Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1863: The emperor appeared!

"Yes, destroy the colorful altar." Chu Qianye said.

Upon hearing these words, the master of the star catcher couldn't help but twitched fiercely.

It is light, even the world master of the mountain and sea world and the world master of the star meteor world are under control at the same time. At this time, they will destroy the altar?

Can it be done? Are you brave enough?

At the side of Pill Star Ruler, his expression also changed slightly. Obviously, he also felt that the method proposed by Chu Qianye was not desirable.

However, at this time they had no choice. After all, it would be quite unfavorable for them to delay the consumption, so they had no choice but to agree to this method.

However, the question now comes again, who will do it?

This is not a small problem. On the one hand, they are afraid that once the altar is destroyed, the inscription will disappear, and once the inscription disappears, the holy bones in the coffin may be taken away.

However, on the other hand, they were afraid of taking action by themselves, and they were under control in the same situation as the two masters of the mountain and sea world.

Therefore, it seems that the problems before them are not easy to deal with.

Chu Qianye seemed to see these guys' thoughts, and he couldn't help showing a sneer.

Are you still worried about this kind of problem at this time?

This is obviously undesirable.

"Hehe, in fact, you don't have to worry about this kind of problem, because I don't think this kind of problem is anything to worry about." Chu Qianye vomited lightly: "With a clone, it doesn't matter if the clone is controlled. If it is a big deal, you will destroy a clone. Say it?"

The expressions of the people changed for a while. The clones were their means of life-saving. If the clones were destroyed, could it be exactly like what Chu Qianye said?

Obviously this is not necessarily the case.

However, the current situation does not seem to give them space and time to consider.

"Okay, I agree with this method." The star picker nodded slightly and said: "Everyone can send their own clone. If something unexpected happens, don't blame anyone."

Chu Qianye sneered secretly in her heart, is this a good strategy?

This is just a way to retreat. After all, no matter how strong the clone is, it will not be as strong as the deity. Therefore, this method can only be said to be the only way to choose this method.

But he didn’t care. Anyway, this method didn’t matter to him. Anyway, his purpose was only to destroy the altar. As for what method was used and who would make the shot, it didn’t really matter. After all, they were big The master can be teleported, and once the altar is destroyed, they can also be approached.

After all four of them expressed their views, there was no problem at all.

Immediately let his clone shoot.

Chu Qianye's clone was a clone of a magic technique, not an entity clone, so the three of them were very surprised when they saw this.

The Star Retriever Master sneered secretly in his heart, feeling that Chu Qianye was too despised. Since using this clone of supernatural powers, this is asking for trouble. When the altar is destroyed, they will be better than Chu Qian. Ye's clones are only strong but not weak, so their chances of winning the Holy Bone will naturally be much greater than Chu Qianye.

After the four people summoned their own clones, they immediately shot at the same time, looting towards the location of the altar, sacrificing their own mysterious soldiers in their palms, bursting out dazzling light, and the terrifying power immediately came from the mysterious soldiers. Swept out mighty.


The astonishing combat power immediately swept out.

The terrifying power stirred the void for a while, and everyone looked at the area intently, but saw a flash of light on the altar.

The tyrannical force ran straight to the altar.

Bang! Bang! !

The bursting power of the Four Dao Xuan Bing went straight to the altar, and was immediately shattered by an invisible force. The four of them were surprised secretly when they saw it.

What kind of altar is this, so powerful?

The four frowned. They thought they could destroy the altar, but now it seems that it is not so easy.

They did not give up, raised their hands again, and attacked the altar. This time it was a real attack by the profound soldiers, not the strength formed by the profound soldiers.

Previously, they used the power of profound soldiers to attack from afar, but this time it was different. After feeling the defense of the altar, they could only choose to attack at close range. After all, in this way, its power would be real and burst out. The power that came out roared fiercely, causing the void to twist and shatter.

However, when their profound soldiers were about to hit the altar, a figure appeared.

It was a figure wearing a white robe, very handsome, with long hair and a jade pendant on the waist.

It looks very strange.

In his pupils, a pattern of flame flashed...

He raised his hand and slapped it out sharply.

The pupils of the four people suddenly shrank, because they felt the terrifying power contained in this palm.

Everyone looked surprised.

However, it was too late to retreat at this time.

"Boom! Boom!!!"

For a while, the four forces immediately collided and slammed into each other fiercely. That amazing force made people fearful.

All four of them were thrown out by this palm.

Only then did they have time to see the attackers clearly.

The four of them were very surprised, because this person had no blood at all, and there was no soul fluctuation. What's more, the eyes of this person were so strange, with flame lines! !

At this time, four people stared at the man in front of them, and an answer was ready!

Emperor Zun Sheng Yan!


The white-robed man stepped out, and his figure appeared in front of Chu Qianye. After all, Chu Qianye's clone was transformed by magic, so it should belong to the weakest among the four, at least Emperor Sage Yan felt that way.

Therefore, he attacked Chu Qianye first.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the white-robed man.

He also punched immediately.


The two punches collided fiercely, and each backed a hundred meters.

"Huh?" The white-robed man raised his head suspiciously, and looked towards Chu Qianye, his gaze seemed to be looking carefully at Chu Qianye.

"It's kind of interesting, I didn't expect you to blend ten kinds of profound fire."

When everyone heard these words, their faces changed slightly.

Combining ten kinds of profound fire, there are still people who have this kind of enchanting ability?

The figures watching from a distance had their mouths wide open.

"Yes, if I am also breaking through, you ten kinds of profound fire, maybe you can transform me into a real sky fire." The white man laughed.

Chu Qianye stared at the other party, but did not reply.

On the Profound Qi Continent, many people think that Profound Fire should already be considered a very powerful flame. As everyone knows, the flames between heaven and earth are actually divided into four categories: ordinary fire, profound fire, sky fire, and source fire.

Heavenly Fire, above Profound Fire, is a flame that can be cultivated in a true sense and can obtain soul. As for the source of fire, it is the source of fire between heaven and earth, martial arts cultivation is very terrifying, and even pursues the **** emperor!

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