Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1901: Li Ling's first time


Zhang Tianqi's clothes were torn apart.

"Ah, bastard, stop... don't... stop..."

The words behind Zhang Tianqi are already incoherent.

"Ladies, join in."

Chu Qianye laughed wildly, then stepped out and swept in the direction of the women, who couldn't help but exclaimed,

"No, I don't want to join you."

"Let go!"


The girls wanted to escape, but how could they escape Chu Qianye's claws?

He couldn't escape at all, and fell into Chu Qianye's hands in an instant.


The big bed shook for a while.



After a long time, all the women were tired and paralyzed.

"You bastard, Qiu Yu is pregnant, you still do that!" Zhang Tianqi groaned.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile, ignoring the other party.

Looked at Li Ling.

At this moment, Li Ling could not help flushing as he watched such a sluggish scene in front of him.

Although she already knew that there was such a day, when she actually witnessed this scene, she was still blushing.

Chu Qianye ignored that much.

With a palm of his hand, he turned over and Li Ling was already under him.

She closed her eyes in embarrassment and looked like a gentleman.

Chu Qianye smiled lightly, then lowered his head.

After foreplay, Chu Qianye knew that the other party was deeply in love.

He immediately pressed forward.


Li Ling frowned.

Chu Qianye stopped and looked at each other.

"It will be over soon," Chu Qianye said, and then slowed down the conquest.

It seemed that Chu Qianye's gentleness was also felt, and the tears in Li Ling's eyes finally appeared, and they were tears of happiness.

Things that are not suitable for children all happen here.


The next day, when Chu Qianye got up, the girls were all tired, and everyone was weak.

Chu Qianye smiled softly, very satisfied.

"Ladies, I'll go out first, and I have other arrangements." Chu Qianye left as he said.

The girls watched Chu Qianye leave without stopping.

When Chu Qianye appeared in the secret space again, he immediately arranged all the gods behind.

After finishing this, Chu Qianye opened the book again and began to refine the pill.

The Shenxue Pill is not so easy to refine. The difficulty of its refining is obviously not comparable to that of other pill. Chu Qianye understands very well that if he refines this pill on the Profound Qi Continent, it will be a matter of time. Obviously it can't be hurt by consumption, and it may not be able to be fully refined.

More importantly, if he is refining the blood pill here, others will definitely be aware of it. He is still a little jealous of this kind of thing. After all, with his current strength, try to avoid Shenwumen and Zhenyao. The female emperor's person, otherwise they might be shot by those shameless people again.

He completely hates these **** of Shenwu Sect, so it is imperative to refine the **** blood pill, and the faster the better, after all, now that the godhead is in place, the next is the **** blood pill, and then merge the godhead to cross That divine calamity enters the divine realm!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and after the arrangements were almost complete, Chu Qianye took Wang Yuyan and Zhang Tianqi and left the Profound Qi Continent to the Shenwu Continent.

This place has become his only way for every transfer. Chu Qianye in the ruins world is now a little emotional. After all, Muyajing was obtained here, and his strength was quickly improved because of Shenwu Continent. This method And the cultivation base is really rare.

"The time ratio here is ten times that of the Profound Qi Continent. We stay here for ten days, and the Profound Qi Continent will only take one day." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The two girls suddenly showed surprised expressions.

"The reason why my previous martial arts cultivation base can be improved so quickly is actually because of this market world." Chu Qianye said: "This market world was accidentally known to me by killing a strong man. The proportion of time. For me, it's very good, so you can follow me this time and you can make good use of this time ratio to improve your strength."

After Chu Qianye finished speaking, he immediately took out the Danding and medicinal materials.

"You start practicing, I'm starting to refine the pill." Chu Qianye said.

The two girls were very well-behaved and nodded one after another, and then went to the side to start cultivating, and Chu Qianye laid a barrier within a radius of thousands of miles, and as long as someone approached him, he would know immediately.

After experiencing the Longmen's death and injury and being reduced to ruins, Chu Qianye understood that everything must be cautious and not to underestimate the determination of the Shenwumen these guys. Maybe they will follow after them. That is definitely his. In a nightmare, he must control the area of ​​one party, he will be sensitive as soon as the other party approaches him, and he must be ready to retreat at any time.

These frenzied guys of Shenwumen, after having the first thing, they can really do the second time, so they have to control as much as possible.

After considering this aspect, Chu Qianye didn't think too much. He closed his eyes and began to extract medicinal materials, preparing to refine the **** blood pill.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes, and let the pills flash past his mind quickly. He hasn't refined this **** blood pill for a long time, so he still has to live it well and refine the medicinal materials for him. Said that there is no difficulty, but refining the pill is a big problem, and it is also very tricky, so it is necessary to improve the strength as soon as possible.

After refining the **** blood pill, he still has to start to hit the god-man realm. The colorful **** orbs obtained before, after absorbing and refining, should be able to condense ten drops of **** blood, so that he can obtain the godhead and step on it in one fell swoop Enter the realm of gods and people!

Chu Qianye discarded distracting thoughts in his mind, and then the medicinal materials quickly surfaced.

Soon at the beginning, he had already seen these things again, but in fact, he has completely mastered it. It is not difficult for him to refine the pill. He just wants to be sure. After all, he has not refined it for a long time. This kind of medicinal medicine may be afraid that some details are not mastered and the medicinal materials are destroyed.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and then opened his eyes. He glanced at it. Those medicinal materials had already been refined, and the next step was to condense the pill, which was naturally not difficult for him.

"Start condensing pills!"

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and the words fell off, and the medicinal materials flew into the pill cauldron one after another. There was a muffled sound, the sound of the earth-shaking muffled sound, which continued to spread, forming an astonishing power. It reverberated continuously, and the fragrance overflowing from the medicinal materials made the two women in the distance open their eyes.

But soon they closed their eyes and continued to practice.

This kind of time passed quickly, and this **** blood pill was really difficult to refine. Chu Qianye crossed his legs, staring at the pill cauldron right in front of him.

It was the tenth day, and the Danding was still silent, without any movement.

On the twentieth day, there was finally Danxiang in the Danding, and Chu Qianye was shocked, and looked towards Danding.

Is it finally done?

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