Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1814: All minds

The marriage had already reached her ears. What made her most angry was that the family members actually agreed, and her father could not do anything about it.

The temptation of a master is so great that the members of the Li family can't stop it at all, and coupled with the marriage with the master, it does have a lot of boost to the family's generational prosperity. After all, the blood may be obtained. The continuation or influence, especially in terms of air transport, has great benefits because it is tied to the master.

When Chu Qianye stepped into the realm of dominance, the senior leaders of the Li family knew it naturally, but compared to a master and the temptation of relying on a great master, they finally chose the master of the mountain and sea world.

As for Chu Qianye, they didn’t think about it before, but now that they are stronger and weaker, they have basically seen it. Compared with background and strength, Chu Qianye can’t match it. This is a super A strong presence.

At this moment, the news broke out and caused an uproar. At the same time, the various forces also moved. Some people liked it and some did not like it. The battle between the four masters has always been in a state of fighting, especially the realm of the emperor. .

His strength is the weakest. Nowadays, the lord of the mountain and sea realm has not only cultivated many strong masters, but now he also has to cultivate a master for the Li family. It seems to be the benefit of the Li family, but in essence, Shanhai The master of the world has actually changed his fame and fortune.

The master of the Li family is actually the master of his mountain and sea world!

After all, the marriage of the two, in terms of interest, belongs to the grasshopper on the same rope. This cannot be refused at all, unless it is a fission of the relationship, which may be possible.

Not enough. From the current point of view, this possibility is not impossible, but it is too small and too small, because the Li family has finally found a big background, unless the big tree is about to fall, there may be a scene where the tree falls and scattered. .

As for the Starfall Realm and the Fighting Realm, the realm masters of this realm seem to be calm, but this is only on the surface. For them, if they don't move, it means static control.

Mei Changyun, the eldest son of the Lord of the Mountain and Sea Realm, was sitting steadily on the hall at this time, his eyes flickered, and he looked around the crowd below, revealing a faint smile.

"Generals, the wedding date has been set three days later. By then, you will need to accompany the king to Li's house. Although my father will follow him secretly, I hope you don’t let his old man take action. No matter who comes, you will all. Keep order for me." Mei Changyun said:

"My brothers and brothers, they will not follow the welcoming team. Only my father's guards will follow them. Although the problem is not big, they are afraid that life will change, so each of you has to fight ten. Two points of attention!"

There are a total of nine sons in the mountains and seas, and each of them is sealed in the sea area of ​​the nine mountains and the title is king.

According to its mountain and sea area, it was given a designation.

The place where Mei Changyun is is Nirvana Mountain and Sea Jade, so he is also called Nirvana King.

Corresponding to Niluan Wu Wang, Reincarnation Wu Wang, Ancient and Modern Wu Wang, Nine Dragon Wu Wang, Xianshu Wu Wang, as well as true and false Wu Wang, Wang Tian Wu Wang and Huanyuan Wu Wang.

These territories are already rich in resources, and many powerful men have been cultivated. There are as many martial sages as dogs, and Taoist sages run everywhere.

It is conceivable that the marriage between the mountain and sea world and the Li family will actually produce a huge shock. If there is a huge dispute, it will inevitably be very vast.

Everyone understands this situation very well in their hearts. The affiliated forces are actually very scared. After all, if they are involved this time, it will be a devastating blow.

The strong here is so cruel and ruthless, dead is dead, especially under the crush of the dominator, the countless sect forces that have been destroyed have become cannon fodder for the sacrifice of the strong.

At this time, the sect forces near Li's house are very worried about this, because they all understand that whether it is Chu Qianye or other world masters, they cannot have any ideas. , Could it be that the Shanhaijie and the Li family were married?


The Li family is one of the eight ancient tribes in ancient times. The strong is like a cloud, and the power of blood is still there, but there is no strong one who has awakened the peak.

But the power of the bloodline can still be comparable to the Domination Realm when the cultivation reaches the extreme.

However, over the years, the Li family's bloodline has been weakening day by day, and the talents of the Li family are so eager for quick success and quick gains to marry the world of mountains and seas.

This kind of thing can only be done in any family.

However, the realm masters of the other three realms naturally do not want the mountain and sea realm to become stronger. They have been slowly pushed back by the mountain and sea realm, and have even been pushed back to the edge. Under this situation, if they continue to forbear, then Life is even more difficult.

Therefore, this time the other three realms, they will definitely take action, and the turmoil will be great by then, and it will be possible to go to war at that time.

Faced with this situation, those sects and families near Li's house, can they be happy to see?

Moreover, the Li family has grown stronger, and the people who have suffered are also them. It is not impossible that they will be annexed by the occasion.

In this world where the strong are respected, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. The rise of the Li family is bound to be unlucky.

Unless they surrender and become a subsidiary of the Li family! !



If they don't exist, they all hope that the sect and family will become stronger. Under this circumstance, the high-level think about it more and it is impossible for them to give up.

In the Sixteen Great Wildernesses, after being notified by Chu Qianye's clone, Longmen began to transfer to the underground forces, and the situation of the three great wildnesses finally stabilized after Chu Qianye's strong attack.

At present, the situation has been established, and the three gods are the place where Longmen rules, no accident.

However, the most dissatisfied with Chu Qianye’s actions are the realm masters of the Fighting Realm and the Starfall Realm. Chu Qianye governs these three gods, and he must obtain their acquiescence. Chu Qian Ye Yilai ruled these three gods, but did not express surrender, which was too much.

They originally planned to take Chu Qianye into their own subordinates, but now it seems that Chu Qianye first disappeared mysteriously, and then the masters of the Starfall Realm and Douzhan Realm, the realm masters of the two realms, in fact, there are also various thoughts. The situation on Chu Qianye's side seemed to be ignored.

In fact, the realm masters of these two realms actually have their own minds. They want to see if Chu Qianye will ask them for help in this situation. It is better to give icing on the cake than to give charcoal in the snow, because it will be more desperate.

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