Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1802: Scorpio Dragon


There was a violent roar right in front of him, and everyone raised their heads, looked at the roar, and couldn't help taking a breath.

In the area directly in front, the aura of endless power swept madly from the area in front of him. The divine power that shocked the sky made people feel extremely terrifying.

Everyone stared at the area directly in front, and couldn't help taking a breath.

The area directly in front is full of extremely terrifying power aura, that kind of shocking divine power makes one's heart fearful.


Chu Qianye said lightly.

After a short time, a group of four people came to the place where the fierce beast roared, and when everyone looked at the area directly in front, they couldn't help taking a deep breath.

There was a poisonous mist in front of him, and even the air seemed a bit fishy.

Except for Chu Qianye, the three frowned upon seeing this.

This kind of poisonous fog is really terrifying. Even if they haven't inhaled the poisonous fog, they already feel a numbness of their scalp at this moment. This poisonous fog is too strong. Those trees also have terrible poisonous gas. Nothing in the area can survive alone.

And that area is full of countless huge pitch-black cracks. Occasionally, there will be a roar from the cracks. After years of evolution, all the creatures here are highly poisonous, and one is careless. , Is to capsize in the gutter.

"Where is this?" Mo Xuan took the lead.

"I don't know, but I know how terrible the poisonous fog is. These trees have obviously adapted to it," Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "It's the Scorpio Dragon Beast."

When the two heard the sound, their expressions changed drastically.

The Scorpio Dragon Beast is a terrible beast in the legend. It lives in a place filled with poisonous mist, absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and eats raw beasts between heaven and earth. Its poisonous gas is very terrifying, like a dragon but not a dragon, a scorpion but not a scorpion. It is extremely ugly, with treasures and poisons all over the body.

Under normal circumstances, most people don't dare to easily provoke these fierce beasts.

After all, it was really terrifying, and it would be a dead end to provoke such beasts.

In the desolate area, suddenly there was a slight sound of breaking wind.

The expressions of Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan could not help but change slightly.

"The Scorpio Dragon Beast is coming out. This is a great time for you to improve your sword skills." Chu Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan nodded slightly, but their faces showed solemn expressions.

The two of them looked at the area directly in front of them as if they were facing enemies.

There was a glimmer of brilliance in their eyes, and when they looked at that area, their brows wrinkled unconsciously, and the light in their eyes flickered.

After finishing speaking, Chu Qianye fell on a black stone lightly, staring at one of the cracks and looking over.

On the ground, there are different irregular cracks. The cracks are very weird. They don't seem to have natural traces. They are all cracks dug out by fierce beasts.

Both Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan knew that this was dug up by the Scorpio dragon beast, and these beasts were hidden underground, and they might be attacked by them.

The two could not help showing solemn expressions.

Zi Yan stood beside Chu Qianye, looking at Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan curiously.

The two of them were holding war swords with vigilant eyes on their faces, looking around, waiting for the appearance of the scorpion dragon that day.

"Senior Sister Ruolan, can you feel the position of the Scorpio Dragon Beast?" Mo Xuan glanced at the back of the film and looked at Zhou Ruolan.

Zhou Ruolan looked around with a fist, her eyes closed slightly, her martial arts cultivation base was higher than that of Mo Xuan, and her perception was obviously much sharper than Mo Xuan.

She opened her eyes, and the sword in her palm trembled violently, and the buzzing sword energy continued to spill out.

Chu Qianye frowned.

"Ruolan, the sword aura has converged. If your opponent hasn't appeared yet, don't take it lightly. You can run that set of sword skills in your heart, but you can't really use it. One is disguise, and the other is to improve. If you can't reach the instant explosion, it is actually difficult to improve. In the face of a crisis, the sword skill can instantaneous explosion, that is the real improvement." Chu Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan's eyes flickered, and she immediately realized that her sword's breath was reduced and she was calm...

Mo Xuan also seemed to understand.

Zi Yan showed curious eyes. She didn't expect that Chu Qian would actually teach sword skills at this time.

She stared straight ahead and was quite curious. She really wanted to know how Chu Qianye would teach sword skills. Now she seems to understand a little bit.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qianye would actually use this kind of practical experience to teach.

"Besides, as an excellent swordsman, you can't sit still and find the whereabouts of the opponent as soon as possible. As for how to find it, you need to rely on rich practical experience to accumulate. What you have to face is the ancient poison. The beast is not so easy to find, unless you wait for it to shoot." Chu Qianye continued.

"And if you wait for it to take action, then you will appear very passive. Active and passive are all dependent on your own choice."

After Chu Qianye finished speaking, he did not speak again.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan also knew the pros and cons between the two. They naturally wanted to choose to take the initiative to attack, but this Scorpio Dragon Beast was too cunning and wouldn't appear easily, which made both of them feel helpless.

However, Zhou Ruolan gradually calmed down. She closed her eyes and carefully felt the differences around her.


At this moment, the ground shook violently, and immediately produced a sky-shaking dragon roar, violently swept out of the ground, and immediately swept like a violent wind, sweeping away the gravel on the ground. Zhenfei!

"Stupid humans, dare to enter my territory. Oh, there is a little beauty, then be my woman. Benlong will let you give birth to a fat baby with the highest blood of the ancient gods. Offspring!"

After Long Yin, a grinning grin was like a rolling thunder, spreading from the crack, and then spreading like a ripple.

The two of them couldn't help but feel surprised, they raised their heads and looked at the ground.


A sharp breaking wind sounded, and a blood-red figure flew out like lightning.


Right in front, a huge dragon body scorpion beast spread its huge dragon wings and swept out all over the sky. Behind it, there is a blood-colored scorpion tail that is more than ten meters long, and the tip of the tail shows a sharp cold light.

When the two saw this, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

Sure enough, it is terrible, this is the ancient beast?

Chu Qianye showed a disdainful expression.

This is also called a beast?

Also qualified to be called Dragon?

Have you never seen a dragon, which covers the sky and the sun, knows the ways of heaven, and possesses the magical powers of controlling the sky and the earth. How can a creeping creature in yours match it?

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