Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1650: Ready to behead

It has now been replaced, but it is still the last step.

"My deity, when are you going to cut your own corpse?" Taoist Hongyuan asked with a cold tone and no expression on his face.

Chu Qianye smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, I still have to make some preparations, after all, there is no spirit treasure for corpse cutting!"

"That deity, you should be quicker," Hongyuan Taoist said: "If you can cut off the corpse, then my cultivation level will definitely rise and reach the pinnacle level of quasi-sage. At that time, in the world, except for Hongjun's Outside of people, I have nothing to fear."

After hearing the words, Chu Qianye was stunned and couldn't help shaking his head: "If you don't become the holy, you are still an ant after all."

"The deity also has to prove Dao Hunyuan as soon as possible. This shouldn't be too difficult for you." Taoist Hongyuan said.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but stared, he didn't expect the other party to be so confident.

It surprised him.

Chu Qianye laughed blankly, and then said: "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I'll go find other places first. During this period of time, continue to cultivate in this blood sea, and stabilize your martial arts cultivation. The four-star saint state is indeed a bit lower."

After finishing talking, Chu Qianye didn't wait for Taoist Hongyuan to respond, and then waved his hand to tear the space apart, forming a space wormhole, and he stepped in with the soles of his feet, his body shook, and suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

Looking at the direction Chu Qianye was leaving, Taoist Hongyuan didn't pay any attention, and then sat cross-legged, began to practice, and stabilized his martial arts cultivation.

Chu Qianye returned to the original space.

During this period of time, he had actually been thinking about how to cut his own corpse. This was a very important corpse. After all, as the upper corpse, he was superior to the Taoist Hongyuan.

Chu Qianye sat cross-legged, his brows frowned slightly.

The importance of the corpse is self-evident, but Chu Qianye knew very well in his heart that the reason why Dao Sage is strong in this world is mainly in the understanding of the Dao of Heaven.

His evil corpse this time is actually remodeled and replaced. Although this method is also suitable for his upper corpse, it is obviously not so easy to cut the corpse. After all, this is the upper corpse, which is the closest to his deity. He is absolutely impossible. Ruthlessly like cutting off a corpse.

Therefore, the upper corpse has an extremely close relationship with him. If this corpse is to be cut, not only is it necessary to be brutal, but also to have a super high comprehension ability.

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Qianye immediately closed his eyes, and with a stroke of his palm, the power of countless stars surged out in an instant.

There is still more than a month, can the corpse be cut in such a short time?

Chu Qianye was actually hesitating too, after all, what he was going to do next was very likely to overturn his previous ideas, which was equivalent to beheading himself.

However, he understands that this matter must be done by him.

With a stroke of his palm, he summoned the dragon corpse.

His current deity is a martial body recast from the ancient dragon, so this dragon corpse has an extremely important help to his upper corpse. After that, he needs to use his own essence and blood, as well as his three souls and seven souls, to give This corpse makes him have the same life as himself.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. This link is the most important, and it is also to determine whether an effective way and method can replace him on the corpse. No one can help him, and he can only do it himself.

Immediately, the Vajra Buddha Sword was taken out of his palm.

This war sword has followed him for a long time, and it also has a spirit. Although it may consume the original power of the artifact, this sacrifice is naturally affordable for him.

This war sword is not considered a top-quality artifact, so even if it consumes the power of its origin, Chu Qianye will not feel too distressed.


The war sword pierced the dragon corpse, and the blood in it flowed out, then swept away in a certain direction, and immediately condensed into a light group.

The dragon corpse was cut, and the vitality, blood,... as fast as the passing of lightning, gathered towards the light group, the speed was so fast, in the blink of an eye, it was concentrated in the light group, and the breath of power was crazy from it. Surging out.

The power, the frantic flow and the vastness, the speed of the sweeping, is extremely shocking.

The fierce beasts around, after feeling the power of the dragon corpse, couldn't help crawling uncomfortably and roaring in bursts.

Chu Qianye pondered for a moment, and then cut his finger, and the blood floated towards the void as fast as lightning, extremely fast, and disappeared before his eyes in the blink of an eye.


The blood in the martial arts heart palace also floated out, swept away in the direction of the light group, the power was extremely violent, surging crazily between the heaven and the earth, the amazing power fluctuations once again caused the fierceness in the distance The beast showed a look of fear.

In the distance, those experienced figures seemed to feel this huge fluctuation. They all raised their heads in surprise and looked towards the area, their faces showing a touch of shock.

This force completely exceeded their imagination.

"What a strong breath of power!"

Feeling the fluctuation of this power, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the area where Chu Qianye was. There was a touch of terror in everyone's eyes.

Chu Qianye is now in the realm of the nine-star saints, plus the essence and dragon blood of the two demon saints, and the power of the pure blood is extremely violent. It swept out in such a mighty state, and the nearby personnel felt the tremendous power. Fluctuations, one after another looked at the area where Chu Qianye was in surprise.

However, no one dared to investigate.

Some people, just curious, wandered around in the outer area, but were afraid to approach Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye didn't worry about this problem at all. He still had the incarnation of a corpse. As long as there was something abnormal on his side, Taoist Hongyuan could sense it and rushed to support him in time.

Now, he just needs to focus on this.

The next step is to shape a new corpse. This is a very complicated process. He still needs to get the blood factor of the upper corpse and combine the two to shape a new corpse.

In the light group, various breaths swept out frantically.

Chu Qianye sat cross-legged, staring at the light ball in front of him.

Time flows between the fingers, and as time goes by, the light mass in front of Chu Qianye becomes more and more dense, and the vitality fluctuations gradually increase.

one day. .

Two days.

Three days.

As time passed, the light cluster in front of Chu Qianye gradually produced a faint blood-red halo. The appearance of this blood-red halo brought a very regular rhythm, which was the rhythm of the heart.

"Puff!", "Puff!"

The sound of this heart rhythm gradually became stronger.

And Chu Qianye stared at the light group directly in front of him.

He was very clear in his heart that reshaping the new upper corpse was almost complete. In the past month, some auras continued to swept in the direction where he was, but the Hongyuan Taoist broke out a powerful killing. After strength, those who are curious can only be frightened and dare not approach again.

So, next, the corpse can almost be cut!

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