Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1888: Goodbye Long Aotian

No, our family is not reunited yet!

I haven't seen my unborn child yet!

The enmity of Empress Zhenyao has not yet been reported! !

I can't just die like this! ! ! ! !

In an instant, in Chu Qianye's body, a powerful survival instinct burst out immediately, and countless stars' powers ran wildly.

The three drops of blood in the martial arts heart palace suddenly brightened, and a terrifying force immediately roared fiercely.

He almost subconsciously held a sword, it was the Vajra Buddha Sword.


The power of horror swept out fiercely.

The light of the King Kong Buddha Sword was extremely dazzling and roared wildly, lighting up the entire starry sky.

And the three drops of blood in the body, running at high speed, burned one of them.

After a drop of divine blood burned, an astonishing power roared and surged out of his body immediately, that astonishing power, extremely terrifying, fiercely surging.

Wherever the power reaches, the void collapses, twists and shatters!

Chu Qianye raised the Vajra Buddha Sword in his palm, and slashed out immediately.


The terrifying impact erupted in an instant.

Despite this, the gap in martial arts cultivation still caused Chu Qianye to suffer a lot, and he was slashed out by this knife.

Blood appeared on Chu Qianye's palm, which stained his palm red.

Feeling a faint feeling of cracking, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a breath.

It hurts!

Unforgettable pain.

After so much, he has rarely bleeds.

I originally thought that my current martial arts cultivation was strong enough, even if he came from the God Realm, he would be able to cope with it freely, but now it seems that I still underestimated the coming from the God Realm.

The guy in front of him was very powerful, and it was hard to imagine how his uncle hated him and even erased him at all costs.

Even the old man opened his mouth and said that he was a wild species, which shows how shameless this outsider is.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

"Hey, I didn't expect the blood of the gods to condense in your body, not bad. It's a pity, I want to see if you have a few drops of the blood that you can handle!" the old man sneered.

After finishing the words, he saw his figure rushing towards Chu Qianye. In an instant, his figure appeared in front of Chu Qianye, raising the scimitar, making another cut.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

When he was about to burn a drop of God's blood at the expense, a golden light flickered.


In an instant, the old man was blown away severely.

Everyone also raised their heads in surprise, and suddenly saw a figure with a crossbar in front of Chu Qianye.

"Your cultivation level has improved faster than I thought. I thought it would take you six years to reach this level. It seems that I guessed wrong."

The person here is Long Aotian!

Chu Qianye looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

The oppression caused by Long Aotian's current martial arts cultivation level made Chu Qianye feel very surprised.

If he guessed correctly, Long Aotian's current martial arts cultivation base should be at the pinnacle of the god-man realm, which is only half a step away from the god-king realm.

It was not easy. Long Aotian was destroyed by his physical body. After Zulong gave him a new physical body, it has only been five years before he has recovered to this level of cultivation, which is already very good.


The old man raised his head and looked at Long Aotian suspiciously.

"Dragon tribe?" The old man frowned and looked at Long Aotian and said: "It seems that the rumor that the dragon tribe has been destroyed is not true. Some people still survived."

The words of the old man immediately made Long Aotian's eyes gloomy.

"Old thing, it looks like you don't want to see my dragon clan. Is it because of the shadows in my heart that I was beaten by my dragon clan before?" Long Aotian sneered: "I still used the magical technique of seizing the body. Do you always think that this kind of supernatural power is out of date? If you have the ability, you let your deity come."

The old man's face was cold.

"Huh, little thing, you are not qualified to speak wildly to me. If you come from the ancient generation, you may still have this qualification." The old man said in a cold voice, and then took a little bit of the sole of his foot and swept it out again, rushing towards Long Aotian. Come.

The scimitar in the palm of his hand was lifted, and after the cold light flashed for a while, a sharp light slashed through the void severely, and the ten thousand-foot crack stretched out.

Upon seeing this, Long Aotian couldn't help but sneered, then raised the heavy sword in his hand and cut it out immediately.

The powerful force exploded fiercely immediately.


The terrifying power immediately slammed.

Long Aotian crossed his eyebrows and shouted coldly: "Open!"

After the words were over, there was a terrible breath of energy, like thunders, violently and powerfully, the powerful breath swept away frantically.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Long Aotian.

Long Aotian's heavy sword slashed horizontally, and a huge force immediately poured out fiercely and hit the old man's scimitar.

The old man was severely cut and flew out and fell heavily on the ground, a deep hole appeared.

His figure flew out slightly embarrassed, he raised his head and looked towards Long Aotian, his eyes uncertain.

"You dare to use divine power, don't you..."

Long Aotian waved his hand.

"Yes, I have never entered the God Realm, so I am not afraid of those you taboo!"

After the words were over, the figure flew out again, and another heavy sword slashed out.

The old man's face changed slightly.


His figure was severely slashed away by Long Aotian again.

At this time, the old man finally became a little panicked, and completely lost the previous wind and light.

"Asshole, **** it, stop your hands on the old man!" the old man said.

But how could Long Aotian bother.

He raised his head and looked at the old man with cold eyes.

. "I'm sorry, shot heavy point of fact, I know must go on" Longao days, said: "But you is not significantly older, you look old to some, I'm going to beat you to go farther. "

The old man's face was gloomy.

"Boy, don't be arrogant. When the old man is in the God Realm, you..."

How could Long Aotian pay attention to the old man, his figure flickered, and he immediately appeared in front of him again, raising the heavy sword in his hand, and slashing down again!

A sword split the void!


The old man was cut and flew out again, bleeding from his chest.

The image is extremely embarrassing.

"Asshole, stop for me!" the old man angered.

However, what responded to him was Long Aotian's forcible attack.

Everyone looked at this scene in amazement.

The reversal of this matter was so fast, so fast that they didn't even expect it.

The old man knew at this moment that he shouldn't stay for long, Long Aotian's strength was too strong, he couldn't cope with it without coming to the deity.

"Boy, I will settle this account with you in the future!" The old man shouted coldly, and then his figure turned into a streamer, swept away in the distance, and disappeared before his eyes!

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