Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1595: Are they again?

Feeling the horrible energy contained in it, the sect and martial artist in the distance raised their heads at this time and looked in the direction of the Wuyinmen.

The energy that whizzed past caused those hard giant mountains to collapse and shatter in an instant, and the entire space formed a loud noise. The earthquake stretched away, and everyone felt the mountain shake.

The area below was destroyed in a mess.

And the Scholar of Soul Destruction slammed forward and shattered the space barrier.

At this moment, the energy impact of the explosion of the nine-petal golden lotus spread very fiercely, and when Zhenghunmai Shusheng and others just destroyed the space barrier, the fierce energy spread quickly and electrically, and hit the area directly in front. Out, extremely terrifying energy, violently impacted.

The ground collapsed instantly.

Energy ripples destroyed the area blocked by space.

However, the Shusheng and others shook their bodies suddenly, their faces were pale, and their bodies staggered.

The energy explosion of Chu Qianye's nine-petal golden lotus was really too powerful, and it also contained the power of the soul. This explosion formed an aura of violent power in an instant, swept away fiercely, faster than that energy.

In an instant, the soul of the scholar and the others were shocked.

The tyrannical power swept out fiercely, and Wang Hong and Wang Yan were also not immune to being hit by the invisible soul power.

More importantly, that powerful energy continued to surge out frantically, the flying blazing flame, like a blooming fire lotus, the whole world trembled in an instant because of this explosion.

Within a thousand meters of the surrounding mountains, all the peaks were banged, and they were blasted into powder. For a time, a mountain range turned into a desert, flying sand and rocks, smog filled the world...

As for the scholars and others, there was a frightened expression on their faces.

"Golden body guard!" The golden book in the hand of the scholar of Soul Destruction suddenly burst out with a bright light, and that light covered his body, and the tyrannical force formed a super defensive force.

In an instant, the two forces collided fiercely.


In an instant, the two forces collided fiercely together, and everything in the impact area of ​​the forces turned into nothingness!

The Soul Destruction scholar was slammed into the air.

As for Wang Hong and Wang Yan, the two tried their best to stop the explosion of Chu Qianye's nine-petal golden lotus.

Although they succeeded in blocking it, the martial arts of the two of them smashed violently, and their martial arts cultivation was completely abolished, and because of the powerful energy impact, the whole person was violently knocked out, blood mottled, and breathless. Dying!

As for the soul-killing scholar, under this terrible explosion, it is also impossible to escape the disability. His face was frightened, and he was clutching his chest. Although he saved his life, he was also very embarrassed. , The breath was chaotic.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the area directly in front of him.

A young man in black appeared quietly in front of him.

Chu Qianye looked at Hun Mie Shusheng with an indifferent expression.

"I'll just ask you once." Chu Qianye said: "Apart from you, Candle Dragon, and Bone Dragon, who else was involved in this matter?"

The Soul Destruction scholar suddenly laughed grimly.

"Chu Qianye, you can't beat them. With the strength of those people, let alone you, even if we all join hands, they are not their opponents." The Soul Destruction Scholar said: "Maybe in the near future, you will understand what I said."

"Including the death of your master, it is also not accidental. Do you really think that the real murderer is Beast King Wankun? Then you are very wrong, the real murderer is..."

Chu Qianye suddenly felt a violent force, surging away fiercely.

It was too late for Chu Qianye to stop.

With a move in his heart, Xuan Huo appeared in front of him.


The powerful self-violence instantly swept out from the soul of the scholar, and Chu Qianye flickered, quickly withdrew, and slammed his fist out, forming a defensive force and colliding with that huge force. Together.

The next moment.

The soul extinguishing scholar, together with Wang Hong and Wang Yan, were all annihilated and completely disappeared in this space.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry...

But Chu Qianye frowned, every time at the most critical moment, who was the black hand behind this scene? Why is it so powerful? Even people like the Soul Destruction Scholar are not immune?

Moreover, "them" is also used, who are they referring to?

Chu Qianye frowned and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Eyes swept around, and a deep pit had already been blown up in that area.

It's a pity that the golden book is.

Just as Chu Qianye was about to leave, a faint golden glow caught his attention.

He held it in his hand and grabbed it towards the area of ​​Jin Mang, and a golden book appeared in his hand, which was the previous book by the Shusheng Soul.

Looking at the golden book in front of him, Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

After the two corpse Daosheng was forced to explode, the powerful destroying force formed did not even blow up the golden book? What kind of book is this?

Chu Qianye was shocked secretly in her heart, but she couldn't feel the weight of this golden book in her hand, which surprised Chu Qianye's heart greatly.

This book is really amazing.

Chu Qianye's eyes quickly swept around, and countless streams of light were rushing toward this area.

Immediately, he did not linger, with a touch of the sole of his foot, his figure left this area as fast as lightning.

Shortly after Chu Qianye left, this area was cut through by a sharp blast, countless streams of light disappeared, and several figures landed above the fog hidden gate, but when they saw below, the whole person endured it. Can't help taking a deep breath.

I saw the area below, a piece of nothingness, disappearing without a trace, the mountains burned and lava flowed, and the area below the 10,000-square-meter area was all sand and gravel deserts, and the lush green forests nearby let them. Understand that before they came, it was once a mountain with stretches of mountains and lush forests.

"What a terrible strength!"

"The breath of profound fire."

"Who did the Wuyinmen offend? He was killed."


Many people stared at the scene below, feeling amazed in their hearts.

This kind of powerful destruction power is really too powerful, the Wuyinmen is one of the best sect forces in the gods of the heavens, and it was destroyed. It feels terrible to think about it.

And Chu Qianye, after receiving the gold book, he rushed forward quickly, disappeared in the same place, and appeared in a vast mountain forest. He immediately found a place to land, and Jieyin entered the secret space.

He had to consider this matter carefully to see what clues he had overlooked and what enemy he was facing.

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