Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan looked at the disappearance of Chu Qianye and Long Aotian, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise. These two people were so bold that they did not fear the hostile storm directly ahead.

The figures of Chu Qianye and Long Aotian flickered at an extremely fast speed. On the way, they had experienced hostile storms of all sizes, but they were finally turned away by them. However, Chu Qianye took out the piece of paper. Already remembered, but to make sure there is no problem, he still took it out and took a look.

"If your father said that there is a godhead in that place, if I'm not wrong, it is very likely to be the cemetery of the gods. Because the strong of the gods fight against each other, this cemetery will be left to the Profound Qi Continent because of the space cracks. It's not that this situation hasn't been unavailable since it came up, and it happened occasionally in other markets." Long Aotian said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, no matter what way he got to the Profound Qi Continent, and no matter what the reason, this is not important to him anymore. He just wants to obtain the godhead as soon as possible, as long as he has the godhead, after refining and fusion , Martial arts cultivation level will quickly improve.

He does not intend to merge, but the people around him need it.

The other two people who didn't make a move were probably sent by Empress Zhenyao.

It's incredible. I didn't expect this woman to shoot so quickly.

The two of them continued on their way. They had already walked half of the journey now, and there was still half of the journey. Chu Qianye couldn't help frowning as he watched the fierce and violent roar in front of him.

This is only half way, and then it will be even more difficult.

The earth reflected the cold light, and the hostility was surging.

There is such a place in the Profound Qi Continent, which is really weird. Chu Qianye even suspects that this is no longer the realm of the Profound Qi Continent. After all, the hostility here is too turbulent, and it is really a bit abnormal. There is a very strange aura. Shrouded in this area.

"Aotian, do you feel a little bit different here?" Chu Qianye asked casually.

Long Aotian nodded gently.

"The space here, I feel that it is no longer on the Profound Qi Continent, but in another space, but I can't say it specifically." Long Aotian said.

Chu Qianye wanted to start sensing, but the hostility here was too violent, and wherever the hostility could reach, there was almost a violent aura, just like a volcano bursting out.

Chu Qianye's perception can only be in the nearby Baizhang area, a little further away, Chu Qianye can't feel it.

Continuing on the road, the danger is self-evident along the way, and even several times the two have encountered powerful beasts. Although they were solved by them, it took a lot of their time.

"The fierce beast here is getting stronger and stronger." Long Aotian said.

Chu Qianye also frowned. On the way, the fierce beast they encountered was as strong as the master, which made Chu Qianye more certain of the thought in his heart.

This place should no longer be the realm of the Profound Qi Continent! !

Long Aotian also noticed this.

"If my guess is correct, this place should already be the God Realm, or the intersection between the God Realm and the Profound Qi Continent, it may be a corner." Chu Qianye said.

Long Aotian's expression was startled, he obviously didn't expect Chu Qianye to say that, and he definitely didn't expect to say that.

He pondered and thought about it, this kind of possibility is really not ruled out.

"Well, first follow the route your father said, and see what's in this area." Long Aotian said.

Immediately, the two of them swept straight ahead, and continued on their way according to the road map.

This time, the speed is neither fast nor slow. On the way, they passed one after another frozen mountains. The fierce beasts here began to become stronger, covered in white snow all over their bodies. If they were not careful, they might not be able to. Perceived, coupled with the reasons for the existence of hostility, it becomes increasingly difficult to detect the existence of these guys.


"According to the road map, it should be almost there, and further ahead, about a thousand miles away." Long Aotian glanced at the road map in Chu Qianye's hand and said.

At this time, their bodies were stained with blood, and they were quite embarrassed. The journey was really difficult. No wonder his father’s ten deaths and deaths were indeed quite dangerous. Fortunately, there was Long Aotian and he also had The keen perception can be described as breathtaking.

This way down, I really feel a lot of emotion.

It has been a long time since there has been a fierce beast that can inflict huge injuries on his body. This way down, it is really terrifying, especially the storm of hostility, almost being involved.

"Yeah." Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Looking at the area directly in front, the cold wind was bitter. On the way, they had experienced a lot of snowy mountains. Each snowy mountain had huge beasts, such as big pythons, thousands of feet in length, and lantern-sized eyes, because they absorbed hostility and practiced. , The strength is extremely tyrannical.

There are also giant-eyed beasts, nine-headed beasts, and all kinds of powerful beasts, and the more they look at them, the more frightened they are, because these beasts are indeed only in the gods.

Facts have proved that Chu Qianye's guess is not unreasonable, and Long Aotian has gradually accepted this fact after coming down the road.

"It seems that this is indeed the corner where God Realm and Ruins Realm meet." Long Aotian said while looking straight ahead.

This is so much, this is already. The fierce beasts along the way are almost all powerful fierce beasts only found in the gods. There is no such fierce beast in the market world. The palms of the hands are torn into the void and the aura is crushed. Master, would such a place be the Profound Qi Continent?

This is almost impossible.

"Go, let's get to the end in one breath, I'm really curious, what kind of godhead is here, why no one notices it?" Long Aotian said, and then the sole of his foot was touched, and the figure disappeared before his eyes.

The godhead is extremely special, like this kind of treasure, not to mention humans, even beasts want to obtain, especially beasts with wisdom, no matter it is a wild beast. Fierce beasts and spirit beasts are other beasts.

Chu Qianye was actually very curious.

Immediately the two continued to plunder.

An hour later, the two of them appeared on the top of a mountain, and a breath of suffocation hit their faces. Both of them's eyes lit up, because on the tops of the mountains, there were formation areas and one on the top of the mountain. Looking at it from a distance, there were more than 20 pieces of artifacts, and the moving aura was extremely terrifying, and Chu Qianye could feel the sense of oppression from a long distance.

What drew them the most attention was that around those divine artifacts, there were a number of gods.

Some breaths are weak and some are terrifying. It can be seen that the age of these godheads is actually very long ago, and it feels like a vicissitudes of life.

Chu Qianye swept over and counted carefully. There are twenty in total, and this is only one of the tops of the mountain. It should be noted that there are a total of twenty sittings on tops like this!

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