Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1854: Two worms on the coffin

Chu Qianye also looked at the fairy, with a surprised expression on his face.

In fact, the existence of Xinyue Fairy can be seen in many books.

However, something different from the legend, the woman in white clothes in front of me has a feeling of being a world economy. It is really vicissitudes of life. I am afraid that the years of life should be very long.

Her appearance made this world a little more subtle.

This woman's white robe is like jade, she is superb.

It is really a bit of the demeanor of the Empress Zhenyao back then, if it weren't for the improvement of his martial arts cultivation, this illusion might have been even stronger.

Fairy Xinyue seemed to realize something, and quickly raised his head, and looked towards Chu Qianye, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

She naturally felt Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation, and Chu Qianye's cultivation was even more a mystery.

In more than four years, stepping into the realm of great dominance is simply unthinkable. It is estimated that there will be no second person on the entire Profound Qi continent.

Everyone stared at the five-color altar, and everyone's inner thoughts were different.

In addition to the five great masters, plus a fairy of Xinyue, there are many other Taoist powers, who are standing not far away, and are also waiting for opportunities.

In the present world of the Sacred Bone, they naturally want to share a piece of soup, even if they eat what is left by the master, if the master finishes eating and the master finishes eating, they can drink the soup.

This sacred bone made many people jealous. After all, as a legendary holy object, this attraction is not so powerful. Everyone felt the breath of the power of the stars and couldn't help but take a breath.

On the five-color altar, the powerful breath of strength swept out endlessly, turning into an astonishing breath of strength, forming a great sense of oppression.

Chu Qianye also felt this breath of energy at this moment, and his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

The fluctuations of this power aura are indeed quite powerful. From such a distance, Chu Qianye can feel the power like a thousand horses, sweeping out fiercely, terrifying the sky, and carrying the endless mountains. strength.

Some people who were weak in martial arts cultivation were immediately shocked to retreat backwards, the whole person's face was pale, and he couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was secretly surprised.

The four great masters all waved their palms to form a gas mask, which competed with the invisible breath force.

Soon the breath formed by this wave of power was quickly blocked out.

Naturally, Chu Qianye was no exception. With a wave of his palm, an invisible gas mask was formed, blocking all the aura formed by the pressure of martial arts from the outside.

Despite this, Ke Ba Tian and others are still being weighed down by this huge invisible oppression.

Everyone was surprised, and quickly raised their heads, and looked at the position of the five-color altar. At this time, the coffin was shining with all around, and the golden light swept away indiscriminately, making one's face changed drastically. .

The oppression of this kind of force is really terrifying. It is mixed with breath fluctuations, and it is constantly surging. It almost feels the blood boil before they get close, and the chest is like being hit by a heavy hammer. It's lingering.

He knew the existence of this kind of breath, but he couldn't avoid it.

This feeling is depressing.


In an instant, the light beamed from the coffin, and everyone's pupils suddenly shrank. This amazing breath of power makes people feel quite terrifying, sweeping the mighty crazily, roaring for nine days...

Everyone stared at the coffin, always feeling that something was about to crawl out of it. The pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly. Such a breath of power made people quite jealous.


At this moment, two flying insects flashed light and appeared on the coffin, one left and the other, sleeping together, guarding the coffin together.

This colorful coffin is simple in style, carved with dragons and phoenixes. It feels like there is something shocking in it. The sound just now should have been made by the insects, but I don’t know why. At this time, the two insects are silent, which makes people feel incredible. …

This bug also looks weird, as if it is asleep, but it doesn't seem to be.

"Did you feel that this energy fluctuation seems to be decreasing sharply!" someone suddenly said.

When everyone heard this sentence, their expressions changed drastically.

For an instant, everyone was stunned, and then they began to perceive, and as expected, they realized that this vast energy was just like the stormy waves, but now it has become smaller and weaker. This made people frowned and they were surprised.

Chu Qianye felt the sharp decrease in energy naturally and clearly, and he felt it as early as the worm appeared.

He frowned and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

These two worms are probably not too far away from the pure blood ancestors.

Although he didn't know why, he understood that it was not appropriate to stay here for long, and he had to withdraw as soon as possible.

"Run away!" Chu Qianye said in a deep voice. By the time she finished speaking, Chu Qianye had already waved her palm, covering everyone in it, and then forming a tornado, swept everyone away, toward the rear Retreat.

At this moment, the other four masters and Fairy Xinyue were not slow to react.

Some people reacted unhappily, they didn't know what was going on, they looked blank.


At this moment, two phantoms passed by, and wherever they passed, there was a scream of screams around them, and some people even fell before they could scream, and they all died in the same place, with no time to pull their legs.

The other people who escaped from birth every day looked at the back with amazement, and suddenly saw a scene that they will never forget.

Those figures fell in a pool of blood, and there was a blood hole on the center of the eyebrows.

Death is extremely cruel!

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but feel a tingling scalp.

If they are just a step late, maybe their fate will happen to themselves.

Thinking about it, I felt extremely cold in my back.

How they died, now they don't know.

"Wait, where are the two bugs on the coffin?"

Suddenly someone said.

Everyone couldn't help but change their expressions, and quickly looked towards the position of the coffin, and sure enough, the two insects on the colorful coffin disappeared!

"Chiff chick."

At this time everyone suddenly heard a crisp sound.

Immediately there was a panic in his heart, and he quickly raised his head and looked at that area, his face pale in fright.

The bodies of those people, with two insects lying on them, seemed to be waiting for something.

At this moment, a ball of milky white light emerged. Before everyone woke up, the white ball of light was swallowed by two insects.

The pupils of the crowd shrank suddenly.

That's the human soul!

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