Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1818: Welcome team

Time was constantly passing, and Chu Qianye sat under the void, the huge whirlpool energy, roaring and roaring, constantly swept and injected into his body.

The nearby rocks were shattered by these violent energy.

In the end, Dudu and Ziyan could only retreat beyond ten thousand feet, and within the ten thousand feet of Chu Qianye's body, there was violent energy roaring, that kind of heaven-shaking divine power, constantly roaring, forming a terrible aura.

That kind of shocking energy, roaring and roaring, just like a divine beast, and there are occasional vague phantoms condensing around Chu Qianye's body.


The light of the unicorn, the roar of the dragon...

All kinds of sacred beasts, constantly showing various shapes, or sounds, or shapes, constantly appeared around Chu Qianye's body.

On the Shenwu Continent, everyone looked towards the area where Chu Qianye was, with a touch of horror on their faces, and they looked at Chu Qianye's figure with horror on their faces.

Chu Qianye's strength was really terrifying, and the posture that the divine beast showed completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

It's just momentum, it's so terrifying.

Everyone stared at this scene with stunned eyes.

And time passed by one minute and one second.

One day, two days, three days,...

Around Chu Qianye's body, the energy still didn't stop running and whistling, and the whirlpool above Chu Qianye's head had expanded to a great distance.

Originally it was only a hundred feet, but when it came to a thousand feet, it was finally a million feet!

At this moment, the vortex in the sky above Chu Qianye's area completely enveloped the Nine Nether Realm.

Although the Nine Nether Realm of Shenwu Continent is very large, the vortex of stars above Chu Qianye's head is really too large, and it is difficult for many martial artists not to see it.

Reminiscent of Chu Qianye's previous warning, some martial arts practitioners who tried to try their luck at this time could only hesitate to enter the Nine Nether Realm again.

On the Shenwu Continent, those Gods of War and the Emperor of War have all died!

Obviously, it was all killed by Chu Qianye, so when I think about it, my scalp feels numb, and I don't dare to approach Chu Qianye anymore.

After everyone stopped, they stopped rushing towards them.

They can only stop and watch from a distance, staring blankly at the spectacular scenes in front of them.

Such spectacles are rare.

At this moment, Chu Qianye didn't know the situation outside at all, he just absorbed the blood of Emperor Wu in the refining body.

The seventh drop, although the refining speed is very fast, he feels the arrival of that kind of bottleneck. At the same time, he clears it out very well and understands that it may take a wave of shock next, hoping to take advantage of the trend and step into the big Dominate the realm.

At this time, the Profound Qi Continent was getting closer and closer to the marriage of the eldest sons of the landlords Mei Changyun and Li's family, and only the last day was left!

In other words, Chu Qianye still has ten days in the market of Shenwu Continent! ! !

In these ten days, it can be said to be very important and extremely critical. If Chu Qianye has not stepped into the dominance state before, or even wakes up, he continues to attack the dominion state...

Then, it is very likely that he will miss this marriage!

May also lose Li Ling! !

Obviously, Chu Qianye would not let this happen.

Therefore, Chu Qianye's refining the blood of Emperor Wu, can be said to be very serious and tried his best.

Although the effect was greatly reduced, it was Emperor Wu's blood after all. After refining the seventh drop of blood, Chu Qianye's body had obviously undergone earth-shaking changes.

A blood-colored battle armor appeared on Chu Qianye's body. This battle armor just covered Chu Qianye's body, and there was still some gilded light flickering...

Toot Sapphire's gaze, looking at Chu Qianye, with curiosity on his face, the corners of his mouth rang.

Zi Yan's eyes flickered, and she showed a surprised look.

"His breath..."

At this time, Chu Qianye had already absorbed the blood of Emperor Wu, so his breath had already radiated out, and Zi Yan had contacted his soul earlier and knew that his breath existed.

Therefore, seeing Chu Qianye's **** war sword covering his body at this time, and then feeling the breath radiating from him, Zi Yan seemed to understand something.

She looked at Chu Qianye, her eyes flickered.

Chu Qianye continued to absorb the refined blood.

At this time, the seventh drop of Wudi's blood was finally absorbed by refining, and the bottleneck still existed, and a layer of membrane was already very fragile! !

However, the energy vortex above his head was still running, rushing towards Chu Qianye's body frantically.

However, Chu Qianye knew very well in his heart that the energy in the ruins of the Shenwu Continent was not very powerful, so after he had completely absorbed this energy, he still couldn't step into the realm of Great Domination! !

Unless he refines the eighth drop of Wudi blood.

Chu Qianye gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and continued to refine the eighth drop of blood! !

Time passed between his fingers, and Chu Qianye continued to refine and attack the Great Domination Realm!

The wedding is getting closer and closer! !

Chu Qianye knew this time node very well in her heart.

Time is still passing quietly...

One minute and one second passed...

In the four realms, the sun is falling, but the Li family is red with red lights, double happiness is hanging, and it is beaming...

Li Yuexing clenched his fists, very aggrieved, and kept walking back.


Void shook, Heibo's figure appeared.

"Heibo, have you found it? Where did the kid go?" Li Yuexing asked quickly.

Heber shook his head slightly.

Li Yuexing frowned, his face speechless.

"What the **** is he doing? As soon as the sky shines, the welcoming team from the mountain and sea world will come to Li's house at that time. At that time, we will marry my sister and go to the original world of the mountain and sea world. Then there will be the master of the mountain and sea world. It's too late!" Li Yuexing's face turned blue.

"Sit down for me. You can't calm down at this time, how do you pick me up?" Father Li frowned and scolded.

Li Yuexing was crying with a look of helplessness.

Can you calm down at this time?

He can't calm down!

"Uncle Hei, you should have some guesses too." Father Li asked lightly.

Heb nodded slightly.

"Before I went with the eldest lady to All Souls Space. Knowing this kid's temperament, he will never let people down. He will always do it, and I believe that he should be able to do it this time." Said: "I suspect that he has gone to other markets to practice."

When the words came out, Li's father couldn't help being shocked.

The market world is not easy to say and you can go, unless...

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes suddenly, as if he understood something.

"Sure enough, I still underestimated him." Father Li said lightly: "Why didn't I expect that he is good at space and he can travel freely."

Li Yuexing seemed to understand something.

"Then, let's just wait." Father Li said lightly.

The sun breaks...

Countless sharp sounds came through the air, a welcoming team came in the air, flying beasts marched in the air, thousands of flying boats, mighty, and landed in Li's house.

Countless guests also landed.

Mei Changyun's wedding party has finally arrived!

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