Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1903: Five powers

Chu Qianye retracted his eyes and took a deep breath.

He adjusted his mood, and when his mood calmed down, Chu Qianye took out the colorful divine beads.

The magical breath of this colorful divine bead is very terrifying. When Chu Qianye held it tightly in his hand, he could still clearly feel the surging power aura. It was very turbulent and swept away fiercely, forming an amazing strength. The breath is constantly surging.

Feeling this amazing power, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath.

These divine powers are really terrifying, and they are constantly surging out. If these divine powers can be completely absorbed and refined, then his ten drops of divine blood should also be condensed.

Chu Qianye carefully looked at the colorful divine bead in front of him. It was very complete, and there was no flaw at all. If Chu Qianye hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would really not believe it, this was the bead he was.

"God, I hope I can step into it at one stroke!"

Chu Qianye clasped the multicolored divine beads in his hands, and couldn't help but feel excited.

Immediately, Chu Qianye closed his eyes, and the technique suddenly revolved, forming a terrifying force. The colorful divine beads emitted a dazzling light and moved towards Chu Qianye's lightning-fast raid, before his body shrank suddenly. It formed the size of a thumb and was swallowed into the body by Chu Qianye.


The terrifying divine essence surging away fiercely immediately, the power of that shocking divine essence, extremely fierce, accompanied by the operation of Chu Qianye's exercises, suddenly circulated and opened, the divine power of shaking the sky, forming a terrifying The breath of strength.


Around Chu Qianye’s body, a stunned force suddenly formed, which shook away all the energy around him, and a piece of his body was already boiling, and those spirits were screaming like lightning from within the colorful gods. open.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In Chu Qianye's body, a fierce impact force suddenly made Chu Qianye's body tremble, and what shocked him the most was that under the mighty impact, there was a vague "bang "The sound of thunder resounded, Chu Qianye thought it was an illusion at first, but after carefully distinguishing it, he found that it was not an illusion at all, but the real power of thunder, which roared fiercely from his body. Out.

Chu Qianye couldn’t help but feel a sharp pain with this supernatural power of thunder. It was a heart-wrenching pain. Besides, Chu Qianye could clearly feel that in his body, that A fierce force, that was actually the force of thunder, surging like crazy, hitting his veins fiercely.

Lei Li!

Chu Qianye felt this air, and couldn't help condensing his mind. If the air of thunder can't be digested, he may be shattered by this air. After all, this is the air of thunder. terror.

But fortunately, Chu Qianye experienced strong winds and waves. After the initial shock, Chu Qianye gradually calmed down. He let his mind and mind fully immersed, and the thunder power was running in his body.

And Chu Qianye knew that this should be just one of the attributes of the air. After he absorbs and refines, he should be able to obtain this kind of thunder attribute, and his gods should have this kind of gods. Motivated.

Chu Qianye continued to urge his own practice, letting his practice run at a high speed, and that high-speed operation even reached an already terrifying situation.

"Chiff chick."

As Chu Qianye's exercises were turning rapidly, Chu Qianye gradually felt a little numbness in his body. Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that this kind of expression would have such effects. I just don't know. Using this kind of gods to attack opponents, will there be such an effect, if it can paralyze the opponent, then for him, it will be just like a tiger, and his combat power will be greatly improved as a result.

Chu Qianye felt the vitality in his body, and then continued to close his eyes, ran the exercises, and continued to absorb the vitality to temper his body.


At this moment, a sound of water flow suddenly formed in his body, which reverberated continuously in his body, and the divine current flowed through his veins, and Chu Qianye felt an indescribable comfort. , The amazing comfort made the numbness that his body had just suffered, and gradually faded away.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, is this the look of fire attributes?

Not bad, this effect is very powerful, Chu Qianye can clearly feel that this kind of air is very soft in his veins, and it seems to have a lot of healing power.

"Tsk tsk, it’s interesting. Is this the air of water attributes? The so-called water and fire are mutually restrained. I don’t know if I gain the power of these attributes, and if I will attack my opponents, there will be other increases. But at present, this kind of resilience is actually quite pretty. Yes, it is equivalent to a panacea, and it has a lot of effects." Chu Qianye secretly thought.

After he finished speaking, Chu Qianye immediately closed his eyes, carefully feeling the flow of power in his body, and he couldn't help showing a touch of surprise.

This power of the gods is really effective. I don't know if he can heal his internal injuries when he is injured.

Chu Qianye thought secretly in his heart, but instead of stopping refining and absorbing, he continued to absorb, and the exercises accelerated.

So far, I have obtained the two attributes of Thunder and Water, and I don’t know what the other three attributes are.


Just as Chu Qianye thought about it, the gods of the third attribute rushed out immediately.

The temperature of horror, madly open, the temperature is no less than the mysterious fire.

Fire attributes!

Chu Qianye was shocked secretly in her heart. In this way, it would actually have a great effect on the increase in his fire attribute, but I don't know whether this increase in fire attribute can bestow weapons.

Chu Qianye continued to refine and absorb those airs.

After concentrated refining, Chu Qianye gained metallic divine power and wood divine power.

Chu Qianye was surprised secretly in his heart, but even so, he still understood very well that it would be even more important next. Now that the divine power of the five attributes has been revealed, then this colorful divine orb will also have the divine power of these five attributes. If you can absorb refining well, you will definitely benefit a lot.

After absorbing and refining these gods, he still needs to condense these gods into blood. Only in this way can he complete the nine changes, condense a complete godhead, and step into the realm of gods and people!

Chu Qianye didn't stop, and continued to absorb the colorful divine bead.

With the passage of time, the powerful force surging wildly in his body, constantly absorbing and refining, allowing the divine essence to flow slowly in his veins, like a river.

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