.

"Chiff chick."

For an instant, when the Dao Sage of the Blue Lantern didn’t react, his left arm was suddenly burnt. This is because the Dao Sage of the Blue Lantern was a corpse Dao Sage, otherwise Chu Qianye’s family The fire probably burned its arm into nothingness.

"Bastard! Ah, this sage will never die with you in this life!" Dao Sage Cyan Lantern let out a scream, he stared at his burnt and severed arm on the ground, his whole body trembled.

The scene in front of me happened so quickly, and the people came to a sense of relief when Chu Qianye clone retreated.

Fang Tong’s back was chilly. If he fights with Chu Qianye, he might die even worse. He will be sacked before he can even dodge. This kind of tyrannical combat power is completely beyond everyone’s expectations. .

"Brother, don't take this kid lightly!" Said Qing Deng Daosheng.

The Dao Sage who was dealing with Chu Qianye's body in the distance subconsciously frowned, obviously he didn't expect that Chu Qianye would be so difficult to deal with at this time.

If Chu Qianye hadn't used Xuan Fen's broken arm, he would definitely be able to find the master to recover, but it was obviously impossible now.

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