Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1797: Peerless Master

"The old demon clan will become a part of the dragon gate, and the old demon clan will rule the sky-splitting gods." Chu Qianye said: "In the early stage, the old demon clan may also need help from the dragon gate. In addition, the demon gods and the demon gods. Huang, these two places also belong to the territory ruled by Longmen."

The dragon gate was in a mess.

They seemed to have listened to the heavenly scriptures, without knowing what happened.

However, the main members of Longmen basically knew what Chu Qianye was talking about.

Chu Qianye looked at the sky and knew that it was almost done.

He looked at the churning clouds in the distance and opened his mouth and said: "I, Chu Qianye, from now on, will rule the Heaven Splitting Gods, the Heavens Demon Gods, and the Demon Killing Gods. The name is peerless lord, all parties must submit to me, otherwise Be cut!"

Chu Qianye's words were not just opening his mouth, but sinking into his dantian, like bursts of thunder, rolling toward the area directly in front of him, and everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

Sect master, peerless master?

Everyone was secretly horrified.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's body suddenly burst out with a powerful martial arts aura, and a wave of illusory killing power emerged behind him, madly sweeping across the world.

The people in Longmen felt Chu Qianye's martial arts aura, and they couldn't help showing a touch of shock on their faces.

They knew that Chu Qianye was talented, but they didn't expect it to be so terrifying. How long have they not seen each other? When they didn't want to meet again, they were already so terrifying.

The young men in black, from the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, led them into the Great Wilderness, wandering around, created Tongbaohang, and improved their combat power.

Now, Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation base has been raised to this level again, which is really shocking.

Dominating the realm, thinking about it, I feel terrible.

However, some careful people quickly discovered the amount of information implicit in Chu Qianye's words.

Since Chu Qianye can dominate the three places, wouldn't it mean that...

Think carefully!

Everyone thought of a possibility.

Although they didn't quite believe this possibility, right now, Chu Qianye's strength had indeed broken through, and he was a veritable dominance! !

Thinking of this possibility, when everyone looked at Chu Qianye, they suddenly stared, and everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

It turned out that the sect master is already so strong?

Everyone looked at the black-clothed youth one after another, their eyes became shocked.

Now, when they look at Chu Qianye, they admire the five bodies, but Chu Qianye clearly feels that the power of faith swept from all directions has become more and more intense.

At this moment, the masters of the Sixteen Great Wildernesses couldn't help their pupils shrinking suddenly, and sighed inwardly.

Yingyue dominates bright eyes flickering.

Now Chu Qianye is not only the master, but also the strongest among all the masters, surpassing all the masters, and is currently the one with the greatest impact on the hope of the big master.

"Hey, it is true that green is better than blue because of blue." The Nine Profound Lord sighed slightly.

Baihe looks complicated.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun both looked the same way.

Participated in the Great Wilderness Competition as candidates. They witnessed the rise of a genius. From their despising Chu Qianye, to now Chu Qianye’s strength has skyrocketed and stepped into the realm of dominance. These martial arts are indeed quite good. Terrible.

I'm afraid that from now on, Chu Qianye will become the goal of all martial artists in the Sixteen Great Wilds.

Master Yue Sheng and Master Guan Sheng, the two of them couldn't help but sink slightly, becoming quite ugly.

Chu Qianye didn't expect to step into the realm of dominance, and most importantly, Chu Qianye also killed three masters, and even the strongest master of ten thousand demons died in his hands. This is the place that makes them most jealous. .

"Father, you want to avenge me, I was broken by that bastard..." Lin Wanxue said.

Lord Guan Sheng shook his head slightly.

"My little princess, you should have seen it. That kid is now stronger than his father. It doesn’t matter if Gouchen’s ruler and Yaori’s ruler are dead, even the strongest Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters died in his hands. Just forget it." Guan Shengzhuo smiled bitterly.

Still counting on revenge? It would be nice if Chu Qianye didn't ask them to settle the accounts.

The cruel words they said when they left were actually largely due to stance issues, but now calm down and think carefully, there is actually no need. After all, they have the means to restore their children’s arms, but they just lost. It's just aura, but there is still nothing wrong with people.

"Impossible, how could he be so strong?!" Lin Wanxue was dumbfounded and said in disbelief.

Master Guan Sheng didn't know how to comfort her, so he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Chu Qianye is indeed so strong, at least judging from the intelligence of the secret agents, it is true, and there were many great masters watching the battle that time, and even they did not have a temper. It is conceivable how powerful Chu Qianye was at the beginning. Terrible.

Moreover, what makes him most afraid is the existence of people like Zhou Shiquan.

He had heard that Chu Qianye opened the door of space and summoned these powerful men. Even the trump card of Ten Thousand Demon Lord was easily defeated. One can imagine how terrifying Chu Qianye's trump card is.

Therefore, Master Guan Sheng did not dare to actively breed right and wrong, mainly because he still didn't know Chu Qianye well, and was afraid that he had other cards.

In fact, Master Yue Sheng also thought this way.

"Yes, disciple, let's not investigate this matter, this kid is indeed good at strength." Yue Shengzhu said helplessly. After saying this, it seems that his back is a little low.

Upon seeing this, Yue Chen couldn't help graying in his eyes.



And on this day, many sect forces were secretly horrified. They didn't expect that unexpected circumstances would happen so quickly. Such a change was too big for them.

Chu Qianye, the master of the world, dominates the three great wildernesses alone?

It feels terrible to think about it.

In other words, the three masters died in the hands of Chu Qianye!

The news spread quickly, and there was also about the Great Wilderness Competition, and the battle that took place outside the Nine-fold God Mountain after entering and leaving the tomb of the Nine-fold God.

The three masters, all of them fell under the Nine Wrath God Mountain, all died at the hands of the newly promoted master Chu Qianye.

Peerless dust, unparalleled combat power!

Become the legend of Chu Qianye.

As far as the Great South Continent, the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, the Lingxiao Palace, and the rest of the sects, those strong men opened their eyes one after another, revealing a touch of shock.

"He really did it..."

Ling Xu, Chen Lao, Huo Lao, and others opened their eyes one after another, all of them mixed together.

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