Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1560: Critical situation

When Zhang Tianqi received this news, her expression changed drastically.

However, without waiting for them to fight back, Tongbaohang also had a problem. The ruling Yulin army had all replaced by coincidence, and a gap appeared.

And it happened to be this gap that Tongbaohang also ushered in a group of mysterious personnel. When these personnel appeared, they did not say a word at all, and Tongbaohang suffered heavy losses for a while.

There was a tinge of gloom in Zhang Tianqi's eyes. She knew that this matter was not as simple as it was. Why did it happen during this time?

She knew very clearly in her heart that since Chu Qianye disappeared, Wu Shi had already felt like knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, and many masters seemed to have subtle changes in their relationship with Tongbaoxing.

There seems to be a problem with the previous cooperation. This feeling is difficult to explain clearly. I didn't expect the other party to make a move before she could respond!


Still resisting fiercely.

"This matter, tell the master as soon as possible!"

"Already notified."


At this moment, Longmen and Tongbaohang are almost all caught in the flames of war.

"Tianqi, we have to let the master know about this matter as soon as possible!"

In the secret space, Longmen made urgent discussions.

Everyone looked a little ugly.

Zhang Tianqi's face was rather ugly, she shook her head gently.

"I have crushed the soul jade he gave, but now I don't know what the situation is. He hasn't come to the secret space now. I guess he is practicing in retreat and is attacking the martial arts cultivation." Zhang Tianqi said.

Everyone in the Secret Scripture space showed anxious expressions, and everyone's pupils also became a little ugly at this moment, and things had reached such a critical moment.

"In this way, let's try our best to keep the people first. Let's evacuate all of Longmen, and use the formation to escape." Zhao Sange said.

"It's useless, that group of people has already sealed off that space, and they can't escape at all." Long Jin said.

Hearing the sound, everyone looked ugly and gloomy.

Obviously, the appearance of this group of people this time seems to be organized in a conspiracy, and they must be completely eliminated.

Regardless of Longmen or Tongbaoxing, this time it was targeted, and the other party had planned for a long time. This method cannot be described as vicious.

"Have you found out? What are these guys?" Qin Hu asked.

"Preliminary judgement, it may be the participation of multiple forces. Just like our alliance against the Soul Hunting Palace, the Soul Hunting Palace, the Fallen Temple, the Yuan Palace, the Wuyinmen, and the Purgatory Race may all have participated in it. "Long Jin said.

Everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils when they heard it, and they naturally knew about these sect forces.

"When will our alliance help come?" Qin Hu asked.

"It will take half an hour at the fastest." Yang Dong said.

Half an hour.

When everyone heard this time gap, their faces became a little ugly.

This time interval is too long, it is equivalent to the Allied forces coming, I'm afraid the day lily is cold.

"This group of bastards!" Zhao Sange looked ugly, and he said: "I just broke the net with these bastards!"

"No." Tyrant shook his head and said: "These sect forces are all three gods and desolate large sects, behind them all are backed by dominators, which is why this incident is so subtle. The Yulin army has changed. The gap used to be ten minutes, but this time I estimate it will take at least half an hour."

"Then what shall we do?" Third Brother Zhao said grimly: "It is impossible to sit still and wait for death, right?"

Tyrant pondered slightly.

He is the oldest here, so he may think more comprehensively about certain things, and Chu Qianye is not here now, so his opinion is obviously particularly important.

"Naturally can't sit and wait for death." Ba Tian said: "The soldiers are divided into three groups."

"Send someone to stay here, and when Chu Qianye notices that the soul jade is broken, he naturally knows that something urgent has happened, and this is one of them."

"Send someone to find the Imperial Forest Army, Xizhou Dahuang and Nanzhou Dahuang. It is best to meet the two masters so that they can take action and calm the turmoil. This is the second."

"Using everything that can be used to resist, this is the third."

After hearing these instructions, everyone knew that this seemed to be something they could do right now.

"The deputy master?"

Everyone looked at Qin Hu.

Qin Hu nodded lightly and said: "The sect master told me earlier that if there is an emergency, you can also find his sword attendant. It happened that Wang Yiling also went to meet them, and if I guessed correctly, they should Already on the way back to the Four Continents Wilderness, crush the soul jade and let them come back."

"Sister Zhang?"

Zhang Tianqi nodded, then took out a piece of soul jade and crushed it in public.

As the soul jade was crushed, Zhou Ruolan and others who were on the way woke up immediately. She took out the broken soul jade and her eyes flickered.

Wang Yiling also took out the broken soul jade.

"No, Longmen is in trouble!" Wang Yiling said: "We have to hurry back as soon as possible!"

"Good!" Zhou Ruolan nodded.

The two, plus Mo Xuan, hurried to the road, turned into three streams, and hurried back towards the Four Continents.



Shenwu continent.

In a cave house that should be deep in the mountains.

The three formations are superimposed on each other and each has an effect.

A black-clothed young man was sitting cross-legged, surrounded by golden light, arms, neck, snout, eyebrows... everything was golden light.

And around the body, the clothes had been burned to nothingness.

The terrifying flames burned the stones below him into rivers of magma rock, the magma rock flowing slowly, emitting a violent heat liquid.

The flames enveloped his body. .

The head was burned bald.

However, at this moment, his face is very pale, even a little hideous, and the pores are bleeding, but the blood is solidified as soon as it appears. If it is not because his body has a layer of flame protection, I am afraid that this layer of energy is enough to burn him. Extinct to nothingness.


Blood was flowing, and his face was distorted because of pain and torture, and it was very ugly.

The severe pain caused his shoulders to tremble.

The flames were still burning, the breath of amazing power madly impacted his body, and he was always as strong as a mountain, continuing to refine and merge.

There was a formation above the head, and the formation was releasing a wave of cold air, turning into layers of frost and adding to the body, but before it landed, it was burned into nothingness, and the terrible temperature was still rising.

The terrifying temperature caused the formation to be illusory, and all three formations appeared to be extremely distorted. One can imagine how terrifying this power is.

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