Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1871: Sacred Bones

Everyone looked at the holy bone in front of them and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Almost at the same time, six figures slammed towards the shrine, and the terrifying power slapped out fiercely.

For a time, all the big powers have their magical powers.

The amount of horrific violent violence swept out ferociously.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he quickly cast the clone technique, countless phantoms appeared densely, and at the same time, his time and space rules were also displayed.

Within a hundred meters, everyone stood still.

Chu Qianye secretly said a thriller. If he were to fight with these guys, he didn't know what would happen. Fortunately, he mastered the time rules, otherwise he didn't know how many twists and turns he would encounter.

Chu Qianye looked at the sacred bone. Before he could take a closer look, he waved his palm and put it in the Universe Ring, and then his body teleported forward.

After Chu Qianye's figure left, everyone woke up.

"damn it!"


For a moment, all the great masters looked at the direction Chu Qianye was leaving, furious, and chose to pursue Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye felt that someone was chasing behind him, but he didn't look back either. Anyway, he just pierced his head down. How dare you look back at this moment? The five great masters joined forces, and with his current strength, he couldn't bear it.

It may be possible to deal with two great masters, but if there are five people, then the problem is not easy to say. With these guys' sky-reaching methods, even if they can't kill themselves, it is estimated to be enough.

Chu Qianye rushed towards the front of Shenyue Ruins, and he did not stop, and the terrifying hostility around him became more and more tyrannical. That kind of substantive attack was fierce and unusual, Chu Qian Ye was on the Profound Qi Continent, and he had never seen such a terrifying hostility. Various shapes, like thunder and beasts, were filled with the supreme power of killing God. The moment he approached Chu Qianye, he immediately It exploded fiercely, the breath of amazing power was extremely terrifying.

The people behind were furious and frustrated, but they couldn't help Chu Qianye. After all, Chu Qianye used too many methods to escape with the holy bones, and they couldn't catch up, so they could only jump like thunder.

There was too much hostility in the rear, chasing, but later because the hostility was too terrible, the storm that formed, even if they were the masters, did not dare to move on, so he could only stare fiercely at Chu. Qianye took a deep breath in the direction where Qianye was leaving.

That was the Sacred Bone. After fighting for so long, they didn't expect that they would eventually fall into Chu Qianye's hands. They were very unwilling.

Looking at the direction where Chu Qianye was leaving, they could only take a deep breath and sighed helplessly.

But Chu Qianye continued to flicker, and the figure following behind became less and less, and eventually disappeared.

Chu Qianye didn't dare to stop at this time, afraid that someone would catch up.

He left and fled for tens of thousands of miles, because this is a hostile and violent area, he didn't dare to teleport at all, he could only travel from the air, after all, if he teleported to a hostile storm, or a more dangerous place, then It's bad.

After making sure that no one was following, Chu Qianye couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

I really didn't expect that after escaping so far, those guys were still chasing after him, and now they can finally stop.

And he didn't expect that so many people fighting for the holy bones, desperately desperate, would eventually fall into his hands, this kind of shock, he has not been relieved until now.

Fortunately, he had previously obtained that magical power, traveled to the future, obtained the holy appearance, and gained the things of the future ahead of time.

This thing of the future gave him a lot of martial arts rules. Without that time rule, I'm afraid he would not be able to let so many people stand still in time in the same space, thereby obtaining the holy bone.

Now, finally no one can compete with him for this holy bone.

Chu Qianye raised his head suspiciously, and looked around slightly blankly.

This area is very weird. On the Profound Qi Continent, no one dared to enter this God's Falling Ruins. He only wanted to escape for his life. Now that he got rid of those people who were following, Chu Qianye could see clearly where he is now. position.

This place is very vast, and the distance is white and hostile, like a chaotic place, there is no vitality at all.

Chu Qianye looked at the area directly in front of him suspiciously.

This place is really weird. Could it be that you have entered the unknown by accidentally hitting it?

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked towards the area directly in front of him, but seeing the area directly in front of him, his hostility was still surging, and the roar of such power was quite daunting.

This kind of hostile rage is really too daunting, especially in the deeper places, the chaotic atmosphere is more terrifying, and there is a slight sense of crisis.

As his perception extends forward, the inexplicable sense of crisis becomes stronger and stronger. That feeling is quite strange, like a knife hanging on the top of his head, making him try to avoid it. The deepest part of chaos...

This God's Falling Ruins is indeed extremely dangerous, with his current strength, it seems that he can't go too deep, and I don't know what is in that chaotic area.

Forget it, my current strength is not enough, wait for the strength to improve, and then think about it.

Chu Qianye looked at the void directly in front of him, and then did not dare to stay any longer.

This place is too dangerous. You have to find a place with a cover, at least you can hide when a hostile storm comes.

Chu Qianye started looking for a place to practice.

However, under this search, it was too aimless, Chu Qianye searched for a long time and couldn't find a place like this.

Chu Qianye shook his head with a wry smile.

No matter, since you can't find it, then enter the Secret Scripture Space, and use the time ratio inside to make good use of this holy bone.

Chu Qianye entered the secret space.

When everyone saw Chu Qianye's figure, they suddenly had great hopes.



Everyone gathered around, seeing that Chu Qianye was okay, and suddenly relieved.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"It's very dangerous outside now, everyone don't go out. You guys make good use of this opportunity to submerge." Chu Qianye said, and with a wave of his palm, a spatial barrier was formed, and Chu Qianye stepped into the barrier. , The figure disappeared in front of everyone.

"Nothing is particularly important, don't let anyone disturb me."

Everyone looked startled, and then seemed to understand something.

It seems that the sacred bone should have been captured by Chu Qianye.

After Chu Qianye hurriedly confessed, he immediately entered the space barrier.

With a wave of his palm, the shrine appeared in front of him, and there was a holy bone like white jade inside, and the spirited breath in it was surging...

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